1. #15941
    I'm just sad that Biden won't spend tens of minutes talking about this incident and how harrowing it all was and how anyone else would have died from that fall, giving us a good autotuned song version.

    Because again, this song will always be a fuckin banger -

  2. #15942
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Was he alright? I'm serious here, old people falling is never good. Hell, younger people falling can cause problems. I slipped and fell on the ice once and broke my god damn arm. We're talking someone who has weaker muscles and weaker bones...
    Well old people tend to break hips, but Brandon is tuff as nails, Jack!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm just sad that Biden won't spend tens of minutes talking about this incident and how harrowing it all was and how anyone else would have died from that fall, giving us a good autotuned song version.]
    I laughed and yes the Republicans will run with this forever. We laughed at Trump for sorta same reasons but other. People should just take it what it is, a funny gaffe.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  3. #15943
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    We laughed at Trump for sorta same reasons but other.
    Biden never once claimed he was the healthiest man to run for office.

    Trump did.

    Therein lies the difference.

  4. #15944
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Well old people tend to break hips, but Brandon is tuff as nails, Jack!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I laughed and yes the Republicans will run with this forever. We laughed at Trump for sorta same reasons but other. People should just take it what it is, a funny gaffe.
    I didn't laugh at Trump having trouble coming down a ramp. I laughed at the fact that he tried to make every excuse in the book on WHY he was having trouble instead of stating that he has trouble going down ramps, which is PERFECTLY fine for someone of his age to have.

    The only thing I laughed at Trump at was his hair getting messed up because and showing he has a major combover because, once again, he actively bases his image on his hair.

  5. #15945
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    The White House is hosting a MAriachi Band in celebration of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. It nice to see an administration celebrate being a multicultural democracy. America when it strives to be it' best self.

    Thanks Biden!

    The Biden Whitehouse also celebrated For Black History Month in February with a screening of "Till."
    Biden marked Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month last month with a screening of the streaming series "American Born Chinese."

    Sorry to the people that are mad about "those people getting months".
    Also the same people that spice up their potato salad with extra mayonaise and raisins.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  6. #15946
    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    The White House is hosting a MAriachi Band in celebration of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. It nice to see an administration celebrate being a multicultural democracy. America when it strives to be it' best self.

    Thanks Biden!

    If they didn't put taco trucks on each corner of the White House this is a yuge missed opportunity.

  7. #15947
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    If they didn't put taco trucks on each corner of the White House this is a yuge missed opportunity.
    My socialist dream is to have four state-sponsored taco trucks on the corner of my house. But this level of incrementalism is fine too.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  8. #15948
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    $930 million in grants announced in Biden's effort to expand internet access to every home in the US

    The so-called middle mile grants, announced by the Department of Commerce, are meant to create large-scale networks that will enable retail broadband providers to link subscribers to the internet. Department officials likened the role of the middle mile — the midsection of the infrastructure necessary to enable internet access, composed of high-capacity fiber lines carrying huge amounts of data at very high speeds — to how the interstate highway system forged connections between communities.

    “These networks are the workhorses carrying large amounts of data over very long distances,” said Mitch Landrieu, the White House’s infrastructure coordinator, in a media Zoom call. “They’re the ones that are bridging the gap between the larger networks and the last mile connections, from tribal lands to underserved rural and remote areas to essential institutions like hospitals, schools, libraries and major businesses.”

    The grants were awarded to a cross-section of state government agencies, tribal governments and telephone and electric cooperatives. They are intended to trigger the laying of 12,000 miles (19,300 kilometers) of new fiber through 35 states and Puerto Rico.

  9. #15949
    I'd be curious around the rules for these grants. Because we've been giving internet companies money to expand access to rural areas for decades now and they just keep taking it and spending it on other shit.

  10. #15950
    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    The White House is hosting a MAriachi Band in celebration of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. It nice to see an administration celebrate being a multicultural democracy. America when it strives to be it' best self.

    Thanks Biden!

    The Biden Whitehouse also celebrated For Black History Month in February with a screening of "Till."
    Biden marked Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month last month with a screening of the streaming series "American Born Chinese."

    Sorry to the people that are mad about "those people getting months".
    Also the same people that spice up their potato salad with extra mayonaise and raisins.
    Alright I had to research cause I thought you were doing some Fox propoganda.

