1. #8421
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    I'm not saying it is, but becoming them isn't winning either. It's just added more of the same shit.
    Look at the reality republicans have not won an election in decades yet they have equal or more chances at power. Even when they lose badly like in 2018 they have bended the rules so much that it doesn't have the impact it should. It is pretty obvious taking the high ground and playing by the rules hasn't worked.

  2. #8422
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Look at the reality republicans have not won an election in decades yet they have equal or more chances at power. Even when they lose badly like in 2018 they have bended the rules so much that it doesn't have the impact it should. It is pretty obvious taking the high ground and playing by the rules hasn't worked.

    I stick to the side that isn't corrupt. if Dems start going corrupt I'll start supporting another party.

    I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be alone in that line of thinking.

  3. #8423
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    I stick to the side that isn't corrupt. if Dems start going corrupt I'll start supporting another party.

    I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be alone in that line of thinking.
    What's corrupt about yielding power efficiently? the ends justify the means or would you rather take the high ground while they incinerate democracy?

    We either nip this in the bud now that we have the advantage or wait until republicans start winning even more elections presidential and senatorial using the power they now have to throw out votes without cause.

  4. #8424
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    No attack the law itself bypassing congress, Trump did it all the time it got struck down but the point is to buy time. Have you learned nothing from the 4 years of Trump? we can't win against these guys playing by the rules it's how we got to this point in the first place. The democrats need to adopt the Machiavellian approach power at all cost.
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    What's corrupt about yielding power efficiently? the ends justify the means or would you rather take the high ground while they incinerate democracy?

    We either nip this in the bud now that we have the advantage or wait until republicans start winning even more elections presidential and senatorial using the power they now have to throw out votes without cause.
    You are openly supporting corruption. I do not. Dems will lose my vote if they pull the same shit Trump did.

    And again I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be the only one. How many I don't know, but can they afford to lose any votes right now?

  5. #8425
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I was banned as usual because people do not like truth. Polls are fun. You assume because I voted in a poll AGAINST Joe Biden that i support Trump.
    You had three choices: Trump, Biden, Abstain. Which one did you pick?

    Furthermore, you consistently whine about shit that only Republicans whine about. Shit your first thread back and you whine about the alleged mistreatment of a hypocritical transgender woman who is clueless one economics and immigration policy.

  6. #8426
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    So if you can't beat hem, join them? No thanks.
    We are talking about voting rights..

  7. #8427
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    You are openly supporting corruption. I do not. Dems will lose my vote if they pull the same shit Trump did.

    And again I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be the only one. How many I don't know, but can they afford to lose any votes right now?
    Your vote will be worthless if they don't do anything, don't you get that? they now have the power to change elections at will. Do you not realize what's at stake here?

  8. #8428
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    You are openly supporting corruption. I do not. Dems will lose my vote if they pull the same shit Trump did.

    And again I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be the only one. How many I don't know, but can they afford to lose any votes right now?
    Let's pretend one party is filled with nazis and is blocking a "exterminate jews is illegal" law... you mean your argument is:

    "Hey... don't use processes to try and force them to make that law, that's being just as corrupt as the nazis!"

    So fuck the jews then? Fuck the voting rights of minorities then?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Your vote will be worthless if they don't do anything, don't you get that? they now have the power to change elections at will. Do you not realize what's at stake here?
    He's like one of those 19th century:

    "I support freedom for slaves but... do we have to be so radical? We don't wanna be just as corrupt as the confederates do we?"

    It's a stance that seems content with slavery if it doesn't affect them directly... it is a stance that is content with restriction of voting rights that affect minorities because it doesn't affect them.

  9. #8429
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    We are talking about voting rights..
    He was talking about bypassing congress with a EO that wouldn't hold up in court to by time. That is corruption. That is using the system in a way it is not meant to be used. You can be ok with it all you want. I'm not and will switch my vote. How many would be like me? Do you think Dems can afford to lose any votes?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Your vote will be worthless if they don't do anything, don't you get that? they now have the power to change elections at will. Do you not realize what's at stake here?
    I do. A fully corrupt government is at stake here. You seem to be ok with that happening. I'm not.

  10. #8430
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    No attack the law itself bypassing congress, Trump did it all the time it got struck down but the point is to buy time. Have you learned nothing from the 4 years of Trump? we can't win against these guys playing by the rules it's how we got to this point in the first place. The democrats need to adopt the Machiavellian approach power at all cost.
    What methods would he take? What laws would he use? I mean, POTUS ain't a fuckin dictator dude. While they may have broad leeway in some areas that can be abused, that doesn't mean they have a blank check.

  11. #8431
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    I was banned as usual because people do not like truth. Polls are fun. You assume because I voted in a poll AGAINST Joe Biden that i support Trump. The denizens here posted day after exhausting day how much they hate Trump and would vote for anyone who ran against him. Day after day saying voting for people they do not support. But if I do it, it's proof that I support someone. Thanks for proving you could find nothing. Again.
    You're forever branded a Trumpster, that poll proves it to everyone who can read, lying doesn't change it. Not sorry.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    You had three choices: Trump, Biden, Abstain. Which one did you pick?

    Furthermore, you consistently whine about shit that only Republicans whine about. Shit your first thread back and you whine about the alleged mistreatment of a hypocritical transgender woman who is clueless one economics and immigration policy.
    Biden wasn't even on the poll, hell Biden hadn't even announced he was running till a month after that poll, so his counter argument is just horseshit. It was literally, "I'm voting for trump" and "i'm not voting for trump." it was a poll to see who'll admit to being a trumpster, where @TexasRules admits to being a trumpster. You got him dead to rights, checkmated my friend.
    Last edited by beanman12345; 2021-06-15 at 03:45 AM.

