1. #15881
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    So this is from a right wing tweet.

    I just want to say this is how the right seizes and manipulates the media. I have see Grassley, Comer and Hawley run with this story and when pushed back they offer nothing.


    Hey if evidence and legit it's fine. But if false being able to create stories and use as truth is the power and ruthlessness of the Republican party.
    The funniest part of this, and I'll steal from the NRO article on this -

    The subpoena calls on Wray to turn over all FD-1023 forms created or modified in June 2020 containing the term “Biden.”
    Joseph Robinette Biden was a private citizen at this time. Donald John Trump was President of the United States of America in June of 2020.

  2. #15882
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    Gonna be awesome if this backfires on the GOP, like sending Guiliani to Ukraine backfired. The GOP gifting BIden cause to oust Wray.

    Allowing GOP hacks to lead the FBI is a tradition that needs to die.

    Cherry-on-top would be if this brings down certain assholes in the New York field office.

    The ex-FBI official who allegedly urged rioters to kill police at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was on the FBI New York Field Office’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

    His duties? Supervising the homegrown violent extremism squad from the New York field office.
    The same field office that was leaking the Her Emails info to Trump campaign advisor Rudy.

    Government Affiliated Snark

  3. #15883
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    So this is from a right wing tweet.

    I just want to say this is how the right seizes and manipulates the media. I have see Grassley, Comer and Hawley run with this story and when pushed back they offer nothing.


    Hey if evidence and legit it's fine. But if false being able to create stories and use as truth is the power and ruthlessness of the Republican party.
    Even though, not 2 weeks ago, James Comer said on CNN they haven't found anything.

  4. #15884
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    They're still just trying to create something that'll actually stick to Biden, since everything they've tried thus far has failed miserably.
    So, you're saying it all just kind of slid off... like Teflon?

  5. #15885
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    So, you're saying it all just kind of slid off... like Teflon?
    Teflon Brandon has a ring to it

  6. #15886
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    Teflon Brandon has a ring to it
    They are both from Delaware.

  7. #15887
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Isn't Comer the dude that has been pushing as hard as he can for literally anything related to Hunter Biden, as though it was the most important thing in his life? Oops, he failed. Time to try something new.
    Yes, who also recently admitted that his investigations have turned up absolutely nothing despite his every attempt to find the super suspicious evidence he knows is actually there...somewhere...hiding...just wait.

  8. #15888
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    The Washington Examiner is running the story, so clearly it must be a big deal.

    Oh wait, it's an OP ED.

    It has been obvious for years now that Biden’s son Hunter Biden and brother, Jim, have been trading on the president's name for lucrative foreign business dealings.
    So...we gonna mention how Trump did that, too? I tell you what: I'll wait for literally any Trump supporter to link literally any Washington Examiner article...or any other credible right-wing source (the Washington Examiner is the floor not the ceiling of credible) that specifically calls out the Trump family for selling the Trump name to foreign governments, and also, saying that it was bad.

    Because otherwise this sounds like "my dad owns a dealership!" level of nothing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In the meantime, here's Newsweek.

    Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative James Comer, who is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, are demanding that the FBI produce an unclassified record "alleging a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national."

    However, the Republicans have not made specific allegations against Biden or named the foreign national they say was involved in the alleged criminality. It's also not clear what information the records they're seeking might contain.

    The two Republicans issued a joint statement about the matter on Wednesday and Comer also issued a subpoena to the FBI seeking an unclassified FD-1023 document relating to the alleged "criminal scheme."

    "We believe the FBI possesses an unclassified internal document that includes very serious and detailed allegations implicating the current President of the United States. What we don't know is what, if anything, the FBI has done to verify these claims or investigate further. The FBI's recent history of botching politically charged investigations demands close congressional oversight," Grassley said.
    "What is Grassley referring to?"

    Probably Mueller, who found that Team Trump did in fact try to get Russian help to attack the election.

    "No, really."

    I don't know, look, Newsweek linked to this apparently unrelated article and quite frankly the FBI doesn't charge the President, we're all fully aware. I think he's just trying to shout "witch hunt" for the cheap seats.

    The subpoena seeks all FD-1023 forms that were "created or modified in June 2020" and that contain the word "Biden," as well as any related documents and attachments.

    An FD-1023 form is generally a report about an informant and may involve someone speaking to the FBI about alleged crimes.
    So, the allegations seem to be that some whistleblower from Trump's own admin came forward when it was increasingly clear Trump was going to lose the election, with an unclassified report, with which Trump did nothing. I have serious doubts that this form is legit based on the timeline, but I have stronger doubts because Trump sat on it. If he had proof that the person kicking his ass in broad daylight was a criminal, it'd be the first thing he'd use. See also: Clinton's aide's husband's laptop.

    The WH has already responded. I'll paraphrase:

    You can just look at Biden's taxes

  9. #15889

    US freight rail companies nearly spurred a nationwide railroad strike last fall by refusing to grant paid sick days, but in a surprise move welcomed by workers, those railroads have recently granted paid sick days to almost half their workforce.

    After being roundly criticized for not offering paid sick days, the leading rail companies – BNSF, CSX, Norfolk Southern and Union Pacific – have granted many of their 93,000 workers four paid sick days a year through labor negotiations, with an option of taking three more paid sick days from personal days.

