Diplomats might not be criticising Trump, but that's because they are, well, diplomatic. It's their jobs. But foreign politicians would be a good representation of how Trump was viewed, and I could link you a video of a whole room full of them flat out laughing at him. That's a reflection of what the world thinks of Trump. How you imagine it in your little world doesn't change reality, however hard you wish for it.
Okay, I'll bite. What policy? You do know he just ran an election on zero policies, don't you? He was asked multiple times to say what he was going to do if reelected, and he failed to come up with a single thing. I can link multiple videos of him being asked softball questions by friendly interviewers and bumbling through a world salad of a response without a single coherant policy.
So please, enlighten me. What policies are your cheerleading here? And if you do come up with anything, explain why he has made so little progress on them for the 4 years he's been president.