1. #17921
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Is it controversial to point out none of the legal issues surrounding Harris' legitimacy would exist if Biden had exited the race eons ago when it was clear he wasn't up to the task?
    What legal issues?

    The Convention hasn't officially declared the candidate yet.

    Donated funds were to the Biden/Harris campaign, not to Biden as a person; Harris is still fully entitled to them.

    There's almost certainly an internal process in the DNC if a candidate leaves the race for any reason (illness, death, personal choice, etc), so that'll just be followed, and worse, the DNC is a private org, not the government, so there's really no legal issues as long as they're not violating their established internal guidelines. And even if there isn't a set process for a candidate retiring, that's not a legal problem, it just means you invent a process.

  2. #17922
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Is it controversial to point out none of the legal issues surrounding Harris' legitimacy would exist if Biden had exited the race eons ago when it was clear he wasn't up to the task?
    Not at all.

    He should've stepped down before primary season began and let a full primary play out.

    It would've been a stark contrast to Republicans who were willingly ready to coronate Donald Trump king of their party a second time around. Niki Haley was never any real threat.

    If Biden had announced he was stepping down before the primary season began and we had a real primary in the Democrat party, it would've caused more turmoil in the Republican party as there are a lot of Republicans who voted against Trump who would've been out saying, wtf, we don't want Biden anymore and we don't want Trump either.

    Independents were really the only people calling on both Biden and Trump to step aside before the primary season.

    Independent voters are going to push Kamala over the edge this November and Republicans, for the 4th election cycle going to be left wondering what the fuck they will do next because MAGA didn't work out in 2018, 2020, or 2022 (and hopefully 2024).

  3. #17923
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    What legal issues?

    The Convention hasn't officially declared the candidate yet.

    Donated funds were to the Biden/Harris campaign, not to Biden as a person; Harris is still fully entitled to them.

    There's almost certainly an internal process in the DNC if a candidate leaves the race for any reason (illness, death, personal choice, etc), so that'll just be followed, and worse, the DNC is a private org, not the government, so there's really no legal issues as long as they're not violating their established internal guidelines. And even if there isn't a set process for a candidate retiring, that's not a legal problem, it just means you invent a process.
    I get that -- but many of the processes have not been used and I don't put it past Republicans to "well actually" every step of the way in an effort to stir up controversy or sway independent voters away by implying she isn't a legitimate candidate. It just seems... unnecessary.

  4. #17924
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I get that -- but many of the processes have not been used and I don't put it past Republicans to "well actually" every step of the way in an effort to stir up controversy or sway independent voters away by implying she isn't a legitimate candidate. It just seems... unnecessary.
    Independent voters aren't going to be swayed by the internal workings of the DNC.

    Independent voters wanted one thing from this election:

    They didn't want Trump. They didn't want Biden. One party listened.

  5. #17925
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I get that -- but many of the processes have not been used and I don't put it past Republicans to "well actually" every step of the way in an effort to stir up controversy or sway independent voters away by implying she isn't a legitimate candidate. It just seems... unnecessary.
    Yeah but how much are voters gonna care about that?

    Trump can bitch and moan that her name shouldn’t be on the ballot… but like, if it is on the ballot…

    Trump can’t just generate nonsensical meat for his base anymore and expect that to be enough. It’s early in the running (relatively speaking) and this is no longer really a race of “which party can rouse their base out of apathy more” in which trump largely just needs to make sure fewer of his voters stay home than democrats. Harris is, dare I say it, exciting people, or at least intriguing them.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  6. #17926
    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    Independent voters aren't going to be swayed by the internal workings of the DNC.

    Independent voters wanted one thing from this election:

    They didn't want Trump. They didn't want Biden. One party listened.
    I mean for me the choice was already going to be between VPs since in my mind there was a good chance the VP would end up serving on either ticket. So same choice being made still if it’s Harris on the ticket. Not exactly fresh meat to me.

  7. #17927
    I recommend watching this video. I think many would benefit from it here.

  8. #17928
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidism View Post
    I recommend watching this video. I think many would benefit from it here.

    Random youtube channel with no commentary from you.


