We have the fucking knowledge of the world at our fingertips and folks are still out here like, "Yeah, Kyle down on the corner who sells dime bags to the highschool kids is still a totally legit source on his Twitter."
Apparently it is an "alternative" to Wikipedia. Probably like "Truth Social" is an alternative to reality.
From all the sources linked in the article for that dumbass, he is an NFT and crypto dumbass. Which means no one should listen to him.
I'm no fan of Biden at all, but it seems to me that right-wingers are so desperate to find anything at all bad about Biden because they know inside that their people and positions are all just awful and evil ... but if the "other side" can just once be shown to be just as awful and evil then it might just be ok for them to support the hatefulness that they thrive on because then "both sides are just as bad" might seem true.
There's literally no way to defend their guy with a straight face, so instead they go after the other guy. It's not new, and has been ongoing ever since the Hunter Biden laptop/dick pics thing. They're absolutely desperate to make the most harmless, milketoast man to ever be President into a diabolical mastermind because of course he has to be if he leads the pack of criminal groomer communist trans baby-killing lizardmen they assume Democrats to be.
It worked with Clinton, where "she was careless about security that one time" was blown up into her being an Enemy of the State to be locked up. Biden's kinda just too boring and noncontroversial for that to happen to him, so the best they got is that one of his children is a dumbass as if that wouldn't also disqualify Trump several times over.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
You obviously don't get it <snark>.
You see Joe was playing the long game by deciding to jump in the 2020 vey late. Survive the primary. Get 81 million votes, yet barely win by electoral. Just so Hunter could grift on the name with no Joe in sight.
Conservatives are going to dine out on this for months.
"Buh dah DEMS"
I do hope you've sent an email to administrators and the school board with a FYI that some nutso parents might start claiming the school has litterboxes for children who think they're cats.
It's so absolutely fucked that it's a practical thing. I remember shooter drills when I was in school and all but they were nothing like what kids and teachers deal with today.
That's totally a thing!!(/sarcasm) One of my coworker's wife's friend's friend who is a teach said it was so!! (wish I was bullshiting, that's what he told me)
It's a pretty sad state when people would rather have armed teachers than kitty litter in a classroom. Edit: not that kitty litter is supposed to be in a classroom.
Reporter: “To what extent has Vladimir Putin been weakened by recent events?”
President Biden: “It’s hard to tell, but he’s clearly losing the war in Iraq, he's losing the war at home. And he has become a bit of a pariah around the world.”
Oof! This dude is lost. At the end he ramble about Japan, which if I'm missing something besides him being totally confused who he is talking about, idk what Putin is doing to Japan.
"Buh dah DEMS"
The other issue with Biden is that he's an old white man, so he isn't viewed as a default threat to the GOP's base of old white men like Obama, Hillary, and Kamala are. Dude just comes off as a typical grandpa who everyone relates to. Hell, he reminds me of my own grandfather, even down to liking vanilla ice cream and being huggy with his grandkids.
It also doesn't help the narrative of Biden being some nefarious criminal mastermind when they also push the narrative that he's a doddering old guy who is slowly losing his cognitive abilities. Both narratives don't support each other, and as you said it absolutely reeks of desperation to try to run cover for Trump's blatant criminality.
Last edited by Teriz; 2023-06-28 at 04:04 PM.
He's not. Biden was pivoting to talk about the nations working to support Ukraine and sanction Russia. That's why he said "It's not just NATO, it's not just the European Union" and including Japan - who have concerns about how the outcome of the war could affect China.
Sometimes it is just Biden just making a verbal mistake. Often times it is. Hardly the end of the world.
Yes yes we all saw the fox news headline.
Given how much Biden has talked about the war in iraq this seems like the weakest of potshots. If you want to call into his question his facilities there are much worse mis-speaks out there. This one actually makes sense how it would happen.
What was confusing about that short of the "Iraq" misstatement?
And I had to look up the stage thing which predictably also seems to come from right wing sources trying to make something of it (weird how the European news outlets you apparently read so consistently happen to be focused on right wing social media talking point?) - https://twitter.com/ClayTravis/statu...38912088305669
Here's a fuller clip following a 20 minute interview, it was wrapping up already and he maybe got up a few seconds early - https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/s...3333134516225?
This is sad that people seem so eager uncritically accept and spread misinformation rather than spend like 1 minute to check something. I guess as long as it reinforces your world view it's good enough to share, it's gotta be true. At least he didn't wear a tan suit, can you imagine how much worse this would have been if he did?
The amount of color you're filling in from your imagination is purely on you.
A bit odd? Sure. Noteworthy beyond that? No, not really.
...how often do you see POTUS sit down on a national TV network for an interview?
No, this is not a regular occurrence. That's why, for example, the Super Bowl interview with the president is usually a pretty prestige affair.
Yet weirdly under his leadership, and many others, we've gotten through crisis after crisis and he's arguably been the key factor in generating such strong support for Ukraine while being basically the only person rightfully warning that Putin was going to invade.
Also, he rides a bicycle around. Reminder that the last POTUS had to take a golf cart a few hundred meters because he didn't want to walk, and is also obese. These concerns are fairly trivial and driven almost exclusively from the right wing media ecosystem that you continue to claim you don't get your information from.
Perfect? No. Made mistakes? Yeah. An old guy? Definitely.
Except it's actually jogging. Do you know what jogging is? How can someone who can barely hobble around jog? Do you remember that he rides his bicycle around? He even fell off once and his bones didn't turn into dust. That's wild for a guy that ancient, right?
Honestly you consistently have some of the most impressively bad takes that are always uniquely informed by the conservative media and social media ecosystem. It's really a mystery.
Pretty sure the last person openly wishing for someone to die got banned. Just saying, mods.