1. #17981
    Epic! Karreck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Again it doesn't matter because age isn't the issue. Period, nobody thinks so NONE, and regardless to POLLS, nobody is seriously calling for anyone to step down or getting the same treatment as this Biden Issue.
    If age isn't an issue, then why did you say OLD Biden? The all caps you used certainly drew attention to the word.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    No reality and Context makes them wrong, and you cherry picking without a legitimate argument makes you WRONG!
    Tell you what. Once you start providing evidence and data for your arguments, then we can nitpick over which data is better.
    Princesses can kill knights to rescue dragons.

  2. #17982
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    If you think that Trump winning wouldn't somehow affect you, you're far, far more deluded that originally believed. Ignoring the dissolution of democracy for just a minute here, the wide ranging repercussions of Project 2025 would touch many aspects of your life.

    Like, the deregulation of large corporations alone would take us back a century since they're chomping at the bit to increase shareholder value by cutting costs and dumping waste into water streams. And that's just a random example off the top of my head.
    I said I am a POC so in some ways, unless it would effect me, but maybe more than I appreciate ATM, however without evidence and facts for ME Personally and MY Family, no I don't have any down side with Trump Besides what I stated.

    Trump and Trumpsterism is EVIL PERIOD Full Stop.

    Like or dislike, I am not voting to support that, Mostly because of the core of who I am AND because I am a Liberal and Democrat.

    I can be flexible about some things with reason and Logic, but NOT ALL things.

    If I am going just by the AD there is No Down Side for ME with a Trump Victory. That is the Truth.

    But I hate Trump, I do not support Trump or anybody in MAGA Period FULL STOP.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    But it was the issue, argued on both sides, for both candidates. Biden was losing that discussion, and his performance at the debate and post-actions continued to hurt him and the Dems chances of wining the election.

    Now, you're going to say "so was Trump - we should argue that towards him, too!".

    And now we are. Free and clear of our own "old man" candidate. So all those criticisms of Biden being old, decrepit, cognitively declining - ALL look very bad now for Trump and his cadre of morons.

    Who cares because Trumpers will vote for him regardless? Independents and undecideds care, and they will carry the election. Hopefully with Kamala on their shoulders.
    I see and appreciate what you're saying. I don't see this issue as a you're all right, and I am all wrong on the points you made, and they are solid. My FEELING is that it isn't I don't think this solves anything and if anything if feeds into it, I also don't think MAGA is as alarmed by this as they may play it to be or some might be.

    I think they will play the same game because on the feeds so far the Narrative coming from their camp Now is Harris is a Whore, Bitheism 2 and they plan to sue

  3. #17983
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I said I am a POC so in some ways, unless it would effect me, but maybe more than I appreciate ATM, however without evidence and facts for ME Personally and MY Family, no I don't have any down side with Trump Besides what I stated.

    Trump and Trumpsterism is EVIL PERIOD Full Stop.
    Then your head a buried pretty deep underground.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    Getting a little philosophical here, but just how many times can one mask fall?
    It's like russian nesting dolls of masks, the last one is orange, has tiny hands and a full diaper

  4. #17984
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I see and appreciate what you're saying. I don't see this issue as a you're all right, and I am all wrong on the points you made, and they are solid. My FEELING is that it isn't I don't think this solves anything and if anything if feeds into it, I also don't think MAGA is as alarmed by this as they may play it to be or some might be.
    We can neve know right/wrong here - we only get one chance at this. And frankly, I was in your corner on this issue even a few days ago. However, seeing Biden stepping down and young/vital Harris stepping up, just feels better. And some/most of politics is feels - and she has a ton of energy.
    MAGAt/GOP may have been playing the long game, we'll see, but none of them have proven to be that smart so far. Look at Vance as the VP choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I think they will play the same game because on the feeds so far the Narrative coming from their camp Now is Harris is a Whore, Bitheism 2 and they plan to sue
    They would have anyway.
    And the MAGAt/GOP playing the misogynist/racist card(s) just helps us in the end. Turns all those undecided "childless cat ladies" towards our ticket.