    “We’re very happy about this. We’ve been trying to get this for decades,” said Artie Maratea, president of the Transportation Communications Union. “It was public pressure and political pressure that got them to come to the table.”

    When Joe Biden and Congress enacted legislation in December that blocked a threatened freight rail strike, many workers angrily faulted Biden for not ensuring that the legislation also guaranteed paid sick days. But since then, union officials says, members of the Biden administration, including the transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, and labor secretary, Marty Walsh, who stepped down on 11 March, lobbied the railroads, telling them it was wrong not to grant paid sick days.

    “We’ve made a lot of progress,” said Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, the main US labor federation. “This is being done the right way. Each railroad is negotiating with each of its individual unions on this.”

    “The rail companies,” he added, “miscalculated about how the public would see their huge profits and the stories of how hard rail workers’ lives were and not having sick days and the draconian policies they were operating under.”

    For years, freight rail workers weren’t allowed to call in sick the morning of their shift. They could, however, get approval weeks in advance to take paid personal days.
    Eyyyy, sounds like the administration stuck with the unions despite the unpopular and bad legislation ending their strike and ended up getting (at least many of) them one of the key points they were negotiating/striking for.

  10. #15890
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Eyyyy, sounds like the administration stuck with the unions despite the unpopular and bad legislation ending their strike and ended up getting (at least many of) them one of the key points they were negotiating/striking for.
    Going to need a source citation on the polling showing that Americans wanted an economic shut down over rail.

    Also need a source on when the rail unions voted to strike.
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  11. #15891
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    Is Dark Brandon the most relatable president ever?

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  12. #15892
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    They're still just trying to create something that'll actually stick to Biden, since everything they've tried thus far has failed miserably.

    Isn't Comer the dude that has been pushing as hard as he can for literally anything related to Hunter Biden, as though it was the most important thing in his life? Oops, he failed. Time to try something new.

    But its ok, because...

    The republican platform just seems to be sad attempts at revenge for any insult they felt during the Trump years. Lucky they're totally not weaponising anything, though, right?

    They really are just throwing as much made up shit at the wall as they can. I laugh at it, but then I remember these people have power, and people genuinely believe the things they say are true.
    Yep, he is the chairman of the House Oversight committee, was literally on CNN and said he didn't find anything illegal, and people still believe he has something even after I link them the video.

  13. #15893
    Mentioned this before, but that child labor law they proposed in Iowa that would allow 14 year olds to work nights, 15 year olds to do assembly line and 16 year olds to serve alcohol while exempting their employers from liabilities if they got hurt unless they can prove the employer ordered them to do it....

    Yeah, it passed with some amendments, not sure what the amendments are.

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  14. #15894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Yeah, it passed with some amendments, not sure what the amendments are.

    Here's the Amendments - https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislati...593.1683237479

    Looks like a bunch of word changes and one that says registered sex offenders can't employ minors.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

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  15. #15895
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain N View Post
    Here's the Amendments - https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislati...593.1683237479

    Looks like a bunch of word changes and one that says registered sex offenders can't employ minors.

    All I can think of reading this news is:

    1) Does this mean 14 year olds will be able to legally join a union? Otherwise I don't see this as legally enforceable and....
    2) If they can join a union, I so would love to see this backfire hardcore and the younger guys push to unionize hard after hired.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  16. #15896
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    1) Does this mean 14 year olds will be able to legally join a union?
    If Republicans write the legislation on it, you won't be old enough to join a union until 60.

  17. #15897
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    If Republicans write the legislation on it, you won't be old enough to join a union until 60.
    Probably need signed parental consent.
    It is a legal document.
    To join a union.
    in IOWA.

    Or else bar them from it since they are a minor, and you end up with teens filtering into unionized employers "As a work experience". Propagandize them, when they turn 18 "Why would I join the union my profitable employer who is firmly anti union says is bad? I get paid enough!" not realizing they get that because.....the union.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  18. #15898
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Is Dark Brandon the most relatable president ever?

    Meanwhile, Trump hates animals, and probably would've had the cat thrown out for daring to climb on top of him, let alone sleep on his head. Seriously, no empathy for human beings is one thing, but when someone has no empathy for animals, you can tell they're just a fucking asshole. I am, indeed, liking Biden more now (not just because of this) than I did when I voted for him last election.

  19. #15899
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Meanwhile, Trump hates animals, and probably would've had the cat thrown out for daring to climb on top of him, let alone sleep on his head. Seriously, no empathy for human beings is one thing, but when someone has no empathy for animals, you can tell they're just a fucking asshole. I am, indeed, liking Biden more now (not just because of this) than I did when I voted for him last election.
    Trump was only the second President who didn't have pets (the first was James K. Polk, who was president in 1845).

  20. #15900
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    Woot, this is a great hire.

    • Neera Tanden will replace Susan Rice as the head of the Domestic Policy Council, according to Biden officials familiar with the move.
    • Stef Feldman, senior adviser to Rice and a longtime Biden aide, will replace Tanden as staff secretary, the important post that controls the flow of paper into the Oval Office.
    She did good things at CAP and helped organize the 2018 Blue Wave.
    Chapo Trappers and Dave Sirotas hate her, because she pushed back against their bull shit.

    Having a feeling this will totally be non-prophetic in anyway. /s
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