1. #17881
    Old Handsome Joe Biden Peaces Out

    Joe Biden is a better president than he had any business being. Mr. Centrist Joe, the Senator from MBNA, governed on Big Government, Big Labor, Feed Kids and Piss Off the Corporations. He did more with a 50-50 Senate and None in the House than our previous favorite presidents did with a supermajority (which to be fair our previous favorite presidents had for about five minutes).

    And then he got us out of our twenty-year war in Afghanistan, and instead of everyone saying “THANK YOU PRESIDENT JOE HERO FOREVER!” it curdled his approval for the next three years. He shouldn’t be unpopular! He should be extremely fucking popular! He should have roses and biker guys’ girlfriends thrown at him wherever he goes! And yet, we are a stupid, stupid people.

    And now he has done the big sacrifice: Dropping out of the presidential race against that shitfuck Donald Trump, with the Project 2025 and the fascism, because the writing truly was on the (New York Times) wall. Yes, the NYT was disgusting. Yes, the donors’ shitfits and temper tantrums were atrocious. But it is truly the case that most Democrats — no, Wonkette commenters are not representative of normie Democrats — wanted him to go so they had a chance. Polls (fucked or not!) showed him losing landslides in the swing states. Young people were more than unenthusiastic. Young Black women weren’t sure they were going to vote at all.

    It’s a Hillary-Russia reset button, but it doesn’t suck.

    Joe Biden has done the correct thing and pushed back against people like Nancy Pelosi (WHAT????) saying there should be an open convention. Unless Madame Pelosi was telegraphing the most perfunctory Kamala v. Marianne Williamson convention fight in the world, what the fuckity fucking fuck? President Biden has endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris — you remember the woman we all hired specifically to jump into his shoes should the need arise — even though, I don’t know if you know this, she is both Black and a lady!

    Keening about our racist sexist nation elides the fact that Obama won twice, and Hillary won the popular vote with James Comey tied behind her back. Not choosing the Black woman because “other” people might be racist or sexist is the actual racist sexism. If you’re worried about that, I suggest NOPE.


    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  2. #17882
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunseeker View Post

    That's fucking absurd. This is literally the "Biden/Harris" thread, and we're not supposed to talk about Biden's BIG HUGE FUCKING MONUMENTAL DECISION THAT WILL HAVE INCREDIBLE IMPACT ON HIS ADMINSITRATION AND THE FUTURE OF THE NATION?

    Please, just resign your moderator title now. You have no idea what you're doing.

    Oh, and if you send me on vacation for this, you'll be proving me right.
    Yes, this is the Biden/Harris thread. And the other one is the 2024 General Election thread. Joe Biden withdrawing from the election has a lot more to do with the election than his administration.

  3. #17883
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Yes, this is the Biden/Harris thread. And the other one is the 2024 General Election thread. Joe Biden withdrawing from the election has a lot more to do with the election than his administration.
    Will you be removing all the posts from the Trump focused discussion thread that have anything to do with the election?

  4. #17884
    Quote Originally Posted by sircaw View Post
    Does anyone know how good Harris is likely to fair in debates?
    She was thoroughly dismantled by Tulsi Gabbard of all people in the debates back in 2019, but maybe she's improved since then.

  5. #17885
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    For the last year, Indys have wanted someone who is not Biden or Trump.

    One party listened.

    The other party doubled-down with an even more extreme version of Trump as the VP pick.
    We'll see if that does the trick.

    Shit just got real.

  6. #17886
    DNC Chair Jaime Harrison on Biden's withdraw from the 2024 race: "I'm emotional, because I am still riding with Biden. I still support my president."

    This dumb mother bleeper has to go. Whoever has to fire Harrison.

    This is the idiot who pumped $100 million into South Carolina and godly amounts in Kentucky Senate races, both a disaster. Ignoring Wisconsin which was the closest of the Senate and more obvious win.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  7. #17887
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Good Hasbara View Post
    She was thoroughly dismantled by Tulsi Gabbard of all people in the debates back in 2019, but maybe she's improved since then.
    Yeah but what are the odds of Trump forming coherent sentences at this point?

    He didn't "beat" Biden in the debate by countering him or making better arguments. Biden quietly mumbled while Trump yelled inarticulately. Biden simply underperformed while Trump performed as expected... which is by yelling, inarticulately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nastard View Post
    Will you be removing all the posts from the Trump focused discussion thread that have anything to do with the election?
    ...If Harris is the nominee... doesn't that have to do with her? Her name is in the thread title too.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  8. #17888
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    Biden didn't "underperform", he totally flopped, it's time to accept that.

    ya'll need to seriously come to terms with the fact that it was his performance in that debate that got this ball rolling.
    Last edited by uuuhname; 2024-07-22 at 02:24 AM.