    It's almost as stupid?? They are now in the film marketing business for a Hollywood star, Eva Longoria. To be fair Longoria is a good Lil Dem by helping reach out to the Latin community. I'm sure by here effort she has done some good. To be honest probably a better and more effective job the Dems do now in getting Latino voters.

    The sorta stereotypes I hope is coming more from Longoria's side, meaning this is what she wanted then say from some white, intern staffer at WH who looks up "Mexican Culture" and does this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Here comes my cynical ass. Wonder if the rural people will get the hint, IFFF this succeeds, and think gubbbbbermnet guuuud! I champion this very much that government infrastructure and internet access to rural is great.

    Off @Edge reply is more cynicism of yes private corporations taking money and not doing anything or so inadequate internet that just pisses of the rural people more.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2023-06-16 at 07:42 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  11. #15951
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Alright I had to research cause I thought you were doing some Fox propoganda.

    It's almost as stupid?? They are now in the film marketing business for a Hollywood star, Evan Longoria. To be fair Longoria is a good Lil Dem by helping reach out to the Latin community. I'm sure by here effort she has done some good. To be honest probably a better and more effective job the Dems do now in getting Latino voters.

    The sorta stereotypes I hope is coming more from Longoria's side, meaning this is what she wanted then say from some white, intern staffer at WH who looks up "Mexican Culture" and does this.
    ...y tho?

    White House screenings have a pretty long history. Beyond being the seat of the Executive Branch where "governing happens" and such, it's a cultural touchpoint for the nation.

    Why is it stupid? It's a silly movie that they're highlighting as a moment of levity while also boosting diverse voices. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the movie is just a marketing tool but like...so what? Marketing tools can still be fun.

    Also, yo mariachi bands are awesome and are super authentically Mexican. This is a silly pearl-clutch moment for something that's just kinda normal and fun.

  12. #15952
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Alright I had to research cause I thought you were doing some Fox propoganda.

    It's almost as stupid?? They are now in the film marketing business for a Hollywood star, Evan Longoria. To be fair Longoria is a good Lil Dem by helping reach out to the Latin community. I'm sure by here effort she has done some good. To be honest probably a better and more effective job the Dems do now in getting Latino voters.

    The sorta stereotypes I hope is coming more from Longoria's side, meaning this is what she wanted then say from some white, intern staffer at WH who looks up "Mexican Culture" and does this.
    Uhhh sorry about your tankie brainworms. Evan Longoria is a third baseman.

    Funny how reactionaries on the right and chapo-left both get mad when Dems decide to express joy through dance or music. I cant imagine the kind of person that tries to turn Mariachi into a bad thing.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  13. #15953
    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    Funny how reactionaries on the right and chapo-left both get mad when Dems decide to express joy through dance or music.
    I still occasionally get angry responses/DM's on reddit from that one time I went into one of the many /r/freefromworkreformresistworkersunite reddits that was repeating the bullshit about FL Democrats dancing with Republicans in the isles after passing anti-trans legislation, simply correcting the timeline.

    Those folks really weren't happy about that, they'd just rather be mad Democrats didn't stop a thing that they literally had no ability to stop even though they tried.

  14. #15954
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    ...y tho?

    White House screenings have a pretty long history. Beyond being the seat of the Executive Branch where "governing happens" and such, it's a cultural touchpoint for the nation.

    Why is it stupid? It's a silly movie that they're highlighting as a moment of levity while also boosting diverse voices. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the movie is just a marketing tool but like...so what? Marketing tools can still be fun.

    Also, yo mariachi bands are awesome and are super authentically Mexican. This is a silly pearl-clutch moment for something that's just kinda normal and fun.
    You mean that time Woodrow Wilson screened The Birth of a Nation<Snark>. People who don't know that this is perhaps one of the most racist movies every made and screened by a well known racist President.

    I honestly can't think of any films that have debuted or used for promotion at the WH. I looked it up as best I can and sure there has been others. I'm speaking more of this as a marketing ploy. I mean c'mon this is silly if just used to promote a move. From my original post, I get it if they are doing a favor for Longoria, but silly imo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    Uhhh sorry about your tankie brainworms. Evan Longoria is a third baseman.

    Funny how reactionaries on the right and chapo-left both get mad when Dems decide to express joy through dance or music. I cant imagine the kind of person that tries to turn Mariachi into a bad thing.
    Ha! Bad spelling and was goon in Tampa but fell off later.

