1. #16801
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    A thick, girthy lookin one with stripes and everything
    Mr. Watters is probably not used to seeing a straw that size.

  2. #16802
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Greene Tweets because of course she did that Biden should be careful, or else when Trump wins the election he could throw Biden in jail, due to recent rulings.

    "But only if he commits a crime, right?"

    I assume so, yes.

    "Then I think we're okay."

  3. #16803
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Greene Tweets because of course she did that Biden should be careful, or else when Trump wins the election he could throw Biden in jail, due to recent rulings.

    "But only if he commits a crime, right?"

    I assume so, yes.

    "Then I think we're okay."
    Isn't that kind of an inherent admission that she knows Trump is a guilty, guilty criminal shithead? Oh noes, the precedent is being set that the POTUS is not above the law and can be prosecuted for criminal conduct.

    You're a batshit lunatic if you think this is something to worry about.

  4. #16804
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Isn't that kind of an inherent admission that she knows Trump is a guilty, guilty criminal shithead?
    Actually, I don't think she did. She strikes me as not just intentionally ill-formed, but also insane. I honestly think she views the ruling against Trump as "you can have people arrested just because you want to".

  5. #16805
    You want to see the Right lose it's mind in hate and hypocrisy. Let Biden pardon his son at any point in his presidency.

  6. #16806
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    You want to see the Right lose it's mind in hate and hypocrisy. Let Biden pardon his son at any point in his presidency.
    Honestly if he loses re-election I don't see any reason why he wouldn't. And frankly I'd be hard pressed to blame him. It's his son after all.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  7. #16807
    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    Honestly if he loses re-election I don't see any reason why he wouldn't. And frankly I'd be hard pressed to blame him. It's his son after all.
    Because that'd be a pretty transparent abuse of his power for personal/family gain and would just lead Republicans to declare that the pardon is PROOF of all their allegations.

    There's no reason to pardon him for anything right now. He broke some laws and will have to deal with the consequences, and almost everything that the GOP is pretending is SUPER DUPER CEREAL is largely either fictional or a complete and total non-legal issue for Hunter.

  8. #16808
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    There's no reason to pardon him for anything right now. He broke some laws and will have to deal with the consequences,
    Consequences that would frankly be pretty minor even if he weren't the president's son. Like, he's almost certainly not looking at anything more serious than some fines.

  9. #16809
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Because that'd be a pretty transparent abuse of his power for personal/family gain and would just lead Republicans to declare that the pardon is PROOF of all their allegations.

    There's no reason to pardon him for anything right now. He broke some laws and will have to deal with the consequences, and almost everything that the GOP is pretending is SUPER DUPER CEREAL is largely either fictional or a complete and total non-legal issue for Hunter.
    Note I didn't say it would be the right or ethical decision. But as someone who would clearly be leaving the political stage for good he has very little personal reason to not ensure his kid is safe. The question is whether or not Biden's internal sense of morals and justice would outweigh his love as a father. And I would understand if they didn't. that's all I'm saying.

    That being said I also fully expect the right wing to lose interest when Biden leaves office. They'll find a different target to witchhunt.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  10. #16810
    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    Note I didn't say it would be the right or ethical decision. But as someone who would clearly be leaving the political stage for good he has very little personal reason to not ensure his kid is safe. The question is whether or not Biden's internal sense of morals and justice would outweigh his love as a father. And I would understand if they didn't. that's all I'm saying.

    That being said I also fully expect the right wing to lose interest when Biden leaves office. They'll find a different target to witchhunt.
    So fuck everyone else, just as long as he gets his? I know that's not your intention, but that's basically what you're arguing here.

    Hunter, largely, is no in any serious legal jeopardy himself. He's facing some consequences, but nothing like decades of jailtime (hell, even years probably). The Republican investigations into him also aren't really about him, nor are they turning up much beyond some potential additional tax evasion (the horror!) for him to be worried about, they're just using him to get to Dark Brandon.

    The actions would reflect upon the Democratic party more broadly in a negative way and validate all the Republicans claims of impropriety. It would be a monumentally stupid idea. To your point, the second Biden leaves office they'll lose interest in him and consequently in Hunter as they seek to find some new nontroversy to gin up.

  11. #16811
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    Consequences that would frankly be pretty minor even if he weren't the president's son. Like, he's almost certainly not looking at anything more serious than some fines.
    Yeah, but you'll never convince the sippenhaft brigade of that. They all insist that there totally was damning evidence of serious offenses on the infamous laptop, that they saw it, that they could prove it, and that they're only not proving it out of respect for the supposed victims. (Never mind how if it were legit, someone would have alerted the FBI and he'd be up on far more serious charges.)

