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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It doesn't matter if it's a few whales or a ton of smaller spends, they're making money. It's a success.
    From their point of view maybe. From the point of view of a potential new player who couldn't care less if they make money, not so much.

    Money made determines success for a product
    Are you a bank?

    Cyberpunk made a shitton of money. Can you honestly call its launch a success?

    Not at all, 60K largely new concurrent users? Those are big numbers regardless
    Not for an MMO, no?

    I don't know why you're making those " The company is doing very well as a company " arguments. No one on this forum cares if they're profitable.

    " Come join this MMO with 200K players " is not a good sales pitch for a player.

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    From their point of view maybe. From the point of view of a potential new player who couldn't care less if they make money, not so much.
    We're talking about a different measurement than, "success", then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    Are you a bank?
    Nope, but that's generally the measure for the success or failure of a product.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    Cyberpunk made a shitton of money. Can you honestly call its launch a success?
    It's profitable as a product, sure. But given the rest of the context around it, that doesn't exist for BDO, it's a bigger hit to CDPR's brand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    Not for an MMO, no?
    Yeah, actually. Not every game is WoW, can be WoW, or should be measured against WoW's playerbase. I've worked on smaller scale MMO's that saw much smaller increases in Steam player concurrency when they launched there. But since they were primarily new users, it was a huge success for the company. They got a TON of new players and their revenue spiked before the usual dipoff following a "new launch" of anything (even WoW expansions).

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    " Come join this MMO with 200K players " is not a good sales pitch for a player.
    It's plenty fine for me, because my measure for a "healthy playerbase" isn't "millions". Hell, most of the MMO's out right now have playerbases in the tens/hundreds of thousands and are still doing alright on average.

    That BDO still gets regular updates is more important than its playerbase. Updates/support are usually a much better signifier than playerbase.

  3. #203
    Is it confirmed that this MMO will be based on lol lore?

  4. #204
    Field Marshal
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    So ya'll already forgot what Riot did with Rift? lol
    Never ever gonna give them another penny.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Feyr View Post
    So ya'll already forgot what Riot did with Rift? lol
    Never ever gonna give them another penny.
    Rift...the MMO? That was Trion (now gamigo since Trion is functionally dead).

  6. #206
    The Lightbringer vian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    By all means show me their official numbers.

    10mil registered, 984k daily according to the latest statistics, but you're banned so why am I even bothering?
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzy View Post
    yeh but lava is just very hot water

  7. #207
    Mechagnome RoutinelyWorgen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    Are they? Like does anyone who plays League actually care about the Lore? It's horribly generic and has been retconned more than WoW's.
    False, they retconned everything once. The writers since then have been playing catchup and we're just now seeing the results of this revisioning in comics, short stories, Legends of Runeterra and now Ruined King. From what I've seen of it, Runeterra's universe is surprisingly consistent and fleshed out now. There's no Elves either.

    As for the folks claiming that folks don't care about League's lore, have a look for yourself.

    If you don't know about Necrit then it's obvious you don't know as much about League as you think you do.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khain View Post
    Is it confirmed that this MMO will be based on lol lore?
    Eyup, they also confirmed it's an MMORPG
    I've been expecting them to develop an MMO since 2019, gotta admit though early 2021 was surprisingly soon. Might make an analysis video on the game's prospects.
    Last edited by RoutinelyWorgen; 2021-03-08 at 05:36 PM.
    Worgen hard, or hardly worgen?

  8. #208

    Your post is ruthless, cold blooded and gave me a smile
    So many people are saying here LoL has no lore....glad to see someone with imba arguments with source and proof.
    They always need that "sauce"

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    False, they retconned everything once. The writers since then have been playing catchup and we're just now seeing the results of this revisioning in comics, short stories, Legends of Runeterra and now Ruined King. From what I've seen of it, Runeterra's universe is surprisingly consistent and fleshed out now. There's no Elves either.

    As for the folks claiming that folks don't care about League's lore, have a look for yourself.