  9. #17889
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Time for Biden to start acting like a President not up for re-election and push whatever he wants. Imagine if he had been doing that from all along instead of dragging out the inevitable.

    Dark Brandon until the inauguration.

  10. #17890
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Time for Biden to start acting like a President not up for re-election and push whatever he wants. Imagine if he had been doing that from all along instead of dragging out the inevitable.

    Dark Brandon until the inauguration.
    We can only hope.

  11. #17891
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Time for Biden to start acting like a President not up for re-election and push whatever he wants.
    Funny story: Trump is no longer his political opponent. He can have Trump jailed for no reason. SCOTUS said so.

  12. #17892
    Quote Originally Posted by Nastard View Post
    Will you be removing all the posts from the Trump focused discussion thread that have anything to do with the election?
    Valid question, but that would mean going through 8-9 years of one of the busiest threads. This is, like I said, a new development.

  13. #17893
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Time for Biden to start acting like a President not up for re-election and push whatever he wants. Imagine if he had been doing that from all along instead of dragging out the inevitable.

    Dark Brandon until the inauguration.
    More thoughts...

    1) Biden is old and won't have to live with consequences for long.

    2) He is no longer running for re-election and can't sabotage his chances.

    3) He is immune from criminal prosecution for official acts as President.

    Really this is the setup for an incredible practical joke.

  14. #17894
    Quote Originally Posted by Skjaldborg View Post
    More thoughts...

    1) Biden is old and won't have to live with consequences for long.

    2) He is no longer running for re-election and can't sabotage his chances.

    3) He is immune from criminal prosecution for official acts as President.

    Really this is the setup for an incredible practical joke.

    He took aim to defend the Presidency from the onslaught of the far-right whackos with today's decision!

  15. #17895
    Quote Originally Posted by Slant View Post
    Outsider's perspective:

    One is a candidate that probably wouldn't live through a second term as things stand. You're essentially facing the real possibility that you're actually voting the Vice President as your actual candidate. Might as well put that person forward to begin with.

    The other is a candidate that irrationally bears the martyr/hero title, despite him being personified evil. The only way to beat those headlines is to create better headlines, with a new candidate. Any candidate. My hamster would be a better candidate than Biden right now. Harris is really not the worst option at this point, and definitely resets the whole election from the whole who's more senile/who's the bigger victim to the very good track Clinton started with the whole "Why not a woman?"

    You have an opportunity to turn "Who's more senile" into "Senile guy someone hated enough to kill him" vs. "Strong chick with VP experience that doesn't take BS from an old geezer."

    I know who I'd vote for if I was on the fence...

    Timeline? Right the fuck now.
    Procedure? Switch the names on the signs. Yes, it's that simple.
    Budget? It's there already, the only thing that changes is the figurehead. Or do you think the money Biden collected poofs into nothingness suddenly?

    I went, your turn.
    Called it, just saying. So obvious.
    Users with <20 posts and ignored shitposters are automatically invisible. Find out how to do that here and help clean up MMO-OT!
    PSA: Being a volunteer is no excuse to make a shite job of it.

  16. #17896
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post



    Or shut the hell up.
    Your caps didn't age well right.

    Name: kamala harris
    PROCEDURE : twitter
    TIMELINE : yesterday.
    BUDGET : whatever Biden still had left + being the front page of every news site worldwide does wonders for publicity and money.

    Since your BLUE maga I assume you will find start doing mental gynatmics but whatever, you can admit your wrong about everything and apologise or start your mental gynmatics.

  17. #17897
    Damn shame that for all his accomplishments, the electorate preferred bombast and hot air.
    Biden’s legacy: Far-reaching accomplishments that didn’t translate into political support
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  18. #17898
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Time for Biden to start acting like a President not up for re-election and push whatever he wants. Imagine if he had been doing that from all along instead of dragging out the inevitable.

    Dark Brandon until the inauguration.
    You know Biden will just pardon his son right, will probably do right after the election but don't expect much from Biden.

  19. #17899
    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    You know Biden will just pardon his son right, will probably do right after the election but don't expect much from Biden.
    I don't see any reason to expect him to do so.

  20. #17900
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    I don't see any reason to expect him to do so.
    It's his son and after November given a pardon to Hunter Biden doesn’t negatively affect him any more. You honestly don't need to expect too much from Biden after this point.

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