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  1. #1

    Developer Interview - Ion Hazzikostas

    Developer Interview - Ion Hazzikostas
    Sloot is talking to Ion tonight!

  2. #2
    Now that I have a High Elf option on Alliance, suddenly it's not as fun to critique him as Game Director.

    Wonder if he'll cover lore.

  3. #3
    The team hasn't come up with a design that would solve all of the problems that Master Loot had.
    I don't understand, just incorporate a version of RC Loot Council into the game.

  4. #4
    that "masterloot caused problems especially for trials" is BS and you know it Ion
    Trials got plenty of loot from farm content just because Timmy lost the BiS trinket from a progression boss where he was in 5% of the pulls and died 30 seconds into the fight to Chad the officer who has been there every night and always performs well doesnt mean theres a problem.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    that "masterloot caused problems especially for trials" is BS and you know it Ion
    Trials got plenty of loot from farm content just because Timmy lost the BiS trinket from a progression boss where he was in 5% of the pulls and died 30 seconds into the fight to Chad the officer who has been there every night and always performs well doesnt mean theres a problem.
    If there wasn't a problem, they wouldn't have spent time and money on changing it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena
    Whats the saying .. You have two brain cells and they are both fighting for third place !

  6. #6
    Sub Rogue pvp nerfs are fine and needed, but they underperform in raiding

  7. #7
    "eventually your player power will exceed what it used to be in the end of the last expansion...." .

    Sorry, fail to see the logic where I leveled 10 levels only to be weaker than I used to be on old content. Just fix this please.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    that "masterloot caused problems especially for trials" is BS and you know it Ion
    Trials got plenty of loot from farm content just because Timmy lost the BiS trinket from a progression boss where he was in 5% of the pulls and died 30 seconds into the fight to Chad the officer who has been there every night and always performs well doesnt mean theres a problem.
    This masterloot thing is so dumb, just let it die. It makes no sense that someone who gets lucky should somehow be forced to cancel out another persons bad luck. That feels shit to them and this stuff is always abused by officers or informed by guild politics to some degree. Raids can be balanced around personal loot instead of masterloot so any perceived raid performance increase by "perfect distribution" is purely illusory anyway.

  9. #9
    I agree, Shadowlands is great so far. Covenants, raid/dungeon tuning and gearing being the stand outs.

    Keep this going.

  10. #10
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    that "masterloot caused problems especially for trials" is BS and you know it Ion
    Trials got plenty of loot from farm content just because Timmy lost the BiS trinket from a progression boss where he was in 5% of the pulls and died 30 seconds into the fight to Chad the officer who has been there every night and always performs well doesnt mean theres a problem.
    Well, you kind of have to assume that it was a big enough issue that they would rather remove it than deal with CS tickets asking for loot drama intervention.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    I agree, Shadowlands is great so far. Covenants, raid/dungeon tuning and gearing being the stand outs.

    Keep this going.
    You say gearing, but getting no loot from 9/10 heroic kills apart from one unusable trinket doesn't feel too good for me >.< Maybe I'm saving all my luck for that Sire weapon drop.

  12. #12
    Stood in the Fire october breeze's Avatar
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    hmmm, tiers sets are coming back? ... hmmm... shall I resub?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Toybox View Post
    You say gearing, but getting no loot from 9/10 heroic kills apart from one unusable trinket doesn't feel too good for me >.< Maybe I'm saving all my luck for that Sire weapon drop.
    Got no loot from the raid either. Thats no change for me though. Have to play my mage or pally as main to get loot, they are my lucky ones lol.

    I feel you, but this is how it used to be. I wholly welcome this.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  14. #14
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    If you don't get an item from a boss, now you can blame Blizzard instead of the guild / Master Looter.
    Um, well that's good to know?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Toybox View Post
    You say gearing, but getting no loot from 9/10 heroic kills apart from one unusable trinket doesn't feel too good for me >.< Maybe I'm saving all my luck for that Sire weapon drop.
    They should just implement a 'coin' system that GUARANTEE loot if you use it on personal loot, or some BLP that makes sure you'll get loot on every 3rd boss IF you haven't got any from the previous two.

    As for master loot, idk much about it, but I see no problem with it as long as loot rules are declared and accepted. Blizz got rid of it just because they had to deal with tickets about it...that's the easy, yet not quite productive route.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    Um, well that's good to know?
    It's not about blaming, it's about making your product more enjoyable. tbh, I get the feeling that Blizz don't care anymore about players feedback. They claim they 'want to hear from us' but at the same time they're not rushing to fix anything even if the system is broken ( eg. Class imbalance)

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by leorana View Post
    They should just implement a 'coin' system that GUARANTEE loot if you use it on personal loot, or some BLP that makes sure you'll get loot on every 3rd boss IF you haven't got any from the previous two.
    Congratulations, you've successfully created The Great Vault.

    Your version provides more loot, for sure, but they specifically said they want players to have less loot, because players bitched about loot not feeling "special" when they got a lot of loot.
    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena
    Whats the saying .. You have two brain cells and they are both fighting for third place !

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by leorana View Post
    "eventually your player power will exceed what it used to be in the end of the last expansion...." .

    Sorry, fail to see the logic where I leveled 10 levels only to be weaker than I used to be on old content. Just fix this please.
    yeah, I agree with that. weird statement.

  18. #18
    How does Blizzard get players that went from Alliance to Horde to go back to Alliance? Buffing Alliance racials isn't the right answer.
    just nerf alliance more or do nothing :)... they will move from ally to horde so you can get more money from transfer - IMO problem solved

  19. #19
    Buffing alliance racials isn't right answer?

    Like nerfing dwarf racial instantly ONE top guild faction changed?

    Ion is full of BS. I could bet he has orc or troll skin-coloured adult toys..

    Covenants and current loot system are success? We know he does not play game but come on!
    Last edited by Thokri; 2020-12-15 at 03:02 AM.

  20. #20
    Uhhh, no Ion. Covenants aren't balanced. There is a clear optimal choice, and in the case of my monk it's above a 1% difference.

    Disappointed he doesn't even acknowledge players have wanted flight whistle back for a while now

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