  9. #17929
    Quote Originally Posted by D3thray View Post
    I mean for me the choice was already going to be between VPs since in my mind there was a good chance the VP would end up serving on either ticket. So same choice being made still if it’s Harris on the ticket. Not exactly fresh meat to me.
    You realize that kamala will have her own VP too right? how is that new VP not fresh meat?

  10. #17930
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Is it controversial to point out none of the legal issues surrounding Harris' legitimacy would exist if Biden had exited the race eons ago when it was clear he wasn't up to the task?
    Literally what legal issues. Why do you keep bringing up bullshit right wing talking points?

  11. #17931
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Literally what legal issues. Why do you keep bringing up bullshit right wing talking points?
    The legal issues republicans are bringing up which frankly if those lawsuits were allowed they would be opening themselves to the same lawsuits. In order for a suit to go forward they would have to allow third parties to sue political parties for internal decisions. I can only imagine the delicious chaos from a lawsuit by democrats for republicans letting a convicted felon in the primaries or any of hundreds of nit picky decisions they made.

  12. #17932
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    In the mid 90's Pepsi and Coke were well into their cola wars during this time about 1995, Pepsi came up with a strategy by which they could sell more Pepsi and make their customers pay the privilege to do so.

    The campaign consisted of something called Pepsi Points, where by example every 12 pack you bought you would get 10 Pepsi Points. With these Pepsi points you could buy things like Pepsi T shirts, Key Chains, Leather Jacket and even a Bike ALL with the Pepsi Logo. To give you an idea for example a Pepsi T shirt or Pepsi bag cost anywhere from 80 to 110 Pepsi Points. You can do the math but essentially by buying more Pepsi, you could own the advertising for Pepsi thus increasing their sales to others. By the way this is the same promotion where someone sued Pepsi for a Harrier Jet because as a joke with no disclaimer they put a Harrier Jet in their commercial for 7 Million Pepsi Points, which retailed at the time for $32 Million dollars. The point is it was successful none the less in fact it was SOO successful minus the lawsuit, COKE and other companies followed this model.

    Bottom line is this, these are mostly X'ers and some who feel one of the smartest more cynical yet not unlike ANY generation before or after. These are the people voting and being manipulated by the same types that has always been.

    Biden stepping down was stupid, people falling for this shit YET AGAIN like with Hillary, or Barrack and his Birth Certificate. Mean while a proven con artist, racist, sexist malignant narcissist who has a felony record and sexual assaulter, who has been verified as having been a consistent failure in everything besides finding the right suckers to give him money, this isn't who enough people are worried about. No no it's Biden who already had a VP and proven ability to run a stable government weather you love or hate him. Ignoring the fact because of Trump he has had to right the ship. No no but he's FUCKING OLD! A fact everyone knew before and is aware is only 3 years older than Trump.

    Seriously human beings are the problem and human beings in general are to blame if we keep doing the same thing over and over. This isn't an election over who you LIKE the most, it is an election over who is the better candidate of those seriously running.

    Biden being OLD wasn't a fucking factor and the fact anyone who mattered ever seriously pushing that it was, they are are much a part of the problem as any solution, and as far as Trump goes, if he wins, the reason is going to be because like him or not he might seriously be the smartest guy in the room.

  13. #17933
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    In the mid 90's Pepsi and Coke were well into their cola wars during this time about 1995, Pepsi came up with a strategy by which they could sell more Pepsi and make their customers pay the privilege to do so.

    The campaign consisted of something called Pepsi Points, where by example every 12 pack you bought you would get 10 Pepsi Points. With these Pepsi points you could buy things like Pepsi T shirts, Key Chains, Leather Jacket and even a Bike ALL with the Pepsi Logo. To give you an idea for example a Pepsi T shirt or Pepsi bag cost anywhere from 80 to 110 Pepsi Points. You can do the math but essentially by buying more Pepsi, you could own the advertising for Pepsi thus increasing their sales to others. By the way this is the same promotion where someone sued Pepsi for a Harrier Jet because as a joke with no disclaimer they put a Harrier Jet in their commercial for 7 Million Pepsi Points, which retailed at the time for $32 Million dollars. The point is it was successful none the less in fact it was SOO successful minus the lawsuit, COKE and other companies followed this model.

