" Trumka cited, was related to health risks posed by natural gas stoves, as numerous studies have shown that the fumes they emit cause significant health risks. These risks potentially include cancer and respiratory illness, but the strongest evidence links their use to childhood asthma. (A recently-published study from the peer-reviewed International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that nearly 13% of childhood asthma in the US was caused by gas stoves.)"
so serious question if gas stoves were literally the cause of 13% of all childhood asthma cases how is this not a public health emergency worthy of banning? i know he backtracked on it after the uproar but its like with leaded gasoline we are just killing people and the average person says " if you stop this ting that might be harming kids im going to vote for the fascist party! btw anti groomer btw protect the kids except from asthma"
Last edited by arandomuser; 2023-01-19 at 02:32 PM.
Productive discussion - guy that @mentions me before editing it to 'tehdung.'
You're absolutely sure that you don't want Breitbart articles linked to you? You're acting like this is the quality you preach in your own posting!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
Productive discussion, guy who randomly brought up a poster named "mentio" for no reason.
On topic: unemployment now is lower than Trump ever got ever ever.
Also, inflation caused by Trump continues to drop.
By the time 2024 rolls around, inflation will be but a passing memory in the goldfish bowl of Trump supporters' memory, and stop being a useful talking point. Trump, of course, will still be in court for Mar-a-Lago. Not the documents, the decorations, which are a crime on good taste.Biden, who has been heavily criticized for surging inflation since his election, had good news to share with Americans on Wednesday regarding the economy. A recent report from the U.S. Department of Labor showed that inflation may be heading in the right direction as the producer price index dropped by .5 percent from November to December.
The news is a sigh of relief for Americans who have battled high gas and grocery prices for the past few years. The producer price index can signal the future of consumer inflation.
"Today, we received more evidence that we are making real progress tackling inflation and lowering costs, successfully transitioning from a historic recovery to steady and stable growth. The inflation rate for producers fell further, and is now at its lowest level since March 2021," Biden said in a statement.
A lot of bored and highly educated people like to fetishsize European politics. But I'm still sticking with my thesis that Dems are actually ahead-of-the-curve when it comes to politics in a Mutli Ethnic Democracy.
Even a dum dum like Manchin scores on them.
The West Virginia senator is pushing Europeans to stop worrying and love the Inflation Reduction Act.
New: MACRON confronted Joe Manchin face to face over US energy policy
“You’re hurting my country,” Macron said
Now the Dem Senate kingpin meets elite wrath in Davos over made-in-America agenda.
Biden would be like da Terminator if he was leading a Left coalition over there.
Government Affiliated Snark
Ah, my students who lose points in class for over-rounding should have read this post first.
Also, the same comparison could be made about GDP growth, which Trump, yes, campaigned and ran on beating 3% and...well gosh, it didn't go that well. Q4 2022 isn't going to be anything exceptional (Atlanta says about 2%) but Q3 2022 was 3.2% and out of contraction. But if you ignore 2020 entirely--
"But Trump had a yuge bigly jump in GDP in Q3 2020! I don't want to ignore it!"
Okay, fine, let's talk about which quarter had a bigger GDP loss than all of the other GDP losses, in the last 25 years, combined."
How about fifty?
"I'll shut up now."
Leaving 2020 as an outlier, Trump had 12 quarters to work with. He broke 3% GDP growth in four of those 12 quarters and never broke 3% for a year.
Biden has already matched that, and only has seven quarters officially on record. And 2021 was better than any year Trump had. Actually, I think 2021 was better than any two years Trump had combined.
There is a reason you don't hear the Party of Trump screaming about the GDP anymore. It's because they have a demonstrable record of lackluster results, and Biden's beating Trump in every measurable way.
"But there are other factors--"
Trump didn't say anything about "other factors" when he ran for election the first time.
"Fine, fucking say it, the great economisits were right."Donald Trump thinks American GDP can grow more than 4 percent under his policies, more than double the average rate the U.S. has seen in this century.
“My great economists don’t want me to say this, but I think we can do better than that,” he said Thursday in a speech to the Economic Club of New York.
No, the great economists were fictional. Trump uses "everyone is saying it" to lie all the time. Oddly enough, this time, Trump created fictional people who were telling the truth. Even the article knew ahead of time something was up.
None of that happened.The fact sheet cited “Trump economists” without independent backing. Independent analyses have often proven skeptical of the Trump campaign’s estimates.
His campaign said in a fact sheet that its planned tax cuts and deregulation will boost average annual GDP growth to 3.5 percent and “create as many as 25 million new jobs” in the next decade.
They "embraced the truth" that vaccines didn't work, huffed bleach, caught COVID and died.Trump, speaking later in a restrained tone by his standards, started his speech by boasting about his gains in polls against Democrat Hillary Clinton. He then tried to contrast his plans from Clinton’s, claiming she would stifle the economy with regulation and tax increases on the wealthy.
“My plan will embrace the truth that people will flourish under a minimum government burden,” Trump said.
Also, the record-setting biggest tax ever levied in the USA, the China tariffs, are not "minimum government burden".
It did not. Even ignoring 2020 and, well, the hypothetical Clinton-based spending in that time being about the same or higher, Trump never got around to shrinking the deficit. Under Trump, the deficit grew literally every year.Trump contended his 4 percent growth goal will “reduce the deficit.”
This article is from 2016, by the way, and even it saw that coming.
By the way, the deficit shrunk in 2021. And again in 2022. Yeah they're still a little high, but, it's yet another win Trump handed Biden.Previous independent analyses of his broad tax cuts have estimated they will bloat the U.S. deficit by trillions, even after economic growth is taken into account.
