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  1. #221
    If this new MMO has anything to do with LoL, I will have no interest in it and from my understanding it will revolve that universe. Nothing ever grabbed my interest with LoL even when I was younger and having peer pressure from people.

    My understanding how it ever did a decent job of acquiring customers is all championship events. (e-sports) So I would assume a lot of people flocked there for greed. Then all I read is articles how this is one of the most toxic environments in the gaming industry. (If the not the number one on a lot of lists) It's not hard to put two and two together. Which means the draw had nothing to do with the universe or content.

    I'm all for having better rewards and competition in games that doesn't bother me. Encouraging a very toxic environment and promoting bad behavior is a whole other level. Which there are very bad repercussions to this. Anyone want to inform me if the game is still doing well? (Not in profit but playerbase.)
    Last edited by Icelin; 2021-03-09 at 02:56 PM.

  2. #222
    wont play it if its weeby like league
    and by weeby if you look at leagues champion page you what i mean 80% of characters are some form of this

    im sure it will sell well espec in asia but not for me and dont think it will be for western audience
    Last edited by arandomuser; 2021-03-09 at 02:58 PM.

  3. #223
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    Apparently it's based on LoL's lore, which is already full of retcons and horrible characters like that k-pop girls who uses music to save the day.

    Hard to have enthusiasm for a RPG when it's lore is basically a meme - unless it isn't a RPG, then it's fine. You don't need good lore for Mobas (LoL is proof enough), probably don't need good lore for whatever MMO they want to make.

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Uh huh.

    I've never heard anyone talk about the LoL setting or lore. Ever.

    The only LoL characters I know are the eskimo kid with the bear, and Phamtom Lancer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The eskimo kid with the bear is cute. He should be a party member in a LoL RPG.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh wait wasn't there a guy who was on the edge of being taken over by his demon possessed scythe? That's cool. He should be a party member too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I mean, that's the thing. A LoL MMO doesn't interest me. But a LoL RPG would.
    Whats with the racial slur?

  5. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    "Quite a few" videos of which "more than a few" with upwards of a million views.

    And WHAT? You think Legends of Runeterra or Valorant aren't fairly monetized by F2P standards? You people seem to care more about trying to steer the topic off-course with hot takes you base on literally nothing than actually contribute to the discussion. What is with your hate-boners for Riot? Jesus Christ.

    Riot already has developers experienced in the MMO genre under their umbrella, Ghostcrawler included. And what do you mean catching up to 20 years of genre when only the past 2 years are actually relevant by that selfsame genre's standards. Valorant isn't dwarfed by CSGO, they're on relatively even footing if anything. Overwatch is dwarfed by Valorant however in the current climate, according to Twitch anyway for what it's worth. Not that you're in a position to question substance when you yourself don't present any in your arguments.
    i linked the dota playlist because you wanted videos with "high" viewcount. i presented one.

    and no, i dont think F2P games are fairly monetized. not a single one of them. if they were, they wouldnt be able to exist. you can argue that riot games has fair monetization FOR A F2P GAME, but i couldnt comment on that.

    regarding the "hate-boner" for riot, i can guarantee that i dont have nothing more than a general dislike of the company. and to be fair, the company makes it pretty hard to like them ...

    just to name a few reason from the top of my head.

    regarding the statement that only 2 years matter for genre standards i disagree. i condede the point about ghostcrawler though, he will be a huge asset. the whole valorant vs csgo debate is practically nonstarter. valorant doesnt report playerstats, so we have no way to compare. on twitch numbers (which dont mean a lot) they seem pretty even, but i know csgo had crazy good playerstats in the last 12 months with topping 1mill concurrent quite regularly.

    just my 2 cents, you might wanna take a less aggressive tone if you want to debate.

  6. #226
    Dreadlord Rageadon's Avatar
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    Riot and Tencent is in bed with eachother, no thanks, ccp aint getting my money

  7. #227
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Chozo View Post
    Apparently it's based on LoL's lore, which is already full of retcons and horrible characters like that k-pop girls who uses music to save the day.

    Hard to have enthusiasm for a RPG when it's lore is basically a meme - unless it isn't a RPG, then it's fine. You don't need good lore for Mobas (LoL is proof enough), probably don't need good lore for whatever MMO they want to make.
    From what I understand what’s her face Kpop girl uses music to try and being the people of Zuan (exploited under class) to gather with piltover (exploiters) which isn’t a bad concept for a young idealist.

