1. #16761
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The alternative is cancer, for those of you who didn't figure that out. Can you imagine willfully voting for cancer?

    In other news, the House GOP subpoenas anyone Hunter Biden has ever met, desperately scattershotting and hoping someone will say something they can use.

    "Sure, whatever," Hunter Biden is likely responding. "I'll get on that as quickly as Steve Bannon did."
    Glad to see that House Republicans, who still don't have a plan for avoiding a government shutdown that's set to happen in a few weeks, are focusing on the real issues.

    I mean, their witnesses have thus far been incredibly damaging for their case and the worst they've shown is that Joe is a generous guy who loans money to his family, who repay him in full, while he's a private citizen and not in public office.

    Oh, and that he loves his son unconditionally and supports him through his struggles with drug addiction etc. while expecting that he be held accountable for his actions. How dreadful.

  2. #16762
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    This is so fuckin weird to me.

    Don't get me wrong I get it - Biden is an old guy and a lot of us are justifiably tired of people who should be retiring in Palm Beach (well, maybe elsewhere) running the country.

    But at the same time it's wild how much folks don't like Joe despite really liking a lot of the policies he's pushed and the legislation that Democrats passed.
    I think a lot of people are justifiably worried he's gonna just keel over, or go completely senile, or will act like many older people do and ignore everything he's told by younger folk and stick to his guns.

    I think all of that's doubtful, but that's the sentiment I've seen.

  3. #16763
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    I think a lot of people are justifiably worried he's gonna just keel over, or go completely senile, or will act like many older people do and ignore everything he's told by younger folk and stick to his guns.
    Oddly enough, "a lot of people" will vote for Trump, who has done all three of these things in public already. Remember the time he caught COVID and nearly died?

  4. #16764
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Oddly enough, "a lot of people" will vote for Trump, who has done all three of these things in public already. Remember the time he caught COVID and nearly died?
    I do remember that, it was extremely disappointing.

  5. #16765
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    I think a lot of people are justifiably worried he's gonna just keel over, or go completely senile, or will act like many older people do and ignore everything he's told by younger folk and stick to his guns.

    I think all of that's doubtful, but that's the sentiment I've seen.
    You're gonna have to qualify the bolded for me. Dude still goes on regular bike rides, which is not something someone in poor health who might die at any time can do.

    Completely senile? Is he senile now?

    Ignore what he's told by younger people because he's old? Because Joe hasn't radically changed his positions compared to his Senate days already?

    This is weird to me. I get it, he's an old guy who sometimes does the old man walk and he has a stutter that rears its head from time to time. I wish we had someone a big younger and fuller of vigor and all, but honestly all three of your primary concerns seem fairly baseless given available evidence and reality.

  6. #16766
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    This is weird to me. I get it, he's an old guy who sometimes does the old man walk and he has a stutter that rears its head from time to time. I wish we had someone a big younger and fuller of vigor and all, but honestly all three of your primary concerns seem fairly baseless given available evidence and reality.
    yeah the narrative about biden in the US for the last 3 years has been utterly baffling.

    look i'm no shill for the democrats and i'm certainly no fan of biden when taking into account the entirety of his political career, but the objective truth is that in terms of actual implemented policy, as well as the weird thing with US presidential administrations where they kind of set the tone for the cultural zeitgeist, this is far and away the most progressive and most left-facing we've had in this country since... jesus, at least the carter administration? and while carter was gentle and kind-uncle about it he was also a pussy and completely broke the spine of the left in the US so probably would need to go further back than that.
    so really the last time we had a president who strongly spoke out for ANY sort of left/liberal ideology (even if it was only lip service) was probably fucking LBJ or something.
    and yet, biden gets shat on nonstop by every corner of the public discourse, even by (and perhaps especially by) the more self-proclaimed left sides of the spectrum.

    personally i don't care if he's 130 and incoherent, because i find the hero-worship mentality of the president in the US kind of disgusting and i don't think that one person should be a figurehead for the entire country as a society in the first place, i only care that when he's trotted out in front of the cameras he's not being a socially regressive fascist asscunt.
    which btw biden WAS (a socially regressive asscunt) for most of the last 50 years, so it's been rather interesting to see him being not-that.
    if he's senile and being lead around like a puppet, the puppeteers controlling him seem a decent sort so i'm content to let them keep doing it.

    biden's brain could be a hollowed out honeydew melon filled with cottage cheese and he would still be better for the advancement of civilization than any elected republican that has held office since nixon.
    Last edited by Malkiah; 2023-11-08 at 08:46 PM.

  7. #16767
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    You're gonna have to qualify the bolded for me. Dude still goes on regular bike rides, which is not something someone in poor health who might die at any time can do.

