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On a practical note, gas first hit the $3.00 mark in 2006, according to the graph that Zantis displayed a few pages back.
So gas is about the same nominal cost as 15 years ago, which in practical terms in inflation adjusted dollars it means that gas has decreased in price since then. It would be surprising if gas prices declined much from current prices moving forward. There are predictions of $100 a barrel oil in the next few months. At this point, I think this will come to pass. If fracking is slow to recover, which is likely for reasons discussed previously in this thread, then it will likely stabilize somewhere above $100 a barrel. Which would be somewhere around what $3.50 to $4.00 a gallon for gasoline in the US?
The only thing that might stop it is if the next virus wave is as bad as last years or worse. In that case, well the good news is that cheap gas would be back!