1. #12581
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    Can someone tell me how Biden is, according to the right, responsible for warmongering in the Ukraine, when it's Russian troops in Russian uniforms being mobilized by a Russian dictator doing the warmongering?

    And even if it does come down to hot war (which I do not advocate for or want) how is it still not wholly Putin's fault?
    What? Didn't you hear?

    Apparently Biden only wants to go to war against Russia because Ukraine has dirt on Hunter Biden, according to MTG.

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed Tuesday that President Joe Biden was backing Ukraine against Russia because Ukraine "has dirt on Hunter Biden."

    In an interview on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast, Greene said Biden has been "playing cover" for his son Hunter, who has been at the center of baseless allegations of corruption over his business dealings with Ukraine.

    Greene told Bannon: "I am blown away with what we're seeing. The president of the United States Joe Biden is willing to take our military to war ... against nuclear Russia because of Ukraine."

    "You cannot deny this, it's because Ukraine has the dirt on Hunter Biden. Ukraine has the dirt on Joe Biden, our president," she said, without giving further specifics. "This is why we can have many of our troops get killed in this war that Joe Biden wants to have happened."
    I mean obviously. What other possible reason could there be?

    Biden has never threatened to go to war with Russia amid the growing military tensions with Ukraine. The US has, however, joined countries like Ukraine and the UK in warning of a Russian invasion, and called for a deescalation.

    Russia has in recent weeks placed tens of thousands of troops and weaponry at Ukraine's border, but repeatedly denies plans to invade the country.

    Earlier this week the Pentagon said the US was placing 8,500 troops on "heightened alert" so they are prepared to respond to an invasion. No final decisions to deploy US forces have been made, however.

    Last month Biden threatened to impose heavy sanctions on Russia if it invaded Ukraine, and on Tuesday, said he would consider slapping Russian President Vladimir Putin with personal sanctions.

    Biden also said that a Russia attack would be the "largest invasion since World War II."
    Oh....well, yeah I guess that could be it too. If you think about it for more than a minute. And aren't a steroid-infused conspiracy Looney Tune. I guess it could make sense then.
    Last edited by Bluespiderman57; 2022-01-26 at 08:17 PM.

  2. #12582
    Can we like, stop giving oxygen to this rich ladies stupidity?

  3. #12583
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Can we like, stop giving oxygen to this rich ladies stupidity?
    No, if we do we will get monsters like this.

    Do you want Destoroyahs? Because that is how you get Destoroyahs.

  4. #12584
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluespiderman57 View Post
    No, if we do we will get monsters like this.
    Disagree. She's completely useless as a member of Congress, she's on no committees, proposes no legislation that would ever go anywhere, and is an empty floor vote. The only way she manages to fundraise is by saying/doing stupid shit like this and getting news coverage that she can use to fire out fundraising emails. Deny her any attention, she struggles to come up with material portraying her as a victim to fundraise off of.

    It's like Ann Coulter. The literal only time you see her in the news is when she needs to gin up some revenue and comes out with some intentionally outrageous shit like "Jews are just imperfect Christians" and gets to go do media tours to talk about it. Outside of that shit? She can't get anyone to pay attention to her outside of her small niche. Giving her that attention validates her and provides her with the platform she needs to continue her career throwing bombs.

    This isn't policy talk, it's a meaningless conspiracy theory conjured up as a distraction, nothing more.

  5. #12585
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Disagree. She's completely useless as a member of Congress, she's on no committees, proposes no legislation that would ever go anywhere, and is an empty floor vote. The only way she manages to fundraise is by saying/doing stupid shit like this and getting news coverage that she can use to fire out fundraising emails. Deny her any attention, she struggles to come up with material portraying her as a victim to fundraise off of.

    It's like Ann Coulter. The literal only time you see her in the news is when she needs to gin up some revenue and comes out with some intentionally outrageous shit like "Jews are just imperfect Christians" and gets to go do media tours to talk about it. Outside of that shit? She can't get anyone to pay attention to her outside of her small niche. Giving her that attention validates her and provides her with the platform she needs to continue her career throwing bombs.

