1. #14021
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    This just sounds like "It's okay that they did something stupid because they felt angry."

    Well shit, guess if someone is having a bad day they can make a ton of bad decisions, after all they feel a bit rotten and they need to make others feel that too.
    You can make all the excuses to blame the voters you want but you are throwing the blame at the wrong people.

    As I said, I was completely willing to hold my nose until the one event I kept mentioning at which point it became a bridge too far.

    And it’s insane for you or her to think that there aren’t a huge portion of the population that will willingly let you basically do some back handed stuff and they will sit there and take it because they take a loss otherwise which is exactly what Clinton played at.

    Clinton was the one who screwed herself and us all in the process.

    Like I said before, I will gladly accept my 3% of the blame that belongs spread out between all the people who did as I did but you need to put the 50%+ of it squarely at her feet because my actions where a direct result of her actions.

    Now, you can continue incorrectly blaming the voters but the more people and importantly politicians cling to that belief the better chances we have repeating Clinton’s mistake because they think the fault will be the voters if they lose and not themselves because they were owed those votes and they didn’t have to earn it and respect their voters if they put a big enough monster on the other side to run against. Remember Clinton actually worked to elevate Trump during that seeing him as the most damaged candidate to run against, she rolled the dice and endangered us all with that gambit too.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  2. #14022
    The SCOTUS draft and what might come of it now have a separate thread. Take it there.

    Also discussing ancient voting history is definitely not constructive to the thread; in fact, it's derailing it.

  3. #14023
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    You can make all the excuses to blame the voters you want but you are throwing the blame at the wrong people.
    I wasn't blaming anyone, and you're gonna have to point out where in my post I said that. You got some cereal box 3-D glasses that show it?

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  4. #14024
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    I wasn't blaming anyone, and you're gonna have to point out where in my post I said that. You got some cereal box 3-D glasses that show it?
    Sorry man, was responding to a few people in like 2 or 3 threads when I posted that, so might have directed it at the wrong person.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  5. #14025
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Forgiveness affects the loan balance and favor the rich.
    Just wanted to say, while you are still wrong, Biden is moving to income limits for student loan forgiveness, which would make your concerns both wrong and also irrelevant.

    The administration is considering various ways to forgive some student loan debt through executive action. In recent weeks, senior Biden aides have examined limiting the relief to people who earned less than either $125,000 or $150,000 as individual filers the previous year, the people said. That plan would set the threshold at around $250,000 or $300,000 for couples who file their taxes jointly, the people said. No final decisions have been made, and the people familiar with the matter stressed that planning was fluid and subject to change.

    The White House is also weighing exactly how much student debt to eliminate for each borrower. Biden indicated to reporters this week that the amount would be lower than $50,000 per person. Administration officials have also signaled that the White House will cut at least $10,000 per qualifying borrower, the people said, embracing a position Biden himself appeared to support in a private meeting with the congressional Hispanic Caucus. The administration has also discussed limiting forgiveness to undergraduate loans, excluding those who had taken out loans for professional degrees in fields such as law and medicine, the people said.
    I believe this will allay any last doubts you professed to have.

  6. #14026

    President Biden highlighted deficit reduction in remarks Wednesday at the White House, noting that the government will pay down the national debt this quarter for the first time in six years.

    Mr. Biden emphasized how strong job gains have increased total incomes and led to additional tax revenues that have improved the government's balance sheet.

    Besides the quarterly reduction in the national debt, the Treasury Department estimates that this fiscal year's budget deficit will decline $1.5 trillion. That decrease marks an improvement from initial forecasts and would likely put the annual deficit below $1.3 trillion.

    "The bottom line is that the deficit went up every year under my predecessor before the pandemic and during the pandemic. And it's gone down both years since I've been here. Period," he said.
    Man, a Democratic White House and Congress reducing the deficit after 4 years of a Republican White House, and 2 years of a Republican Congress, blowing it up?!

    Thanks, Brandon! Now let's stop the malarky about Republicans being "the party of fiscal responsibility" because literally all current history points towards Republicans being primarily responsible for unnecessary increases in the debt and their ongoing spectacular failure to reign in spending and/or increase revenue.

    The Democrats are the economic-focused party.

  7. #14027
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Man, a Democratic White House and Congress reducing the deficit after 4 years of a Republican White House, and 2 years of a Republican Congress, blowing it up?!

    Thanks, Brandon! Now let's stop the malarky about Republicans being "the party of fiscal responsibility" because literally all current history points towards Republicans being primarily responsible for unnecessary increases in the debt and their ongoing spectacular failure to reign in spending and/or increase revenue.

