1. #18001
    All the back and forth of the last few pages aside, I think getting COVID is really what caused him to make the choice. Before that, he was still adamant about staying in. All the other stuff, sure. That's pressure that mounted, but being hit with COVID as an 81 year old man, vaccine or not, is the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.

  2. #18002
    The Dems COULD have controlled the narrative of Biden's age by getting people to understand that while Joe is old, Kamala is not and he could end being the "guy in the chair" for Harris.

    But since the Dems are allergic to controlling the narrative and ALWAYS let the Repubs do that, this was the best course of action. Now hopefully the VP pick is Kelly or Beshear and this election is over. If it's Whitmer, Shapiro or Buttgieg, it will be a nail biter....because this country is still at its core, bigoted.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  3. #18003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    The Dems COULD have controlled the narrative of Biden's age by getting people to understand that while Joe is old, Kamala is not and he could end being the "guy in the chair" for Harris.
    Then just run Harris. This is an incredibly bad strategy that would have been rightfully panned and hated by everyone.

  4. #18004
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Then just run Harris. This is an incredibly bad strategy that would have been rightfully panned and hated by everyone.
    We're acting like narratives don't matter in a country where they are literally the ONLY thing that matters.

    If Biden being old was a real concern that couldn't have been "narratived" away then he shouldn't;t have been the candidate in 2020. I mean did no one think he would age?

    The narrative in 2020 was that only Joe could win, which wasn't true. There's no reason the narrative this time couldn't have been you're voting for Joe AND Kamala. But again, that didn't happen so this will work IF they get the right VP (read: cis white guy who is also not Jewish, because this country is racist)
    Last edited by Bodakane; 2024-07-23 at 05:51 PM.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  5. #18005

    A federal judge on Tuesday rejected a bid by a tree-trimming company to block a U.S. Federal Trade Commission rule from taking effect that would ban agreements commonly signed by workers not to join their employers' rivals or launch competing businesses.

    U.S. District Judge Kelley Hodge in Philadelphia said in a written decision that the FTC, which enforces federal antitrust laws, has the power to ban practices that it deems anticompetitive, including the use of so-called noncompete agreements that curb competition for labor.
    I'm sure this will be repeatedly appealed in the hopes of getting a SCOTUS ruling, but this is great news. Noncompetes are bullshit beyond belief and are absolutely hostile towards workers by allowing employers to grossly limit employees professional careers by controlling where they can and can't work after the cease to be an employee.

  6. #18006
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    So very close to the mask falling off completely. Soooooo very very close.

    Bonus points for lying about lower taxes (which are set to expire unless you're very very rich, which if you're arguing on MMOC you're not).
    Extra super bonus points for ignoring Trump is a convicted criminal, "Law and Order" lol
    It was probably a bad idea for him to put the mask on after he had already posted here awhile and we knew what he was.

  7. #18007
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    I'm sure this will be repeatedly appealed in the hopes of getting a SCOTUS ruling, but this is great news. Noncompetes are bullshit beyond belief and are absolutely hostile towards workers by allowing employers to grossly limit employees professional careers by controlling where they can and can't work after the cease to be an employee.
    bUt ThEy WiLl TaKe OuR sEcReTs!

    Pay them enough that they will stay. If another company offers more money, you weren't paying them enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  8. #18008
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    bUt ThEy WiLl TaKe OuR sEcReTs!

    Pay them enough that they will stay. If another company offers more money, you weren't paying them enough.
    I also question the... eh, solvency, I guess, of a company that can literally be undone by "this one weird trick" being known by another company, or that one person could know so, so much about it that they alone could transfer the entire process to another company by themselves and have it be successful. And if they can do that... yeah, they should probably be paid more. Meanwhile, if it's a legitimate trade secret or patent, they control those through other legal means.

    I work for a company in which we basically outclass our competitors on a level where it's not even particularly close. However, even if I were to be hired on to one of our competitors they'd need to implement many, many practices, including levels of incorporation I'm not familiar with, to replicate my current company's quality, regardless of whether I could tell them "the process" or not.

    Has nothing to do with "secrets" and everything to do with wanting to restrict employee movement and prospects.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  9. #18009
    Epic! Karreck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    bUt ThEy WiLl TaKe OuR sEcReTs!

    Pay them enough that they will stay. If another company offers more money, you weren't paying them enough.
    Big business doesn't want the market too free now.
    Princesses can kill knights to rescue dragons.