    Bottom line is this, these are mostly X'ers and some who feel one of the smartest more cynical yet not unlike ANY generation before or after. These are the people voting and being manipulated by the same types that has always been.

    Biden stepping down was stupid, people falling for this shit YET AGAIN like with Hillary, or Barrack and his Birth Certificate. Mean while a proven con artist, racist, sexist malignant narcissist who has a felony record and sexual assaulter, who has been verified as having been a consistent failure in everything besides finding the right suckers to give him money, this isn't who enough people are worried about. No no it's Biden who already had a VP and proven ability to run a stable government weather you love or hate him. Ignoring the fact because of Trump he has had to right the ship. No no but he's FUCKING OLD! A fact everyone knew before and is aware is only 3 years older than Trump.

    Seriously human beings are the problem and human beings in general are to blame if we keep doing the same thing over and over. This isn't an election over who you LIKE the most, it is an election over who is the better candidate of those seriously running.

    Biden being OLD wasn't a fucking factor and the fact anyone who mattered ever seriously pushing that it was, they are are much a part of the problem as any solution, and as far as Trump goes, if he wins, the reason is going to be because like him or not he might seriously be the smartest guy in the room.
    Did you hear about Biden stepping down and then crawl under a rock for the last 24-36 hours typing this?

  14. #17934
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    Did you hear about Biden stepping down and then crawl under a rock for the last 24-36 hours typing this?
    Well if you mean did I spend time honestly giving this bullshit about Biden much thought concerning his age NO! I know he is OLD, so?

  15. #17935
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Biden being OLD wasn't a fucking factor
    Brain. Dead. Take.

    Doesn't even warrant a response beyond that, and I'm moderating myself to avoid an infraction.

    Literal avalanche of donations came in, like 80% approval for him stepping down amongst voters today. Republican party in disarray trying to retriangulate and figure out how to attack Kamala.

  16. #17936
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Brain. Dead. Take.

    Doesn't even warrant a response beyond that, and I'm moderating myself to avoid an infraction.

    Literal avalanche of donations came in, like 80% approval for him stepping down amongst voters today. Republican party in disarray trying to retriangulate and figure out how to attack Kamala.
    This is gibberish. There isn’t any legitimate complaint or reason for Biden to step down. None

    Frothing at the mouth in hatred or seething for an opportunity for him to step down. Doesn’t count.

  17. #17937
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Literally what legal issues.
    I was referring to the Ohio ballot controversy, which gives Republicans an inch to which they will almost assuredly take a mile.

    Why do you keep bringing up bullshit right wing talking points?
    Relax, brother. I barely post in this thread and I generally agree with your positions. Are you confusing me for somebody else?

  18. #17938
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    This is gibberish. There isn’t any legitimate complaint or reason for Biden to step down. None

    Frothing at the mouth in hatred or seething for an opportunity for him to step down. Doesn’t count.
    There certainly was reason for him to step down and voters overwhelming thought so.

    His polling numbers didn't look good and he had no path to victory when we're 100+ days out from the election.

    If you don't understand this, you're either ignorant or feigning ignorance because of an alternative motive.

  19. #17939
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    There isn’t any legitimate complaint or reason for Biden to step down.
    You aren't a serious person.

  20. #17940
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    This is gibberish. There isn’t any legitimate complaint or reason for Biden to step down. None

    Frothing at the mouth in hatred or seething for an opportunity for him to step down. Doesn’t count.
    There was one big reason for Biden to step down. Perception. He was losing that fight, regardless of the reality, and stepping down was the right thing to do. Wrong or right, it's done now.

    And we're seeing that now at the MAGAt/GOP team is freaking the fuck out.

    They have no strategic game plan for Harris.
    Their tactical plan is backfooted misogyny and racism.
    Money is cascading in to Harris.
    All the "old", "cognitive issues", and "decrepidness" now have stark contrast in Trump. Harris is bright, bold, and beautiful.

    I was a voice of Biden staying, and we'll never of course know if it was the right answer or if there was a right answer, but I'm enjoying where this is heading. So much energy!

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