    Completely senile? Is he senile now?

    Ignore what he's told by younger people because he's old? Because Joe hasn't radically changed his positions compared to his Senate days already?

    This is weird to me. I get it, he's an old guy who sometimes does the old man walk and he has a stutter that rears its head from time to time. I wish we had someone a big younger and fuller of vigor and all, but honestly all three of your primary concerns seem fairly baseless given available evidence and reality.
    They ain't my primary concerns, I don't think that's gonna happen, as I said it is all doubtful. Given how Trump is still trucking along and clearly takes worse care of himself, Joe will be fine.

    As to justifiable, I don't mean it in any hardcore definition, but it's understandable why people would be concerned. Better word than justifiable, I guess.

  8. #16768
    Quote Originally Posted by Malkiah View Post
    if he's senile and being lead around like a puppet, the puppeteers controlling him seem a decent sort so i'm content to let them keep doing it.
    Yep. And even then he's still clearly got a few in the chamber still, his off-script SOTU comments and trolling of Republicans are an example of that. Every now and then he comes out with a real off the cuff zinger to the press, too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    They ain't my primary concerns, I don't think that's gonna happen, as I said it is all doubtful. Given how Trump is still trucking along and clearly takes worse care of himself, Joe will be fine.

    As to justifiable, I don't mean it in any hardcore definition, but it's understandable why people would be concerned. Better word than justifiable, I guess.
    I interpreted you calling them "justifiable" as viewing that they held some real weight, my mistake on misinterpreting.

    "Understandable" works if folks are getting their news from broadcast TV and shit, I'm increasingly disappointed and impressed at how the overall quality of those news channels continues to sink further and further. I'm not shocked because this is the necessary end of for-profit media and how they must operate and all, but I'll still gripe about it.

  9. #16769
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    You're gonna have to qualify the bolded for me. Dude still goes on regular bike rides, which is not something someone in poor health who might die at any time can do.

    Completely senile? Is he senile now?

    Ignore what he's told by younger people because he's old? Because Joe hasn't radically changed his positions compared to his Senate days already?

    This is weird to me. I get it, he's an old guy who sometimes does the old man walk and he has a stutter that rears its head from time to time. I wish we had someone a big younger and fuller of vigor and all, but honestly all three of your primary concerns seem fairly baseless given available evidence and reality.
    I think the main problem with Biden isn't really his age but expectations, no one was clamoring for two terms of Joe Biden heck he wouldn't have gotten one without Trump. The hope was that after Trump got defeated he would fade into obscurity and the threat would be gone then Joe would step down after one term. Frankly democrats are just tired of voting for lesser than two evils, Trump has a cult and being a democrat is like being a fan for a bad sports team. Democrats are very bad at making people feel that they are fighting for them or winning. At the base level that's what democrats have always lacked the feeling that they are winning, it feels like you are always eating crow.

  10. #16770
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Frankly democrats are just tired of voting for lesser than two evils
    which is ironic, given that biden through this first term has been the least "lesser of two evils" that we've had in this country in probably 60+ years.

    Democrats are very bad at making people feel that they are fighting for them or winning. At the base level that's what democrats have always lacked the feeling that they are winning, it feels like you are always eating crow.
    well i mean... two things:
    1. i think it says a lot about the US population if they need to be told that they're winning when they're winning.
    2. the democrats are a staid conservative party - and i don't mean that as an insult, i think the dems are about the most perfect model of a conservative party any country could ever hope for, they are everything a conservative party should be.
    but, they ARE a conservative party and so excitement and "winning" isn't built into the formula.
    a proper respectable conservative party - one that is hesitant to embrace change but willing to face problems head on and implement real solutions but in a reserved way that tries to not rock the boat - isn't sexy or thrilling.

    IMO american voters need to wake the fuck up and realize that they have the option of a good and proper conservative party, or a regressive christofascist death cult and those are simply the two options. there are no other choices. there are no other variables.
    pick one, or opt out and be done with it.

  11. #16771
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    Today, we honor the story of our veterans—the story of our nation at its best.

    On Veterans Day, let's recommit to fulfilling our one sacred obligation as a nation: to prepare those we send into harm's way and care for them and their families when they come home.
    -- President Joe Biden

  12. #16772
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    -- President Joe Biden
    Reading this and the former president's statement, it's incredible to see the contrast. This feels warm and welcoming, the other felt fueled by rage and a cry for war

  13. #16773
    See I absolutely understand the argument that Biden's age is an issue. But Trump is 3,5 years younger. So his age is equally an issue and his health should by all accounts be worse. You can definitely claim that Biden had a solid chance of experiencing dementia in his next term (and dementia can settle rapidly, a friend just had his grandma go from fully functional to needing a caretaker 24/7 in the span of half a year). But so can Trump. There would be an argument if his likely opponent in the elections was anyone else but that's just not the case.