    Anyway: I say let him face the consequences for what we know he did do. He's a grown-ass adult.
    Last edited by Dacia Ultan; 2023-12-04 at 09:05 PM.

  12. #16812
    Biden ban on menthol cigarettes to be delayed amid political concerns, officials say
    Quote Originally Posted by WaPo
    The Biden administration will further delay a long-awaited ban on menthol cigarettes after fierce lobbying from critics who warn that a prohibition could anger some Black smokers who favor the products and could hurt President Biden’s reelection prospects, administration officials said.The Biden administration will further delay a long-awaited ban on menthol cigarettes after fierce lobbying from critics who warn that a prohibition could anger some Black smokers who favor the products and could hurt President Biden’s reelection prospects, administration officials said.
    The proposed ban has revealed deep fissures in the African American community, with proponents saying that removing menthol cigarettes will save hundreds of thousands of lives. But high-profile opponents, including the American Civil Liberties Union and some prominent civil rights figures such as the Rev. Al Sharpton, assert that a ban would foster an underground market, leading police to disproportionately target smokers who are Black.
    Get your Newports while you can.

  13. #16813
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    So fuck everyone else, just as long as he gets his?
    Again not that I agree with it but that is how American politics seems to be these days.

    To be clear I don't think there should be a pardon.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  14. #16814
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Biden refuses to commit to debating.

    Spoken reason: Biden's too busy being President.

    Unspoken reason: Why would Biden debate Trump if Trump won't debate anyone?

    Now, Biden would massacre Trump in any fair debate. But quite frankly, I don't think anyone expects one. If the debates have fair and honest impartial moderators, Trump can't get away with chain lying about winning 2020, and that's all he has. He'll bail.

  15. #16815
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Biden refuses to commit to debating.

    Spoken reason: Biden's too busy being President.

    Unspoken reason: Why would Biden debate Trump if Trump won't debate anyone?

    Now, Biden would massacre Trump in any fair debate. But quite frankly, I don't think anyone expects one. If the debates have fair and honest impartial moderators, Trump can't get away with chain lying about winning 2020, and that's all he has. He'll bail.
    Biden would massacre Trump in an academic, properly moderated debate. Where the moderator will step in and penalize spewing falsehoods.

    But that's not what political debates are. Political debates are about if you can undercut your opponent's popular support, or bolster your own by being particularly inspirational, among the fraction of the audience who'd be willing to listen to you. Trump's supporters are immune to being challenged on their blind faith; if they weren't all these criminal charges and such would've hurt his support, and it really hasn't. A debate isn't going to move the needle at all. And Biden? Biden's a known factor, and he's not going to say anything surprising or inspirational at this stage that will get disaffected voters to shout "Oh yeah!" and get motivated to turn out for him, where they otherwise would've stayed home. He's doing fine, but "doing fine" isn't going to get people to turn out.

    Even assuming both did show up, I don't see a debate affecting polling very much, if at all, even if Trump spends the entire time just making fart noises with his mouth. Hell, he'd probably gain support for that.

  16. #16816
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Hunter Biden indicted on nine new charges, three felonies and six misdemeanors, involved with $1.4 million of unpaid taxes.

    Well, if there's enough evidence, then charge him. No-one is above the law.

  17. #16817
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Hunter Biden indicted on nine new charges, three felonies and six misdemeanors, involved with $1.4 million of unpaid taxes.

    Well, if there's enough evidence, then charge him. No-one is above the law.
    Yep, no one cares. Except Republicans, they think that this means that Joe Biden is guilty, because the sins of the son also go on the father, somehow.

  18. #16818
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Hunter Biden indicted on nine new charges, three felonies and six misdemeanors, involved with $1.4 million of unpaid taxes.

    Well, if there's enough evidence, then charge him. No-one is above the law.
    Pay your fuckin taxes, yo. I don't think this is some weird "DEEP STATE" conspiracy theory to get him, seems like he broke the fuckin law. Oh no, justice may be served. Perish the thought.

  19. #16819
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Pay your fuckin taxes, yo.
    The funny(?) part of this is if it were one of trump's kids conservatives would be cheering tax evasion because taxation is theft blah blah blah.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  20. #16820
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    This is a good conclusion to the acts of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler. They testified that they had sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden with crimes, but higher-ups did nothing with it. Now, the very evidence that they first uncovered is being used in criminal charges. Justice served.

    Don't try to write off payments to prostitutes and sex clubs as business expenses when dealing with the IRS.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

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