“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
If you asked me what year I graduated with my Honours degree, I'd have to go check my framed degree or my e-mails to double-check. I think it was 2004? Might've not been till 2005? I remember some events, like my divorce, but the particulars of everything else get blurry over time. That's normal memory. Most people don't have perfect recall to begin with; we reorder and re-organize and edit our memories constantly. It's why eyewitness testimony isn't given a lot of credence in court cases, and if documentary evidence contradicts it the documented evidence always wins. Because memory is faulty.
Anyone pushing this bullshit as a condemnation of Biden is not acting in good faith. They're demanding precise photographic recall of every single moment of a man's life. Almost nobody's capable of that. It's unreasonable, and they know that, if they're honest with themselves.
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As I've said in other threads, "I didn't vote" is just political "thoughts and prayers". You did absolutely nothing, and you expect to be able to take the moral high ground for doing so.
Also they turn a blind eye when Trump has exhibited his own "memory problems"...like how he supposedly beat OBAMA in 2016 and will beat Obama again in 2024, how Nikki Haley was apparently Speaker of the House on Jan 6, and that Joe Biden is going to start World War TWO. I could go on.
Anyone who is worried about Biden's competency should be shitting themselves about Trump's.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
Just being realistic. I live in CT, which hasn't voted for a Republican President since 1988:
I don't see that changing in 2024, and it shouldn't because while I have issues with Biden, if Biden or Trump are the choices, Biden is by far the better option. And it'll be an even bigger margin of win than the 20% he got in 2020 I think. Which means my vote will do nothing.
Right, telling it to people is just a kind of virtue signaling.
That said, voting in elections with votes > n doesn't matter on an individual level; that shouldn't even be a controversial position. It has long been established in political research that voting is a fundamentally irrational behavior, but humans do irrational things all the time (for example, spending precious moments of life on this forum)
A better way to think about Casual v Hardcore: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...asual-Hardcore
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
Connecticut is weird though. But, has been going stronger left. And Connecticut for the most part will never vote for Trump.
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That's a good analogy.
I wasn't a fan of Hillary because I felt it was too late for her to run for President.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Then I will refer you to this:
As they said, you've no excuse for pretending there's any parity between the candidates.
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Not everyone has the luxury of being able to "occasionally drop out" - specifically, their welfare is contingent on keeping Republicans out of office.
Last edited by Elegiac; 2024-02-11 at 01:56 AM.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Whole bunch of people decided to "drop out" in 2016 and we have them in large part to thank for the shit happening today. A very sincere "fuck you" to you, regardless of whether or not you live in a "safe" state.
And I've agreed with that. I've said a couple times if those are the two candidates, Biden is by far the better choice. But that doesn't mean you can't have concerns about his ability to do the job, which is what I've been trying to get at this whole time. I just simply want better than Biden vs Trump. I said a few pages back, I would like to see what Michelle Obama brings to the table. If I'm being honest, I can't say who I'd want for a different Republican candidate. But I can say it definitely is not DeSantis. He's no better than Trump, and in several ways, he's worse. Same goes for Cruz.
For me personally, along with bad candidates since 2012, a portion of my not voting is driving by lack of bi-partisanship. Neither side wants to work with the other, to the point that both sides now openly refuse anything the other party proposes out of hand.
There is a difference between having well-founded concerns (i.e. the office is stressful to the point someone in their prime finds it difficult) versus helping to further circulate what is fundamentally a right wing conspiracy theory.
Let's explore this, actually.I just simply want better than Biden vs Trump. I said a few pages back, I would like to see what Michelle Obama brings to the table. If I'm being honest, I can't say who I'd want for a different Republican candidate. But I can say it definitely is not DeSantis. He's no better than Trump, and in several ways, he's worse. Same goes for Cruz. For me personally, along with bad candidates since 2012, a portion of my not voting is driving by lack of bi-partisanship. Neither side wants to work with the other, to the point that both sides now openly refuse anything the other party proposes out of hand.
It's really really easy to get sucked into the view of the Presidential election as a contest between personality types; even I fucking do it sometimes and I studied shit like this lol. The important thing to remember is that the Presidency is less about which dude or dudette is occupying the Oval Office and more as to which agenda is going to shape the direction of the civil service - and a good agenda doesn't necessarily mean a good personality type and vice versa. Competent people are often unlikeable, and likeable people can often be incompetent. And sometimes they're just thoroughly unlikeable.
As for the matter of "both sides now openly refuse anything the other party proposes out of hand", this assumes that both parties are operating from a position of parity - which they aren't. Democrats have shown repeated willingness to come to the table provided Republican policies aren't batshit crazy - which they usually are. You can see this in the way bipartisan deals (actual bipartisan deals, not "the Republicans + Joe Manchin/Krysten Sinema") are almost always scuttled by Republicans, not Democrats.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
She won the popular vote. If you're election system wasn't fucked seven ways from sideways, she would have been president. And that's WITH all the things you mentioned that made her a less than ideal candidate taken into account. That's how unpopular Trump was outside of his base: He lost the popular vote to someone with the charisma of a wet sock.