  5. #17985
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karreck View Post
    If age isn't an issue, then why did you say OLD Biden? The all caps you used certainly drew attention to the word.
    Tell you what. Once you start providing evidence and data for your arguments, then we can nitpick over which data is better.
    Because BIDEN is OLD period, he was OLD AF the first time he got elected, however since that nothing he has done or hasn't done alarms me, including the shit I don't like or completely disagree with.

    I personally wasn't sure then certain now Biden is the best candidate. I felt the same about Hillary, when I voted for Bernie in the Primaries. When he lost I accepted it, regardless to likes to dislikes.

    But all that aside yes he's fucking OLD that is reality, but there is no reality where that is a problem for the country first, or the party second. We have measures in place that would have put Harris as President if it was NEEDED. Again this stepping down was about optics in my opinion and stupid, and is evidence of just how much Trump keeps getting the left to take the bait along with MAGA.

    As for Data that isn't going to happen until or unless you actually put fourth an argument in GOOD faith and then there might be enough to take it to the next level, but NO you at this point down even read without cherry picking or argue in good faith, so there really isn't an issue concerning data or anything else.

    My argument is that, this bullshit about Bidens age was stupid, it was illustrated by the media and pushed by those unhappy with Biden on the left and Maga

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Then your head a buried pretty deep underground.
    If I was voting Trump or ever had or any that support him you would be right, I don't and conjecture in and of itself is not proof of anything. I likely agree there is more downside than what is Advertised, but so far I am not seeing much.

  6. #17986
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I didn’t ask about polls. That isn’t a legitimate reason for Biden stepping down.
    Judging by your responses and beliefs. I don't believe you're a legitimate person to even have a discussion with.

  7. #17987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    Getting a little philosophical here, but just how many times can one mask fall?
    That one guy on Popee the Performer had unlimited masks, so that maybe who she's emulating.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  8. #17988
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    We can neve know right/wrong here - we only get one chance at this. And frankly, I was in your corner on this issue even a few days ago. However, seeing Biden stepping down and young/vital Harris stepping up, just feels better. And some/most of politics is feels - and she has a ton of energy.
    MAGAt/GOP may have been playing the long game, we'll see, but none of them have proven to be that smart so far. Look at Vance as the VP choice.

    They would have anyway.
    And the MAGAt/GOP playing the misogynist/racist card(s) just helps us in the end. Turns all those undecided "childless cat ladies" towards our ticket.

    Well I see it from your perspective, you are correct, but then their is of course the idea of anything and the reality, I DO NOT KNOW.

    I really do hope Trump does not win but MORE than that I REALLLY REALLY REALLY HOPE the unifying understanding is real intelligence wins out people regardless to disagreements or even unifying can at least all agree Trump doesn't deserve to walk a free man let alone come anywhere near the White House.

    Conscience, Logic, Reason, hell even fucking HUMOR, shit even if one were Greedy and corrupt, Trump should not be elected under any circumstances.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    Judging by your responses and beliefs. I don't believe you're a legitimate person to even have a discussion with.
    Fair enough if that is your position.

  9. #17989
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    but so far I am not seeing much.
    Hence the current problem we're discussing

  10. #17990
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Hence the current problem we're discussing
    But i am already NOT voting for Trump or any of his cronies SOO, what are we discussing, I think Biden stepping down is stupid and already handed Trump the Election, because that's what I think. I will still vote for who ever gets the Democratic Nomination.

    Unless it's Marianna Williamson LOL

  11. #17991
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    But i am already NOT voting for Trump or any of his cronies SOO, what are we discussing, I think Biden stepping down is stupid and already handed Trump the Election, because that's what I think. I will still vote for who ever gets the Democratic Nomination.

    Unless it's Marianna Williamson LOL
    Right, no, but the fact that you don't see any problems for yourself *if* Trump were to win is the issue here. It's a level of willing ignorance that's off the charts.

  12. #17992
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Right, no, but the fact that you don't see any problems for yourself *if* Trump were to win is the issue here. It's a level of willing ignorance that's off the charts.
    So you think your a physic right, that some how totally gives you a for sure sight into the future?

    I already said there is what I don't know, what I do know I wouldn't even risk it.

    And as I said I am a PoC so I assume in addition to Trump being a Lying POS, there is some downside to that fact alone.

    Telling the truth is important, not pretending something I don't know is more important than what you think you do.