  10. #18010
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by En Sabah Nur View Post
    All the back and forth of the last few pages aside, I think getting COVID is really what caused him to make the choice.
    Maybe in the sense that it forced him to reflect. He had a conversation over the weekend with his two top advisers and they laid out to him that his path to victory appeared to have disappeared, including new polling by the campaign and reportedly the Michigan poll that showed him seven points behind Trump.

  11. #18011
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    I'm sure this will be repeatedly appealed in the hopes of getting a SCOTUS ruling, but this is great news. Noncompetes are bullshit beyond belief and are absolutely hostile towards workers by allowing employers to grossly limit employees professional careers by controlling where they can and can't work after the cease to be an employee.
    Noncompetes have some right to exist in research and competitive high-tech. But manual labour? Get outta here with that shit.

  12. #18012
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    I'm sure this will be repeatedly appealed in the hopes of getting a SCOTUS ruling, but this is great news. Noncompetes are bullshit beyond belief and are absolutely hostile towards workers by allowing employers to grossly limit employees professional careers by controlling where they can and can't work after the cease to be an employee.
    I've had to sign non-compete clauses but they were on in effect while I was an employee. The moment I left, they would no longer be allowed. I also had to sign non-disclosure agreements that are pretty much in effect still because it dealt with formulas or other trade secrets.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I also question the... eh, solvency, I guess, of a company that can literally be undone by "this one weird trick" being known by another company, or that one person could know so, so much about it that they alone could transfer the entire process to another company by themselves and have it be successful. And if they can do that... yeah, they should probably be paid more. Meanwhile, if it's a legitimate trade secret or patent, they control those through other legal means.

    I work for a company in which we basically outclass our competitors on a level where it's not even particularly close. However, even if I were to be hired on to one of our competitors they'd need to implement many, many practices, including levels of incorporation I'm not familiar with, to replicate my current company's quality, regardless of whether I could tell them "the process" or not.

    Has nothing to do with "secrets" and everything to do with wanting to restrict employee movement and prospects.
    The "They will take our secrets" is a valid thing when deal with proprietary recipes or formulas. However, those are dealt with non-disclosure agreements and those are most definitely enforceable and has very little to do with non-compete clauses.

    Non-competes should only be viable while the person is actively working for the workplace. Meaning you cannot work for a competitor while working for them too. If you go work for them, you lose your job here type of thing.

  13. #18013
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Will be interesting how many times between now and November Fox shows video from this

    Last edited by Doctor Amadeus; 2024-07-24 at 09:37 PM.

  14. #18014
    Kamala messaging is good, her campaign has good and strong energy after a handfull of days. Im pretty certain she will do good now, she just need to keep this vibe for 3 months.

    She is too new in federal politics to have actual skeletons, shes of sound mind, she speaks well. They have no real way to attack her so far, which is why they keep talking about Biden even now or they keep bringing up dick sucking jokes and how she was too thought on crime (like really republicans bringing that shit up lmao.). I think its clearly the proper move.
    Last edited by minteK917; 2024-07-24 at 09:39 PM.

  15. #18015
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Will be interesting how many times between now and November Fox shows video from this

    Got anything on topic to post?

  16. #18016
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    Got anything on topic to post?
    Its on topic because plenty of MAGA are pinning this on Biden and by default Kamala.

  17. #18017
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Will be interesting how many times between now and November Fox shows video from this
    What does this have to do with the Biden/Harris administration?

  18. #18018
    Quote Originally Posted by minteK917 View Post
    Kamala messaging is good, her campaign has good and strong energy after a handfull of days. Im pretty certain she will do good now, she just need to keep this vibe for 3 months.
    It's not really realistic to keep that kind of momentum going however I see the whole trend of republicans setting themselves on fire with racism and misogyny accelerating. When you have to put out a memo telling your members to stop being racist sexist assholes you got a problem. If Kamala doesn't overplay her hand Trump will destroy Trump since he just like those members of congress cannot help themselves.

  19. #18019
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    What does this have to do with the Biden/Harris administration?
    Because Biden is the current administration and this was something that was at his feet which Kamala is going to inherit consequently it will have a lot to do with her bid for the Presidency.

  20. #18020
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Because Biden is the current administration and this was something that was at his feet which Kamala is going to inherit consequently it will have a lot to do with her bid for the Presidency.
    So literally anything that happens during an administration is their fault/responsibility? They control those protesters that came up?

    I'm trying to understand the bad faith argument you're trying to make and I'm still not getting it.

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