The US adds 428k new jobs. Unemployment is stable at 3.6%.
The economy has added over 8 million new jobs from Feb 2021 and on. If the (P)reliminary job reports hold about the same, Biden is on track to add 25 million jobs in 4 years. Even ignoring 2020, Trump was not on pace to do that in 4 years. Or 8. I don't think even 12 but it would have been close.
Now a good jobs report is a good jobs report. No, I'm not saying Biden added all these jobs, but since Trump took credit for every jobs report that was good, even those within a few months of
almost getting the majority vote, Trump supporters are now duty-bound to say Biden added 8+ M jobs in 14 months. Or, I guess they could go back and quote where they, too, agreed Trump's policies didn't add any jobs his first year, but if they can't or won't, then they, as Trump supporters, are obligated to follow what Trump says and must therefore agree Biden added 8 million jobs. Any deviation from this will be dismissed as hypocrisy.
This is overall good news. Biden has now seen every month of his tenure adding 400+ thousand new jobs. Discounting 2020, Trump never saw that once. Obama saw it, W handed him a W on that one. Biden has now also overseen the drop in unemployment back to 3.6%, just barely over the 3.5% pre-COVID. As a reminder, Trump took office when unemployment was
42% no wait that number's bullshit get back in your hedge 4.6%. Trump, at his best, lowered unemployment 1.1 percentage points, about 25% of its value. Biden's economy cut off 2.6 percentage points, or about 42% of unemployment.
While it is unlikely the jobs will continue this strong/unemployment will keep dropping this much forever, these are still good signs. Also, wage growth is slowing, which normally isn't something to cheer about, but it is when "everyone rushes back to work" causes inflation.