    Yes, its silly overall that promoting some movie. Again, the BIG picture I get is a favor for EvA. Otherwise a public event is just not for me.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2023-06-16 at 07:53 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #15955
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    You mean that time Woodrow Wilson screened The Birth of a Nation. <Snark> people who don't know that this is perhaps one of the most racist movies every made and screened by a well known racist President.
    ...yes? Because clearly nothing has changed from that time or anything. Guess since a racist guy during a time when being a racist shitlord was more acceptrable watched a racist movie in the White House nobody can ever watch movies in the White House again because that one guy did something bad and just ruined it for everyone else in perpetuity forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    I honestly can't think of any films that have debuted or used for promotion at the WH. I looked it up as best I can and sure there has been others.
    Well it's a good thing that this movie has been in theaters for a week now after its June 9 release so it can't have debuted! And you didn't look very hard I guess since this was in the first 5 or so results -


    Again, not super uncommon especially with modern presidents. This format of it being screened for a larger audience on the lawn is less common, but this is a pretty normal thing that normally happens during normal presidencies. You know, like a president having a pet in the White House.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    I'm speaking more of this as a marketing ploy. I mean c'mon this is silly if just used to promote a move.
    Is it just to promote a movie? You tell me since apparently you're in the know here both about this event and the history of films showed at the White House. Technically it's a "marketing ploy" for any film shown there, being screened at the White House is a pretty big honor for any movie, even a dumb action flick. But I imagine that if this was something corporations could achieve themselves we wouldn't be seeing Cheeto's being the first and only company to accomplish this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    From my original post, I get it if they are doing a favor for Longoria, but silly imo.
    Highlighting diversity sure is silly, I guess.

  16. #15956
    Bloodsail Admiral VMSmith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Again, not super uncommon especially with modern presidents. This format of it being screened for a larger audience on the lawn is less common, but this is a pretty normal thing that normally happens during normal presidencies. You know, like a president having a pet in the White House.
    People get wound up about the stupidest shit when it comes to politics or politicians, and some wave away the serious shit when it's "their side" doing it.

    Was it Dijon or Grey Poupon or just some unapproved condiment on something people lost their shit over? Maybe a rainbow on a beer can. Or a tan suit. Or an ugly-ass white house rose garden (though, honestly, I'm such a fan of greys and blacks and futuristic shit that it didn't bother me at all. Was still ugly, tho).

    I mean, people fall for bread and circuses over and over and over, and no one will ever underestimate the stupidity of the average person.

    "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
    Last edited by VMSmith; 2023-06-16 at 08:09 PM.

  17. #15957
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    ...yes? Because clearly nothing has changed from that time or anything. Guess since a racist guy during a time when being a racist shitlord was more acceptrable watched a racist movie in the White House nobody can ever watch movies in the White House again because that one guy did something bad and just ruined it for everyone else in perpetuity forever..
    My goodness I gave a <Snark>. Chill

    Highlighting diversity sure is silly, I guess
    You are getting waaaaay overworked on this. You know my post history 4ever here. I don't knock diversity. I knock the promotion side and I think I said "cynically" of helping Longoria out since she is a Dem insider. It's fine if we just playing politics and that most of all my my cynic take on this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by VMSmith View Post
    People get wound up about the stupidest shit when it comes to politics or politicians, and some wave away the serious shit when it's "their side" doing it.
    I'll throw you in this convo too.

    It was my cynic take on politics and promoting some movie that doesn't need to be promoted. If its a favor to Eva as a BIG Dems supporter, sure. Yet cynicism still from me of the politics game.

    I'm not mad or seething over this.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  18. #15958
    There's a difference between being a cynic and being a contrarian asshole over nearly literally everything the Dems do. It's the same property as letting perfect be the enemy of good.

  19. #15959
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    The most pro-union president in the history of the US recieved quite a few early endorsements this week.

    Just today endorsements came in from:
    American Federation of Teachers

    Tomorrow Biden holds his first reelection rally with union members in Philly.

    The AFL-CIO has voted to endorse President Joe Biden for re-election. He will be addressing union members on June 17 at 2 p.m. ET.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  20. #15960
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    The most pro-union president in the history of the US recieved quite a few early endorsements this week.

    Just today endorsements came in from:
    American Federation of Teachers

    Tomorrow Biden holds his first reelection rally with union members in Philly.

    The AFL-CIO has voted to endorse President Joe Biden for re-election. He will be addressing union members on June 17 at 2 p.m. ET.
    Look at who the possible opponents are.
    The unions would be effectively masturbating each other cheese graters if they didn't vote Biden.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

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