This blatant, objective comparison between Trump's and Biden's deficit, unemployment, Oxford commas, and GDP numbers are why you don't see Party of Trumpers, or their allies in the GOP and FOX News, bringing them up. In fact, while researching this post, I found something called "the Misery Index" which stars the tall model from the Good Place and the Impractical Jokers. It's fucking hilarious. But, also, I found out about the misery index which is unemployment plus inflation. Why? Because conservatives are scramling through the list of numbers they can find to try to convince America that things were better under their supervision, and better under Trump.
So remember kids, never make promises in absolute objective numbers that you can't reach; never fail so badly that you give your opponent an easy win by just being average; and just like in the Purity Test, all technicalities count.
Especially with regard to decimal places.
- - - Updated - - -
So remember how Trump asked "when is the FBI going to raid Biden's house"?
The answer was Friday.
The DOJ looked for 13 hours, in the entire house not just a few rooms, and found...six more documents. And some handwritten notes.
"But Biden is President."
Yes, but, these were items from his Senate/VP days that the DOJ isn't sure he is supposed to have.
"Why didn't Biden just declassify everything with telepathy?"
I mean, I guess he could have? And he might yet? It would be one hell of a troll move. But Biden doesn't strike me as the kind of person to use WH powers just to troll the conservatives. He seems, so far, like the kind of person who knows there's no "there" there and just wants this whole distraction over with.
Justice Department, with concurrence of Biden's legal team, searched the president's Wilmington home on Friday and found six more classified documents, some stemming back to his days in the Senate, Bauer says. The search lasted more than 12 hours and covered the whole premises.
When in the Senate? Wtf!
I know we have many differences between Trump but this slam dunk on Trump is beginning to be a layup than travels around the rim 3 times before going in. The defense of he told the property authorities, after 60 days(?) and letting them search his home. Sure. Like Trump the DOJ and whatever law is giving him a nice wide birth here in doing this at his own pace.
"Buh dah DEMS"
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
So, interestingly I was listening to an interview on this with a reporter who focuses on classified documents/declassification etc. https://www.npr.org/programs/fresh-a...ate=2023-01-19
So to make this immediately clear: These comments are largely generalized and in reference to what appears to be happening with Biden. They clearly have no bearing on Trump's intentional and willful taking and hiding of classified documents.
TLDR: We classify way too much stuff, don't classify some things we probably should, and it's all largely arbitrary and focused on personal ass-covering.
Like, public news reports are often classified. PUBLIC NEWS REPORTS. Why? Because if the government classifies then it can pretend those reports don't exist and consequently it doesn't have to do anything or acknowledge them. This practice has increased over the years, with more and more documents classified every year to the point where it's reportedly nigh impossible to even keep track of everything that's classified and the cost to store them all is increasingly massive.
This isn't a blanket excuse for Biden, but more that the whole process of classification is grossly outdated and hasn't apparently been updated in a long time, resulting in an increasingly cumbersome and "leaky" system.
I'm still largely not concerned unless we hear that these were shit like SCI in there or Biden starts fighting like Trump has.
It's issues like this that make me appreciate the "only charge Trump with obstruction and not having the documents" approach more and more.
- - - Updated - - -
FOX News manages to find a former DOJ official who claims Clinton was worse than either Biden or Trump when it came to classified documents. Yes, while asking the FBI to investigate Biden but not Trump.
"Oh my God! Bill Clinton took stuff from the White House?"
No you idiot, it's always Hilary when FOX News says Clinton.
"Hilary Clinton was proven to have items taken from the WH?"
Um...no. But he brought up the emails again.
"The ones she was investigated for and cleared?"
"The ones she destroyed with a shitload of prejudice?"
"...what was the problem, again?"
Well, she used a private server.
"Didn't Trump do the same?"
"If Clinton sat through the investigation, why shouldn't Trump?"
He didn't actually get asked that question, for some reason. Meanwhile, I get a CNN point.
White House press corps bursts out laughing at George Santos at briefing
The press corps burst out laughing at the question of whether George Santos was invited to the reception for new members of Congress at the White House.
On Monday during the White House press briefing, a reporter asked if the administration has “any guidance on how many new members the president intends to have?”
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said she doesn’t have “any numbers to confirm with you at this time”.
“So it wouldn’t be the whole class?” the reporter asked.
“Again, I would have to go back to the Office of Legislative Affairs. As you know, that process is run through them. I don’t have a number to share at this time on who is confirmed to attend,” Ms Jean-Pierre added.
"And is George Santos invited?” the reporter added, prompting laughter in the briefing room after some hesitation from Ms Jean-Pierre.
“I love how everybody laughed at that,” the press secretary said.
"Well look, as you know, it’s an event for the new member, the new Congress, so everyone is invited who is part of the new Congress. I just don’t have a confirmation on who is attending at this time,” she added. “But I understand the question. I just don’t have that.”
-------- I don't think the question was relevant. Santos will claim whatever regardless of the truth.
The main thing it does is highlight how obviously ridiculous the application of the classification system is in many cases. If documents can just kind of go missing for a decade and then turn up in a former senator's house after someone got around to looking for them, just how important and superduper top secret do we think these documents actually were? Does anyone actually think it would be a good idea to empower the security state to go after top elected officials for this behavior?
Of course, there is some amusing schadenfreude to be had from Biden's disingenuous "I would never" reaction to the supposed mishandling of such documents, but let's be clear, no one outside of the most officious bureaucrats sincerely gives a shit about this.