    If you don't know about Necrit then it's obvious you don't know as much about League as you think you do.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Eyup, they also confirmed it's an MMORPG
    I've been expecting them to develop an MMO since 2019, gotta admit though early 2021 was surprisingly soon. Might make an analysis video on the game's prospects.
    Yet /10chars

    Actually on topic I like the idea of a LoL mmo. When I played it (which I admit was a long time ago) I liked what little lore was there and always thought they could do something great with it. I'm pessimistic about so much, however I'd like for something to strike me like vanilla/BC wow did again in my lifetime. I still hold out hope.
    Last edited by EyelessCrow; 2021-03-08 at 06:33 PM.

  10. #210
    I like the old league lore when it was just character backstory. The new lore seems pointless. We have these events, but nothing in the game really changes. Everything happens outside the game.

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    False, they retconned everything once. The writers since then have been playing catchup and we're just now seeing the results of this revisioning in comics, short stories, Legends of Runeterra and now Ruined King. From what I've seen of it, Runeterra's universe is surprisingly consistent and fleshed out now. There's no Elves either.

    As for the folks claiming that folks don't care about League's lore, have a look for yourself.

    If you don't know about Necrit then it's obvious you don't know as much about League as you think you do.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Seeing as how LoL has way more players than WoW your graph says that interest in lol lore is way smaller than interest in wow lore comparative to the playerbases.

    off topic: nobbel is a pretty shite youtuber.

  12. #212
    Mechagnome RoutinelyWorgen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cazze View Post
    Seeing as how LoL has way more players than WoW your graph says that interest in lol lore is way smaller than interest in wow lore comparative to the playerbases.

    off topic: nobbel is a pretty shite youtuber.
    Quote Originally Posted by SLIMCHANCE View Post
    Eh I’m not going to claim I know how many people like the lore in either game but your metric for how you gauged interest in lore is a really really bad one. I play league of legends and wow and honestly I could care less about league lore, but even when I’m browsing Reddit if a lore video pops up I’ll watch it for a minute or two and basically say to myself “cool I didn’t know this piece of the story” and then basically going back to the game and forgetting what I just listened to.

    A better metric might be novel sales? Or something of this nature. Leagues play base has wow beaten tenfold easily, so if this is the top lore content creator you have for league, I would say this hurts your argument if anything.

    Are you one person posting on multiple accounts to try and push a narrative?

    ...Whatever the case, my argument is there exists a sizeable demographic that has an interest in League's universe. Not whether or not said interest is higher relative to its playerbase when compared with WoW, that's besides the point?
    Worgen hard, or hardly worgen?

  13. #213
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    If the lore is good, I will definitely check out their MMO.

    All those heroes/villains they have make for lots of potential.

    I also enjoy the music they had made for some characters like Veigo the Ruined king.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post

    Are you one person posting on multiple accounts to try and push a narrative?

    ...Whatever the case, my argument is there exists a sizeable demographic that has an interest in League's universe. Not whether or not said interest is higher relative to its playerbase when compared with WoW, that's besides the point?
    Way to jump to conclusions, Sherlock I don't know the other guy. Is it so strange that people might not agree with you? I am not here on a crusade to make you see why DW is not a bad character or anything, I don't care. Why even bring the lore thread in here? How does the guys comment about Malygos connect to mine about DW? What a shit way to push a narrative. Ahaha, This forum man.

    There may be a demographic but it is not big enough to carry the hype for the game. If the game is actually based on League, people won't play it because of the lore but because it is League and includes their favorite champs. Nobody cares that Swain did X with Y champ or something, they care that it is Swain.

    A quick look at the lolwiki shows they don't have any dedicated pages to lore, while WoW has a wiki just for that. You may not agree but for me it shows the difference in interest and invesment in the lore.

    Hell, dota2 lore videos have more views than leagues and dota has way smaller player base.
    Last edited by Cazze; 2021-03-09 at 08:08 AM.

