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As far as I can tell, Biden wants to unite Americans and fix a lot of things, which is a very good intention, but it can't be done. US is too polarised for that and political system is designed to prevent changing status quo.
So basically he won't be able to do anything.
He won't be able to do anything about climate change, won't be able to do anything about Covid. Anything like reasonable healthcare will be quickly sabotaged by Republicans and end up being useless. Maybe will try to mend things with China, but won't be able to do that because half of politicians would block any attempts to do that and US military complex (actively selling arms on "China bad" fake news campaign) or UK (still butthurt over their former colony no longer belonging to UK, so UK do everything they can to sabotage it) might launch another fake news campaign and end up ruining anything Biden does.
Probably will go on anti-Russia offensive to revenge Hillary's loss (because of course it was Russians that made Trump win /s) and that's the only thing that he will be able to do in 4 years because Cold War mentality is still alive in US and is probably strongest in decades.
Meanwhile more and more countries will join free trade agreements with China, which, unlike agreements that involve US/UK, doesn't have political requirements and doesn't interfere in country's internal politics. Win for countries around the world, loss for US and allies that would still stick to US.
US in its current form is a lost cause. US ancient political system doesn't work in today's world and needs to be completely changed in its core. 2 party system that prevents anything from being done needs to be disbanded, Bible Belt states need to get a lot of education, but education has been commercialised in US to the point that it puts students in such massive debt that they can't get out of it for decades, so education is not something most people can afford, so majority will stay stupid and nothing will ever change.