Its rather telling that the far left has pushed for a rollback on THEIR debts and not a change in how college loans work in general.
They'd rather have the taxpayer pay for their failures regarding college debt than actually help new generations. Not like republicans are willing to do anything either _-_
I suspect it's from the right (not even the far right) who have been saying "everything is fine the way it is, just ask DeVos who wouldn't even cancel fraudulent loans, plus we all went to Trump University".
It is the height of hypocrisy to make fun of only partial changes, while on the side asking for no changes of any kind.
'Centrists' tend to just come in three flavors:
Lite-Conservatives who're down with preserving the status quo but can't stomach the more violent and shitty rhetoric and see the 'radical left' as threats to keeping things going while being too privileged/insulated to take umbrage with Republican Rhetoric.
Or the numb-nuts who equate people being passionate about a topic as being bad no matter what (IE: The people railing against persecution of minorities are just as bad as, if not worse than, the well dressed Nazis who want to 'politely' debate Genocide).
Saw a lot of that last one in the BLM thread and boy if it's not some of the most infuriating tone policing bullshit lol.
I feel this should be required viewing for anyone claiming to be a "moderate" or "centrist";
That video contradicts its core thesis, which is that moderates are conservatives by virtue of being downstream from liberals (progressives). It claims that liberal (progressive) ideas become conservative ideas over time ad infinitum in a kind of never ending treadmill from left to right, then frames moderates as not only a brake slowing this process down but actively reversing the process. Simply as a logical construction this makes no sense, if anything moderates would be speeding along adoption of liberal ideas by conservatives. It conflates polling with democracy with no treatment of the limitations of polling, and marks progressivism as the ideal without any remarks given as to why it should be the ideal.
Basically it’s trying to make a persuasive argument but doing so poorly, while at the same time lambasting establishment politics (fair enough) without providing any insight as to how things should change beyond a nebulous ‘better’. And to be fair to the Biden administration it makes no mention of the judicial hamstrings they have encountered in trying to alter title 42 and building the wall.
It might seem nice if you don’t have enough background knowledge to see the holes but this video is very poorly written.
- - - Updated - - -
And a shitty compromise at that
This is where the biden admin does a poor job... selling its progress.
Eight vessels were in the official queue as of late Monday, according to data from the Marine Exchange of Southern California & Vessel Traffic Service Los Angeles and Long Beach. That’s an all-time low, officials said in a statement, down from a record of 109 set in January and about 40 lined up a year ago.
Also, funny how Texas was saying how well they are at running ports....
According to the most recent count from Hapag-Lloyd AG, Germany’s biggest container carrier, a total of about 75 ships were anchored outside the ports of New York, Houston, and Savannah, Georgia.
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Dang I log on late and a good thread was closed. Biden stated something a few days ago and didn't go far enough. Now, of course the Republicans are outraged and hurt and trying to do the same thing as when Hillary called them "deplorables". Funny enough the Dems are called every name in the book from communists, socialists, pedophiles, etc. Well, sadly I missed it, but people know where I stand with the Republican party.
"Buh dah DEMS"
I mean, you also have centrists in countries were neither the "right" or the "left" should be committed to the looney bin. Ofc centrism makes no sense if you are judging by US standards were the overton window has been allowed to go so far right that fascism is acceptable.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-08-31 at 09:56 AM.
? There are people in the US with radical liberal or economic agendas (radical is not an evil world, they may well be right). None of them seem to be in the Democratic party which is at best moderate in social issues and certainly conservative by the standards of most of the world in economic issues. Those scary pink haired people on reddit and twitter are not people with any power in the Democratic party.
Not forcing 10 year old rape victims to carry children, giving people health care, stopping catastrophic climate change and worst of all not thinking of corporations as people truly terrible stuff. There's even rumors that democrats care about children and want to help them by giving them free lunches when will the horror stop with these far leftists.