You are correct. The issue isnt the technology. Its the government.
I think it should be done. Adding more burdens will make sure that it doesnt happen at all. I am aware of the power consumption issues of AI, but that has to be sorted out too. Electrification also added a bunch of power consumption issues but we cant say it wasnt worth it!!!!Okay a ton of more false assumptions here firstly the cost of regulation will be paid by future generations because of the climate cost of AI to name just one which you are entirely dismissing. You are entirely dismissing the point of the technology which is to replace humans, Do you think that should be done lightly? have you missed the complete and utter disaster that is happening because of AI therapists? how about AI chat bots which are worsening the loneliness crisis?
This is a more philosophical question on what should we do in general.But the reality is the American economy has left its contemporaries at the exception of maybe China behind. We can see how laggard and defeated Europe is. The US is also diverging from Canada too!! The american economy is leaving everyone behind *except china Thats a good thing right?I am going to stop you right there because you are making my point for you GDP per capita. What has been the price of America's top GDP? we are at the bottom when it comes to education. lowest life expectancy, huge income inequality. We have more people in prison than anyone else in the world including China, we invented the term medical bankruptcy. None of the fundamental problems the US has that has resulted in 2 terms for Donald Trump shows up in GDP figures. The average American is obese on pain killers overworked and extremely unhappy but hey people like Elon Musk means that graph keeps going up.
The question on what the wealth should be used for is another thing