  15. #215
    Mechagnome RoutinelyWorgen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cazze View Post
    A quick look at the lolwiki shows they don't have any dedicated pages to lore, while WoW has a wiki just for that. You may not agree but for me it shows the difference in interest and invesment in the lore.

    Hell, dota2 lore videos have more views than leagues and dota has way smaller player base.
    Uh huh,
    Would you be so nice as to provide an example of a Dota 2 lore video with high views then?
    So far everything you've said hasn't been based on fact and never bothered to put forth any substance to support your claims. I mean what does DotA 2 have anything to do with the League universe or Riot's efforts to develop an MMORPG? Dude, get help.

    ...As for the discussion at hand, how would this game impact WoW? Let's say that WoW continues on the trajectory it is right now and Riot's MMORPG has modern features such as housing, action combat and a fair monetization model. Due to the nature of technical limitations, WoW won't be able to compete with this title on equal footing. So my expectation would be that WoW becomes to Riot's MMO what Everquest became to WoW following its release.

    Will it kill WoW? No. The game's turning 20 years old in 3 years from now, players who've stuck with it since Classic, TBC or Wrath aren't just going to let go that easily. That is to say WoW would retain a playerbase albeit one that's been significantly reduced, as the game remains as Blizzard's flagship title it wouldn't be a good look for it to be overshadowed by a competitor. They'd likely come under pressure to develop a sequel in response, at that point I wouldn't be surprised to see WoW go the way of HotS.
    Worgen hard, or hardly worgen?

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    Would you be so nice as to provide an example of a Dota 2 lore video with high views then?
    quite a few videos ranging between 200k and 500k each.
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    ...As for the discussion at hand, how would this game impact WoW? Let's say that WoW continues on the trajectory it is right now and Riot's MMORPG has modern features such as housing, action combat and a fair monetization model. Due to the nature of technical limitations, WoW won't be able to compete with this title on equal footing. So my expectation would be that WoW becomes to Riot's MMO what Everquest became to WoW following its release.
    why would they start now?
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    Will it kill WoW? No. The game's turning 20 years old in 3 years from now, players who've stuck with it since Classic, TBC or Wrath aren't just going to let go that easily. That is to say WoW would retain a playerbase albeit one that's been significantly reduced, as the game remains as Blizzard's flagship title it wouldn't be a good look for it to be overshadowed by a competitor. They'd likely come under pressure to develop a sequel in response, at that point I wouldn't be surprised to see WoW go the way of HotS.
    why would you think a company that has no experience in developing mmos could "overshadow" a 20 year old franchise? is it impossible? no, but highly unlikely.
    as example take the spinoffs riot produced in the last year. has any of them overshadowed the giant in their genre?
    valorant is still dwarfed by csgo, legends of runeterra is still not "bigger" than hearthstone or MTG, dont know about that autobattler thing though.

    im not saying riot makes bad games, far from it, but expecting to catch up to 20 years of genre know how is a bold assumption imho

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by VinceVega View Post
    Sounds interesting. And Riot can make good games, even if it is not everyones tea.

    But! People should not forget that MMOs don't go particulaily well with lore and RPG combos. You are always on rails. The lol lore gets fleshed out more and more and they have kept enough open to make whatever they want. But the world and the lore is still quite chaotic and hte more you felsh it out the more you can create stuff that does not work together.
    I like the settings. But some if it just doesn't really work together for me.

    I will definetly try. I just hope they don't make it tooooo asian. Like gender locked classes. Boobs galore. BUT it is riot. So it probably will be f2p with a ridicioulous amount of MTX and every piece of good looking armor will be in the shop or behind boxes you need months to earn without paying extra.

    I HOPE it is more like wow with a minimal shop and monthly price. Worst case... FF14... monthly price and huge shop or even worse PoE where you cannot get anything good looking without paying.
    I've never spent a dime on Runeterra and play like 10 games a week if that and have every single card including the new expansion cards that just dropped this week. The game gets better and better and has a surprisingly decent amount of depth and gobs of production value. My experience with Hearthstone was an immediate wall of players with straight up broken cards IN NORMAL games that I couldn't compete with my free cards, nor could I earn cards in any appreciable time frame via quests.

