1. #9241
    Banned Kellhound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    To which we'd all respond that infrastructure is underfunded compared to demands, especially if we don't take the extremely narrow definition of infrastructure as "roads and bridges".
    I will direct you to the last two words in my statement: "as well".

  2. #9242
    Edit: Deleted
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  3. #9243
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post
    That does not make it worthless, just below what you want. I guess you would prefer no spending on infrastructure instead.
    $500 to fix a $3000 repair doesn't do fuck.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  4. #9244
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post
    The US spends about $450 billion a year on government funded infrastructure already.
    And look at the state it is in thanks for proving my point.

  5. #9245
    Playbook says Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema told Chuck Schumer she wouldn’t stick around to vote on reconciliation or infrastructure bills because she has vacation plans.

    https://t.co/oXAGYyOPSR https://t.co/XS4ImBO2Nd

    She easily surpassed Manchin as the Dems biggest turd.

    Nothing against anyone who voted for her in Arizona, but the Arizona Dem party needs to be overhauled. Hiw/who pushed her endorsement? Well, obviously BIG money.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  6. #9246
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    https://twitter.com/KFILE/status/142...271285765?s=19 She easily surpassed Manchin as the Dems biggest turd.
    I wonder if she's going to Cancun...

  7. #9247
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    She easily surpassed Manchin as the Dems biggest turd.

    Nothing against anyone who voted for her in Arizona, but the Arizona Dem party needs to be overhauled. Hiw/who pushed her endorsement? Well, obviously BIG money.
    This is where I have to call out Schumer as being a weak Senate Majority Leader though. I would literally tell her and anyone else in the Senate who is looking at vacation plans to keep their calendars open UNTIL a vote is made on this. This is literally her job. And if she still wants to go forward with her plans, punish her by taking away committee assignments, for example.

    She's truly awful.
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  8. #9248
    Quote Originally Posted by omerome View Post
    This is where I have to call out Schumer as being a weak Senate Majority Leader though. I would literally tell her and anyone else in the Senate who is looking at vacation plans to keep their calendars open UNTIL a vote is made on this. This is literally her job. And if she still wants to go forward with her plans, punish her by taking away committee assignments, for example.

    She's truly awful.
    I'll never accuse Dem leadership of being strong, but this isn't Schumer's fault. He can't force her to do anything, and her and Manchin grow stronger every time they defy Dems. Their entire gimmick is selling themselves as "moderate" Democrats, (which in this day and age is just a pre-Palin Republican).
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  9. #9249
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    I'll never accuse Dem leadership of being strong, but this isn't Schumer's fault. He can't force her to do anything, and her and Manchin grow stronger every time they defy Dems. Their entire gimmick is selling themselves as "moderate" Democrats, (which in this day and age is just a pre-Palin Republican).
    He may not physically force her, but I thought one of his duties as the Majority Leader is to decide which bills should be up for a vote. He can call the Senate back in session during a recess if necessary, and in this case, he should because this infrastructure is way more important than any Cancun plans she may have right now. She gives the Senate her vote, then she can go.
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  10. #9250
    Quote Originally Posted by omerome View Post
    He may not physically force her, but I thought one of his duties as the Majority Leader is to decide which bills should be up for a vote. He can call the Senate back in session during a recess if necessary, and in this case, he should because this infrastructure is way more important than any Cancun plans she may have right now. She gives the Senate her vote, then she can go.
    I hear you and wish it were that easy. Technically it is that easy, but again, her and Manchin are the defacto majority leaders because they are wild cards. This is why I try and get Dems to realize it means very little having a simple majority in Senate if there's people like Manchin and Sinema. They remove all the power from the actual majority leader because they have to be placated to get anything of substance passed, and with things like the filibuster or protecting voting rights, it may not matter.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  11. #9251
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post
    The US spends about $450 billion a year on government funded infrastructure already.
    I just want to point out that this is not a large figure for a country like the USA.

    That works out to about $1,350 in expenditures per person, per year. That's . . . not that much, really.