  14. #16774
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    See I absolutely understand the argument that Biden's age is an issue. But Trump is 3,5 years younger. So his age is equally an issue and his health should by all accounts be worse. You can definitely claim that Biden had a solid chance of experiencing dementia in his next term (and dementia can settle rapidly, a friend just had his grandma go from fully functional to needing a caretaker 24/7 in the span of half a year). But so can Trump. There would be an argument if his likely opponent in the elections was anyone else but that's just not the case.
    Another part of that argument is that Biden actually surrounded himself with competent people as opposed to what Trump did during his time in office, so even if something happens with Biden there are people who can keep things running while that gets sorted out. Under Trump it was and would be just a melee of people grabbing whatever isn't nailed down before abandoning ship.

    Biden was not my first choice in 2020 primaries--he barely made the top five--and I still wish there was another Democrat running, but I'll take octogenarian Biden over anyone from the current GOP any day.

  15. #16775

    Ukrainian police and prosecutors have accused two politicians and a former prosecutor of treason, saying they colluded with a Russian intelligence agency in aiding an effort by Rudolph W. Giuliani several years ago to tie the Biden family to corruption in Ukraine.

    Those accused include Kostyantyn Kulyk, a former Ukrainian deputy prosecutor general who had drafted a memo in 2019 suggesting Ukraine investigate Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, for his role serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
    Also implicated were a current member of Ukraine’s Parliament, Oleksandr Dubinsky, and a former member, Andriy Derkach, who had publicly advocated for an investigation in Ukraine into Hunter Biden. They had also promoted a spurious theory that it was Ukraine, and not Russia, that had meddled in the 2016 presidential election in the United States.

    The three were indicted on charges of treason and belonging to a criminal organization. The charges refer to “information-subversive activities” and focus on actions in 2019 before the American presidential election. They do not say if or when the activity stopped.

    In the run-up to the 2020 election in the United States, Mr. Giuliani and later former President Donald J. Trump had encouraged Ukrainian officials to follow up on the allegations against Hunter Biden. The effort included a phone call by Mr. Trump to President Volodymyr Zelensky in July of 2019 urging an investigation into the Bidens, at a time when the Trump administration was withholding military aid for the Ukrainian Army.

    Critics say that pressure to investigate the Bidens was politically motivated, aimed at harming the elder Mr. Biden’s chances against Mr. Trump in the 2020 presidential election.
    Would not be remotely surprising if Rudy was the very useful idiot he always appeared to be, or that Russian agents played him (and other Republicans) like a fiddle.

    Damn, who would have ever thought Russia was involved in Republican efforts to generate conspiracy theories about Joe Biden?!

  16. #16776
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    See I absolutely understand the argument that Biden's age is an issue. But Trump is 3,5 years younger. So his age is equally an issue and his health should by all accounts be worse. You can definitely claim that Biden had a solid chance of experiencing dementia in his next term (and dementia can settle rapidly, a friend just had his grandma go from fully functional to needing a caretaker 24/7 in the span of half a year). But so can Trump. There would be an argument if his likely opponent in the elections was anyone else but that's just not the case.
    Biden’s age is less an issue than any other issue with any of the Republican candidates, most of all trump
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  17. #16777
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    How good are things in the US right now?

    FOX News is running the White House cocaine story again.

    Because when I'm in a library, I know I'm in a library because there are books everywhere. Does it look like there's books everywhere? That's a wall of cubbies. They say the coke was found in locker number 50 right there in the middle. And there's a key missing. And what do you think the chances are that the Secret Service has the key? Because "Primetime" thinks the coke may have been planted in the cubby after it was found in the library.
    Yeah, this is a story from July.

  18. #16778
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Biden’s age is less an issue than any other issue with any of the Republican candidates, most of all trump
    See, that is a good point. Just a shame Republican voters just don't fucking care. Only the other team can ever do any wrong

  19. #16779
    Let's just be thankful that if Trump loses the 2024 election he won't get another chance due to age and health concerns. I am sure he will be a annoying vocal insect until the day he dies but at least he won't be anywhere near the Oval Office again.

  20. #16780
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    Let's just be thankful that if Trump loses the 2024 election he won't get another chance due to age and health concerns.
    To bring up my recurring failure, I did say in 2020 he would read the polls, realize he was going to lose, fake an illness/injury and drop out.

    The current polls, and his legal defense being "crown myself God-Emperor", prevent this. He will run for office while in a cremation urn if he has to.

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