    The Democrats are the economic-focused party.
    I mean more broadly, the democrats are the only party interested in actual governance at this point.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  8. #14028
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I mean more broadly, the democrats are the only party interested in actual governance at this point.
    Makes me think of a comment I saw earlier today:

    "Democrats want to govern the country. Republicans want to rule it."

    Took me a second before I realized it was meant to state the nature of Republican authoritarianism.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  9. #14029
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Maybe not, but you're probably fine watching already born children suffer and die. Plenty of those running around the US but I don't see you clutching pearls for them.

    Gotta stick your nose up at the hypothetical "lives lost" to hell with the actual, breathing children
    "Unborn child" isn't a thing that exists, either. It's just a neat trick with words. Most of the time they use this term they're talking about a clump of largely non-specific cells or a fetus that's long, long from potential viability.

    It's based purely on "feels", rather than "reals", because the Republican party is 100% the party of "feels" nowadays.

    Which is why it's great that Joe Biden is in office leading with reals.

    Let's go Brandon! Reduce that deficit!

  10. #14030
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    On a side note in AZ there's a guy names Brandon Martin running for some office here and I see those dumbass "let's go Brandon" signs EVERYWHERE here ...
    We're reclaiming that shit like Obama reclaimed "Thanks, Obama".

    Because at this point it's funnier co-opting the term. A lot of conservatives online seem super triggered by it, I sure wonder why.

  11. #14031
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    We're reclaiming that shit like Obama reclaimed "Thanks, Obama".

    Because at this point it's funnier co-opting the term. A lot of conservatives online seem super triggered by it, I sure wonder why.
    We just need Biden to basically just say “let’s go, Brandon!” in support of some athlete named Brandon who wins something or somesuch and the meme is dead
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  12. #14032
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Ooooh I didn't know that was happening thanks for letting me know!
    I mean...I don't know if "it's happening" as a thing, but I'm doing it. It's getting boring asking them who Brandon is nowadays.

  13. #14033
    Just thinking some more about this: I've often wondered why my (super awesome, so smart & amazing) immigrant dad watches all those rightwing news programs--it's probably because they reaffirm that he (as an audience member) is the "real" America. It's enticing & empowering.

    Part of a long tweet thread, who while I don't know this person or follow and this is that person's anecdotal story. The Big picture here, is the right and now the extreme right moving fast towards fascism has really outmaneuvered the Dems and left, even though we don't have a true left; imo.

    From the news, and other media to grass roots politics the right has taken hold and has the momentum behind it. What is really amazing is the grass roots that turned CRT and now back around again LGBQT issues into a platform. Like it or not it's something they get behind and message.

    As far as the tweet above, yea the Right just gets their message out and can influence and turn people better to vote against their best interests. I guess with her take that maybe they think this is America. Get mine, who cares about the people who come after you, even if they may have the same story of an immigrant who had to fight to get here. Who cares that a certain block of people have been discriminated against and being able to learn and fix these mistakes would greatly benefit our country. Shoot, I just want to get by be being promised trickle down tax cuts in a job where the company is likely not paying my worth.

    The Dems as I have maintained have been the passive aggressive wussies I have ever seen. Their basic strategy is wait until the right effs up enough that the people will have to vote for them. While more nuance as far as how elections are setup we can still see that the Dems, generally fall into elections than win them.

    I always do the house is on fire thing, especially with the insurrection, but we will see how far this fascism goes. The Republicans have definitely decided to turn to authoritarianism in that they don't want to work with Dems anymore. Just label them evil, make hyperbole of socialism and seize branches of the government to do their will.
    "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’

  14. #14034

    From one of the replies. Man, Al Franken is still fuckin right all these years later -

    “We [Democrats/liberals] love America just as much as they [Republicans/conservatives] do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow.”
    - - - Updated - - -


    Keep this on the DL, but Biden just announced Karine Jean-Pierre as the new Press Secretary to replace Psaki.

    Jean-Pierre is eminently qualified for the position, and currently serving as a deputy press secretary. And also happens to be a Black lesbian, being both the first Black press secretary and the first openly LGBTQ+ secretary apparently.

    Republicans are gonna lose their god-damned minds.

  15. #14035
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    But can she define what a woman is?
    "Someone I'm attracted to, if she's cute."

    And then watch them have a fuckin meltdown.

  16. #14036
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    The US adds 428k new jobs. Unemployment is stable at 3.6%.