    We know it will have MTX as that's the industry standard, just need to let them know it can't be egregious. I'd prefer a sub model tbh if the quality was there rather than F2P.

  18. #218
    Mechagnome RoutinelyWorgen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lagiacrux View Post
    quite a few videos ranging between 200k and 500k each.

    why would they start now? <-(What the actual ****????????)

    why would you think a company that has no experience in developing mmos could "overshadow" a 20 year old franchise? is it impossible? no, but highly unlikely.
    as example take the spinoffs riot produced in the last year. has any of them overshadowed the giant in their genre?
    valorant is still dwarfed by csgo, legends of runeterra is still not "bigger" than hearthstone or MTG, dont know about that autobattler thing though.

    im not saying riot makes bad games, far from it, but expecting to catch up to 20 years of genre know how is a bold assumption imho
    "Quite a few" videos of which "more than a few" with upwards of a million views.

    And WHAT? You think Legends of Runeterra or Valorant aren't fairly monetized by F2P standards? You people seem to care more about trying to steer the topic off-course with hot takes you base on literally nothing than actually contribute to the discussion. What is with your hate-boners for Riot? Jesus Christ.

    Riot already has developers experienced in the MMO genre under their umbrella, Ghostcrawler included. And what do you mean catching up to 20 years of genre when only the past 2 years are actually relevant by that selfsame genre's standards. Valorant isn't dwarfed by CSGO, they're on relatively even footing if anything. Overwatch is dwarfed by Valorant however in the current climate, according to Twitch anyway for what it's worth. Not that you're in a position to question substance when you yourself don't present any in your arguments.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrecktangle View Post
    I've never spent a dime on Runeterra and play like 10 games a week if that and have every single card including the new expansion cards that just dropped this week. The game gets better and better and has a surprisingly decent amount of depth and gobs of production value. My experience with Hearthstone was an immediate wall of players with straight up broken cards IN NORMAL games that I couldn't compete with my free cards, nor could I earn cards in any appreciable time frame via quests.

    We know it will have MTX as that's the industry standard, just need to let them know it can't be egregious. I'd prefer a sub model tbh if the quality was there rather than F2P.
    Greg Street has actually gone on record to question whether a subscription model would work nowadays,

    MMOs being so expensive to produce, I figure it will be B2P to some extent.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by VinceVega View Post
    But! People should not forget that MMOs don't go particulaily well with lore and RPG combos. You are always on rails. The lol lore gets fleshed out more and more and they have kept enough open to make whatever they want. But the world and the lore is still quite chaotic and hte more you felsh it out the more you can create stuff that does not work together.
    I like the settings. But some if it just doesn't really work together for me.
    I beg to differ. The things ESO, XIV and WoW share in common is that their worlds are based on pre-existing properties that people were already invested in. So naturally one would expect players that have an interest in League's universe to at the very least give this new MMORPG a try.
    Worgen hard, or hardly worgen?

  19. #219
    It boggles my mind that someone would go through the trouble of making another mmo game, it's such a dying breed.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrecktangle View Post
    I've never spent a dime on Runeterra and play like 10 games a week if that and have every single card including the new expansion cards that just dropped this week. The game gets better and better and has a surprisingly decent amount of depth and gobs of production value. My experience with Hearthstone was an immediate wall of players with straight up broken cards IN NORMAL games that I couldn't compete with my free cards, nor could I earn cards in any appreciable time frame via quests.

    We know it will have MTX as that's the industry standard, just need to let them know it can't be egregious. I'd prefer a sub model tbh if the quality was there rather than F2P.
    Legends of Runeterra is out of this quite literally incredible how F2P friendly it is.
    Glad to see someone knows this and is not just me

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