    This isn't policy talk, it's a meaningless conspiracy theory conjured up as a distraction, nothing more.
    I am going to somewhat disagree with you on this, these conspiracy theories are now being touted by members of congress. When the republican take the house next year there will be an army of investigations into things like these, it will continue spreading like a disease because we have leaders on the right like this. There will be tons of headlines reporting on this stuff because people like her are going to be head of committees.

    I would love to ignore this too but Ann Coulter isn't ever going to have subpoena powers.

  6. #12586
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    I am going to somewhat disagree with you on this, these conspiracy theories are now being touted by members of congress. When the republican take the house next year there will be an army of investigations into things like these, it will continue spreading like a disease because we have leaders on the right like this. There will be tons of headlines reporting on this stuff because people like her are going to be head of committees.

    I would love to ignore this too but Ann Coulter isn't ever going to have subpoena powers.
    Frankly, yeah. Conspiracy theories don't matter. Until someone with actual political power is pushing them. Then, you're on the ticking countdown to fascist horrors like the Holocaust or the Holodomor.

    Ann Coulter is irrelevant because she's not a political figure and has no power other than the "power" of attention-whoring; she's personified clickbait.

    The same is not true of someone elected to the Presidency, or a Congress with a majority block of true believers, dupes, and manipulators willing to use it.

    Mein Kampf was just a silly book written by a guy in prison.

    Until it was the blueprint for atrocity on an unimaginable scale.

  7. #12587
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    That must be why Trump was so nice to Russia, because they didn't have dirt on him.

  8. #12588
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    2021 economy boomed at fastest rate in 37 years

    Now let's get this straight before continuing: no, Biden did not do this by waving a magic Democrat wand. I believe his policies and directions helped, but the lion's share was the free market. COVID, willfully and remorse-free invited in by the Trump administration, killed 2020's GDP, and a lot of what we're seeing is bounceback. This is some growth, mostly recovery.

    Still, recovery is good news. Expect Biden to tout this.

    The U.S. economy surged ahead with a 6.9% annual growth rate in the final months of 2021 and achieved the strongest growth over an entire calendar year since 1984.

    New GDP numbers from the Commerce Department show a remarkable acceleration in economic activity, much faster than the 5.3% growth rate analysts expected.

    Businesses built up depleted inventories, accounting for 4.9 percentage points of the gain. That is good news for customers tired of empty store shelves, but bad news for the coming quarters, as inventory swings tend to be one-off rather than indicative of future growth.

    The new data still showed a solid trend growth rate that points to continued expansion in the quarters ahead.

    Personal consumption expenditures rose at a 3.3% annual rate, and spending started to rebalance, with services spending (+4.7%) rising much faster than durable goods spending (+0.5%).

    Residential investment actually subtracted from overall G.D.P. for the third straight quarter, despite a booming housing market, reflecting supply strains holding back home construction.

    While GDP is rising rapidly, it remains about 1% below where the forecasters thought it would be at this point before the pandemic struck. There is still more ground to make up.

    The numbers show just how far the economy came toward recovery in 2021, even with all the challenges that stood in the way of a full reopening.
    Not quoted in the article, so I needed another one:

    For all of 2021, growth is estimated at 5.6%, which would be the strongest since 1984. The economy contracted 3.4% in 2020, the biggest drop in 74 years.
    It's not all great news. Ask my PS5, for example. I haven't seen it in I never have. But, after the shitshow that was 2020 starting around Jan 22, I'll take this news the same way I'll take "it's only a hairline fracture, you'll have the cast on days not weeks" is good news.

    For those of you not keeping track, if you contract 3.4% then grow 5.6% it works out to be nearly identical to 1% in each of two years. If that sounds bad, under normal circumstances it would be. These are not normal circumstances. It's like complaining that your DPS numbers suck because you disconnected for 30 seconds. Just thank the healers you weren't killed in the intermission and get back to killing the raid boss.

    We'll see what 2022 has in stock for us. At this point, Obama-esque 2-3% growth/year "normal" sounds great.