  12. #8432
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    I'm not saying it is, but becoming them isn't winning either. It's just added more of the same shit.
    Its not about becoming them. Its about unfucking the system they fucked up. They created an atmosphere of corruption and we cannot just use happy thoughts to get rules back.

    They are breaking the rules to push racist and nationalist facism into the country. We need to work within the framework they set up to get rules back...tha's not turning into them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    He was talking about bypassing congress with a EO that wouldn't hold up in court to by time. That is corruption. That is using the system in a way it is not meant to be used. You can be ok with it all you want. I'm not and will switch my vote. How many would be like me? Do you think Dems can afford to lose any votes?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I do. A fully corrupt government is at stake here. You seem to be ok with that happening. I'm not.
    Its already fully corrupt.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  13. #8433
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    Its not about becoming them. Its about unfucking the system they fucked up.
    I'm still wondering how y'all think this will happen. Like, the exact mechanisms that can be used here. We going through the DoJ? The DoT? DHS? Using EO's? What will be their basis for this? How do you think they'll stop an immediate court challenge resulting in an immediate injunction?

  14. #8434
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    Its not about becoming them. Its about unfucking the system they fucked up. They created an atmosphere of corruption and we cannot just use happy thoughts to get rules back.

    They are breaking the rules to push racist and nationalist facism into the country. We need to work within the framework they set up to get rules back...tha's not turning into them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Its already fully corrupt.
    Do you ever think both sides can play the same games? "Alright, the system is totally corrupt, and that empowers me to do X Y and Z things that you'd ordinarily oppose for destroying the system we're trying to fix?"

    That's an incredibly dangerous game. Every party subsection has their grievance, real or imagined, that means the system is corrupt to the core and drastic action must be taken to correct it, long term results be damned. Your racism and nationalist fascism is another person's stolen vote and a still different person's federal takeover of elections and proposed dissolving of the Senate filibuster.

    Every fascist stooge and violent revolutionary always starts from your premise: its already fully corrupt, unfuck the system they fucked up, they are breaking the rules and I'm gonna get them back. You can swear up and down that you're doing it for moral purposes from the heart, but everything from your speech is basically the same as the brown shirts of old.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  15. #8435
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    Not a strawman at all. You should look up the definition.
    an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
    Yeah, I'll stand pat. Thanks.

  16. #8436
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    I do. A fully corrupt government is at stake here. You seem to be ok with that happening. I'm not.
    Oh boy can't wait until you learn about these things called lobbying, citizens united and the revolving door of government.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    What methods would he take? What laws would he use? I mean, POTUS ain't a fuckin dictator dude. While they may have broad leeway in some areas that can be abused, that doesn't mean they have a blank check.
    Uses existing law even the old voting rights act that has been gutted for the DOJ to challenge the laws, issue executive orders countering voter ID laws by explicitly placing government offices or the issuance of an easy to use system to distribute IDs. I am not a lawyer but fuck dude if Trump's 4 years have taught us anything is that there are so many loopholes and that the judicial system is very very slow to react meaning you can easily put a state law in limbo or punch giant holes in it while the courts go back and forth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    He's like one of those 19th century:

    "I support freedom for slaves but... do we have to be so radical? We don't wanna be just as corrupt as the confederates do we?"

    It's a stance that seems content with slavery if it doesn't affect them directly... it is a stance that is content with restriction of voting rights that affect minorities because it doesn't affect them.
    Pretty much this we are talking about people who want to overthrow democracy and install a fascist but he is worried about getting some dirt on his shoes. In real life good guys don't win without getting their hands dirty, we didn't win WW2 by playing fairsies with the Germans.

  17. #8437
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Yeah, I'll stand pat. Thanks.
    The thing that you quoted that you called a straw man wasn’t something I attributed to anyone else.

    That makes your straw man accusation…..a strawman.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Do you ever think both sides can play the same games? "Alright, the system is totally corrupt, and that empowers me to do X Y and Z things that you'd ordinarily oppose for destroying the system we're trying to fix?"

    That's an incredibly dangerous game. Every party subsection has their grievance, real or imagined, that means the system is corrupt to the core and drastic action must be taken to correct it, long term results be damned. Your racism and nationalist fascism is another person's stolen vote and a still different person's federal takeover of elections and proposed dissolving of the Senate filibuster.

    Every fascist stooge and violent revolutionary always starts from your premise: its already fully corrupt, unfuck the system they fucked up, they are breaking the rules and I'm gonna get them back. You can swear up and down that you're doing it for moral purposes from the heart, but everything from your speech is basically the same as the brown shirts of old.
    Blah blah blah both sides bullshit.

    One side is assaulting voting rights. One.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  18. #8438
    Conservatives continue to desperately paint the other side as bad to justify their truly awful world view.

    As soon as you use “both sides” in a discussion, you’ve shown your hand, allowing us to see just how truly empty you are.

  19. #8439
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    As far as I understand it, he would likely just get replaced by a Republican.
    The real West Virginia:

  20. #8440
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Shitposting Agasint Fascists
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    But the Jacobin Theory of the Electorate clearly states that those 70% of West Virginia voters are secretly socialists. If Nancy Pelosi and Dems would just stop suppressing them with mean tweets.

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