    The economy has added over 8 million new jobs from Feb 2021 and on. If the (P)reliminary job reports hold about the same, Biden is on track to add 25 million jobs in 4 years. Even ignoring 2020, Trump was not on pace to do that in 4 years. Or 8. I don't think even 12 but it would have been close.

    Now a good jobs report is a good jobs report. No, I'm not saying Biden added all these jobs, but since Trump took credit for every jobs report that was good, even those within a few months of almost getting the majority vote, Trump supporters are now duty-bound to say Biden added 8+ M jobs in 14 months. Or, I guess they could go back and quote where they, too, agreed Trump's policies didn't add any jobs his first year, but if they can't or won't, then they, as Trump supporters, are obligated to follow what Trump says and must therefore agree Biden added 8 million jobs. Any deviation from this will be dismissed as hypocrisy.

    This is overall good news. Biden has now seen every month of his tenure adding 400+ thousand new jobs. Discounting 2020, Trump never saw that once. Obama saw it, W handed him a W on that one. Biden has now also overseen the drop in unemployment back to 3.6%, just barely over the 3.5% pre-COVID. As a reminder, Trump took office when unemployment was 42% no wait that number's bullshit get back in your hedge 4.6%. Trump, at his best, lowered unemployment 1.1 percentage points, about 25% of its value. Biden's economy cut off 2.6 percentage points, or about 42% of unemployment.

    While it is unlikely the jobs will continue this strong/unemployment will keep dropping this much forever, these are still good signs. Also, wage growth is slowing, which normally isn't something to cheer about, but it is when "everyone rushes back to work" causes inflation.

  17. #14037
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The US adds 428k new jobs. Unemployment is stable at 3.6%.

    The economy has added over 8 million new jobs from Feb 2021 and on. If the (P)reliminary job reports hold about the same, Biden is on track to add 25 million jobs in 4 years. Even ignoring 2020, Trump was not on pace to do that in 4 years. Or 8. I don't think even 12 but it would have been close.

    Now a good jobs report is a good jobs report. No, I'm not saying Biden added all these jobs, but since Trump took credit for every jobs report that was good, even those within a few months of almost getting the majority vote, Trump supporters are now duty-bound to say Biden added 8+ M jobs in 14 months. Or, I guess they could go back and quote where they, too, agreed Trump's policies didn't add any jobs his first year, but if they can't or won't, then they, as Trump supporters, are obligated to follow what Trump says and must therefore agree Biden added 8 million jobs. Any deviation from this will be dismissed as hypocrisy.

    This is overall good news. Biden has now seen every month of his tenure adding 400+ thousand new jobs. Discounting 2020, Trump never saw that once. Obama saw it, W handed him a W on that one. Biden has now also overseen the drop in unemployment back to 3.6%, just barely over the 3.5% pre-COVID. As a reminder, Trump took office when unemployment was 42% no wait that number's bullshit get back in your hedge 4.6%. Trump, at his best, lowered unemployment 1.1 percentage points, about 25% of its value. Biden's economy cut off 2.6 percentage points, or about 42% of unemployment.

    While it is unlikely the jobs will continue this strong/unemployment will keep dropping this much forever, these are still good signs. Also, wage growth is slowing, which normally isn't something to cheer about, but it is when "everyone rushes back to work" causes inflation.
    It is better than that. The US so far has recovered 95% of the jobs that were lost during the pandemic. The interesting part, there are still more job openings than candidates.

    Just for fun. Nashville's new public library card. Ironic since Tennessee is currently a hotbed of book banning.

  18. #14038
    NEW STUDY: Amazon, Starbucks, and 20 other major corporations made a $1.5 trillion fortune during the pandemic. Only 2% of it went to workers.

    Hey I'm a capitalist, not an absolutist but still. Under COVID people used more delivery for everyday products, food delivery, etc. Yet, the con of the people yelling inflation while this didn't seem to affect businesses such as these and then for this not to pass through to workers.

    I'll attach the pdf. link which shares more about the glaring points of money going to stock buy backs, depressing wages means more compensation to CEO's, etc. All the goooood stuff.

    "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’

  19. #14039
    Speaking of Starbucks...


    They seem big-mad that Biden met with union leaders recently. They want their own meeting with Biden, too, so they can tell him how bad unions are I guess.

  20. #14040
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Speaking of Starbucks...


    They seem big-mad that Biden met with union leaders recently. They want their own meeting with Biden, too, so they can tell him how bad unions are I guess.
    This shit is how you KNOW they are concerned about Unions.
    A retired billionaire got a job to try to stop it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

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