  12. #9252
    Quote Originally Posted by omerome View Post
    This is where I have to call out Schumer as being a weak Senate Majority Leader though. I would literally tell her and anyone else in the Senate who is looking at vacation plans to keep their calendars open UNTIL a vote is made on this. This is literally her job. And if she still wants to go forward with her plans, punish her by taking away committee assignments, for example.

    She's truly awful.
    No doubt. Schumer is a weakling. He could also take committee assignments away. Yet, let her do what she wants i guess.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  13. #9253
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    I just want to point out that this is not a large figure for a country like the USA.

    That works out to about $1,350 in expenditures per person, per year. That's . . . not that much, really.
    isn't it insane that the thing that drives our economy, transportation, is so underfunded?

    the total military spend including their budget, debt interest, VA, associated off "book" spending like in intelligence, etc etc is 1.2-1.4 trillion

    About $4,000 per person per year

    Now here is the kicker!!

    the infrastructure bill is over 5 years. the deal includes $550 billion in new federal investments in America's infrastructure over five years

    So we are balking at 330 ish dollars per person per year in improvements, yikes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post

    Most of what Biden has called for has nothing to do with infrastructure. The compromise bill funds a significant portion of actual infrastructure.
    Sure if you go by boomers take on 1950's infrastructure. It took months for republicans to finally admit broadband was part of critical infrastructure.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  14. #9254
    Banned Kellhound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    And look at the state it is in thanks for proving my point.
    It has been improving year over year in most places. You make it sound like we don't spend any money on it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    She easily surpassed Manchin as the Dems biggest turd.

    Nothing against anyone who voted for her in Arizona, but the Arizona Dem party needs to be overhauled. Hiw/who pushed her endorsement? Well, obviously BIG money.
    Remember, AZ is not a hotbed of liberalism.

  15. #9255
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post
    Remember, AZ is not a hotbed of liberalism.
    Mark Kelly ran on a progressive platform and won his election. Paula Swearingen ran on a progressive platform in WV and lost. One state is not like the other. Manchin is very easy to understand. Sinema is being a meathead for no apparent reason.

  16. #9256
    Banned Kellhound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    I just want to point out that this is not a large figure for a country like the USA.

    That works out to about $1,350 in expenditures per person, per year. That's . . . not that much, really.
    That is just government spending. A significant section of infrastructure is privately funded (like most of the US rail system, significant portion of the utilities, etc.).

    Also, Canada and the US spend almost the exact same on infrastructure as a percentage of GDP on average.

  17. #9257
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post
    That is just government spending. A significant section of infrastructure is privately funded (like most of the US rail system, significant portion of the utilities, etc.).
    . . . And?

    Did you have a point? It's still peanuts.

    Also, Canada and the US spend almost the exact same on infrastructure as a percentage of GDP on average.
    Again, and?

    My point was you were fearmongering about entirely normal and defensible infrastructure spending, by trying to present it as "scary big number!", absent the context for said number.

  18. #9258
    Banned Kellhound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Especially when you factor in how spread out people are over a fairly large amount of land.
    Most of the deficit in infrastructure spending in in urban areas though.

  19. #9259

    Pelosi’s spouse, Paul Pelosi, owned about $27 million in assets, mostly in real estate
    Hmm I wonder why she didn't give a shit letting the eviction moratorium expire

  20. #9260
    Banned Kellhound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    isn't it insane that the thing that drives our economy, transportation, is so underfunded?

    the total military spend including their budget, debt interest, VA, associated off "book" spending like in intelligence, etc etc is 1.2-1.4 trillion

    About $4,000 per person per year

    Now here is the kicker!!

    the infrastructure bill is over 5 years. the deal includes $550 billion in new federal investments in America's infrastructure over five years

    So we are balking at 330 ish dollars per person per year in improvements, yikes.

    Sure if you go by boomers take on 1950's infrastructure. It took months for republicans to finally admit broadband was part of critical infrastructure.
    Utilities are infrastructure, transportation ins infrastructure, daycare is not. If you want to increase non infrastructure spending, be honest and call it what it is and let it stand on its own.

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