  9. #12589
    Quote Originally Posted by TheramoreIsTheBomb View Post
    if you could replace Biden and Kamala with any democrat candidates who would they be?
    President Duckworth. Can't think of a VP pick right now.
    Last edited by Flarelaine; 2022-01-27 at 07:27 PM.

  10. #12590
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    President Duckworth. Can't think of a VP pick right now.
    Makes sense; I saw her name pop up a lot as a possible VP pick for Biden.

  11. #12591
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    5.6% GDP growth, the biggest since the 80's? Let's ignore all context around this and ignore how little influence the POTUS has over the US economy and GDP but take a moment to appreciate that...


  12. #12592
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    5.6% GDP growth, the biggest since the 80's? Let's ignore all context around this and ignore how little influence the POTUS has over the US economy and GDP but take a moment to appreciate that...

    Don't worry the uneducated masses will blame inflation....and...umm corrupt evil liberal shutdowns last year or something.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  13. #12593
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    Don't worry the uneducated masses will blame inflation....and...umm corrupt evil liberal shutdowns last year or something.
    They said raising minimum wage would send prices up. Then they went and raised prices anyway... *shrug*
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  14. #12594
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    They said raising minimum wage would send prices up. Then they went and raised prices anyway... *shrug*
    SP500 profit margins just hit an 80+ year record. That doesn't happen because they are just raising prices to match inflation.
    They are taking advantage of the inflation Biden blame game to hide profit margin bumps.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  15. #12595
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    President Duckworth. Can't think of a VP pick right now.
    I read that as "Jay Billington Bulworth."

  16. #12596

    In which racist Republicans and conservatives object to every Biden nominee who is not white purely on the grounds that they are not white and therefor must be a diversity hire who are unqualified.

    Because apparently in their minds, white people, specifically white men, are the primary group qualified to hold every position.

  17. #12597
    The Unstoppable Force Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    In which racist Republicans and conservatives object to every Biden nominee who is not white purely on the grounds that they are not white and therefor must be a diversity hire who are unqualified.

    Because apparently in their minds, white people, specifically white men, are the primary group qualified to hold every position.
    I made a similar comment on a meme the other day. It was about an airline who wants their hiring for the year to include 50% women and PoC. In the meme there is a screenshotted comment that says, "United Airlines: we're not looking for the best and brightest, just the least whitest".

    The diversity hire bullshit was flying left and right. No one was happy when I said, "If there is a shift from the majority of hiring being white, then that means previously they weren't hiring the best and brightest, only the whitest."

    Feathers were quite ruffled lol.
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

    Your name will carry on through generations, and will never be forgotten.

  18. #12598
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    Feathers were quite ruffled lol.
    Usually are with this crowd, despite their claims of having the thickest of skins.

    I'm just glad Biden isn't giving a shit about it and is continuing ahead with more qualified picks that also bring some much needed diversity.

    It's telling that the opposition to these nominees - even when they're not announced yet like his potential SCOTUS picks - rests purely on their race/gender and makes little reference to any apparent lack of qualifications. Almost like they are qualified, and the only objection is because they're a bunch of bigots.

    Strange indeed!

  19. #12599
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    In which racist Republicans and conservatives object to every Biden nominee who is not white purely on the grounds that they are not white and therefor must be a diversity hire who are unqualified.

    Because apparently in their minds, white people, specifically white men, are the primary group qualified to hold every position.
    Remember; if anyone bleats about wanting to hire "on merit" as a protest against a "diversity" hire, they're implicitly stating that, in their view, whiteness and/or maleness is merit, and that's why the diversity hire is "wrong"; they are not white and/or male enough to compete.

    It's a dogwhistle, and a really empty one. "Merit" is right up there with "globalist" in terms of "obviously really fuckin' racist but they hope using a code word will give them plausible deniability".

  20. #12600

    Apparently Nikki Haley wants a President Pelosi? She wants Biden and Harris to step down, which would result in a President Pelosi. This is weird yo, almost like she's not thinking.

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