    I know Trump is an EVIL POS based on his behaviors in the past and the reality that actually exist, not based on made up shit that yes I can also imagine.

  13. #17993
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    So you think your a physic right, that some how totally gives you a for sure sight into the future?
    I took biology specifically to avoid physics in college NGL

    Anywho, I don't need advanced physics to quite literally read what's written black on white by the Heritage Foundation and give to Trump as his governing plan. Project 2025 isn't fiction, it's not made up, no one is trying to hide it and they're pretty open about what they want should Trump win in 2025.

    They literally made a website for it. Like, fucking christ man, get a fucking clue. You're not going to be included in the beneficiaries of this.

  14. #17994
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    I took biology specifically to avoid physics in college NGL

    Anywho, I don't need advanced physics to quite literally read what's written black on white by the Heritage Foundation and give to Trump as his governing plan. Project 2025 isn't fiction, it's not made up, no one is trying to hide it and they're pretty open about what they want should Trump win in 2025.

    They literally made a website for it. Like, fucking christ man, get a fucking clue. You're not going to be included in the beneficiaries of this.
    Ok again you to someone who isn't voting Trump nor am I voting for Trump backed candidates. As for Project 2025 not withstanding, I am not voting for Trump. Worst comes to worst me and my family can also move, Switzerland, New Zealand, again didn't say it isn't going to effect me at all.

    As for 2025 Specifically, we'll have to see when it happens, I think Trump is going to win based on this stupid ass bone headed move to have Biden drop out, I will still vote , donate and volunteer to get the House and Senate, but reality is what it is.

    If I am wrong, and I can ALWAYS be wrong, Maybe it effects me none at all, maybe it effects me some. However the laundry list or reasons I am not voting for Trump are there.

    But it isn't about what I do alone, and I really don't think the people the most vocal about Biden stepping down, are going to be happy about anyone or anything especially whoever the new nominee is, and I do NOT think ANY of the people who wanted this or happy ATM will show up at the polls like before anyways.

    This was just fucking stupid again.

  15. #17995
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    All people in the public make flubs. Hell Obama referred to 52 states at one time. That doesn’t mean he’s not capable.

    A good chunk of our Supreme Court is Old. Again this was a stupid outcome.
    Serious question, did you watch the debate? It was more than just flubs. He looked tired and unfocused. Even in the UN press conference, where he was strong on policy, he rambled, called VP Harris by Donald Trump's name, and speaks in a now hard to understand slurring voice. This isn't the same Joe Biden of even 2020, let alone the Obama Presidency. 4 years matters, a lot, in your 80s.

    That's in no way ageism, or a take that every 81 year old is unfit for the Presidency. Hell, Nancy Pelosi was out there chopping heads this week to get this done, she's as effective a political operator as ever and she's not even Speaker/Minority Leader any more, she's just rank and file Dem Party leadership.

    Now, I agree the media exaggerated the situation with suggestions Biden is senile....but this is a rare case of public perception mirroring media perception but for different reasons. Media, who are all caught in on optics, hated the look of feebleness. The people who support the Democratic Party sincerely believe this election is about staving off fascism and putting a weak foot forward was making a shit ton of them, including my suburban Boomer mother who has 0 political knowledge, worried. She's ecstatic Biden dropped out.

  16. #17996
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Why are you being so weird?
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  17. #17997
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Why are you being so weird?
    He was like this last time around too.

  18. #17998
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    But i am already NOT voting for Trump or any of his cronies SOO, what are we discussing, I think Biden stepping down is stupid and already handed Trump the Election, because that's what I think. I will still vote for who ever gets the Democratic Nomination.

    Unless it's Marianna Williamson LOL
    I said it elsewhere, I'll repeat myself here... this is the smartest move Dems have been making in a while. They just hit the hard reset button on the conversation. The assassination is moving into memeland now while the new campaign grounds is "Why not a woman this time?" And senile crazy fucks vs. a woman that seems to have her shit together... I'd call this the turning point in how Dems win the election. Mark my words.
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  19. #17999
    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    Getting a little philosophical here, but just how many times can one mask fall?
    What is the sound of one mask falling?

  20. #18000
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    What is the sound of one mask falling?
    A wet "PLOP!" in the toilet, the backwash leaving one feeling grossed out...
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