    The bigger issues with her character is that her music thingy is powered of a fractured soul of a genocided race and she acts like said soul splinter is her buddy.
    Last edited by Lorgar Aurelian; 2021-03-09 at 03:43 PM.

  8. #228
    I just wanted to add, just because I have no interest in the new LoL MMO. Doesn't mean it would not appeal to other people. It's just I am not going near it.

    I've tried to offer World of Warcraft numerous suggestions of promoting teamwork on a grand scale. (Most MMO's should have this) I wish we still had activities like Wintergrasp, Tol Barad, Ashran, Warfront etcs. One of my favorite things about GW2 was WvW. Nothing for SLs.

  9. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by Kixxenn View Post
    I just wanted to add, just because I have no interest in the new LoL MMO. Doesn't mean it would not appeal to other people. It's just I am not going near it.

    I've tried to offer World of Warcraft numerous suggestions of promoting teamwork on a grand scale. (Most MMO's should have this) I wish we still had activities like Wintergrasp, Tol Barad, Ashran, Warfront etcs. One of my favorite things about GW2 was WvW. Nothing for SLs.
    why no intrest? we dont know anything about it

  10. #230
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    wont play it if its weeby like league
    and by weeby if you look at leagues champion page you what i mean 80% of characters are some form of this

    im sure it will sell well espec in asia but not for me and dont think it will be for western audience
    Janna is a pretty generic high elf design just with some wind magic thrown in, she also had a glow up which likely hasn’t been moved to lol as there visual updates tend to go slowly.

    She’d have no problems with western audiences.

  11. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    By all means show me their official numbers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Are they? Like does anyone who plays League actually care about the Lore? It's horribly generic and has been retconned more than WoW's.
    Have you any idea how popular this game is? Look at the viewership for worlds?

  12. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by Daemos daemonium View Post
    Janna is a pretty generic high elf design just with some wind magic thrown in, she also had a glow up which likely hasn’t been moved to lol as there visual updates tend to go slowly.

    She’d have no problems with western audiences.
    like i said its just an example 80 of characters are females with skanky outfits, look which is fine thats their creative direction, im not trying to "cancel" them, its just not what i look for in an mmo, i know its like the big thing in asia which is probably the market choice for any new game though

  13. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by bRighteyez View Post
    Whats with the racial slur?
    Most people don't know that *skimo is a racial slur. I only found out recently myself.

  14. #234
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    like i said its just an example 80 of characters are females with skanky outfits, look which is fine thats their creative direction, im not trying to "cancel" them, its just not what i look for in an mmo, i know its like the big thing in asia which is probably the market choice for any new game though
    What counts as skanky? Most characters aren’t as bare as janna, actually she might be the only one in the game with so little. There’s a lot of mid drifts bear legs and boobs but it seems like a pretty big stretch to call that skanky and a lot of champions like ash ms fortune ect have had updated designs that cover a lot more.

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Daemos daemonium View Post
    Have you actually looked into lux’s lore at all since the world was refashioned because she is a fine character, Garen not so much.

    As far as other characters go there’s Zed, akali, taliyah, yasuo, swain, ect ect. Pretty much any character that has gotten a focus either with multiple short story’s or other media have come out as good characters though given how many league has there still in the minority obviously.
    There's 154 released champions right now. By the time the MMO is out it could be close to 200. Some of these are very popular like Lux, Yassuo, Irelia, Teemo etc.

    Riot has been great at game mechanics and at artstyle. They can improve and further develop their lore with the mmorpg.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigcountry11782 View Post
    Oh boy this is all we need is another mmo full of micro transactions >.>
    As opposed to paying hundreds of dollars in sub fees? hmmm

  16. #236
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Selvari7 View Post
    There's 154 released champions right now. By the time the MMO is out it could be close to 200. Some of these are very popular like Lux, Yassuo, Irelia, Teemo etc.

    Riot has been great at game mechanics and at artstyle. They can improve and further develop their lore with the mmorpg.
    Ya league has a ton of characters but a lot of them aren’t well developed like the ones I listed with some having no development at all like cho’gath. The lore is still getting big developments though and a mmo
    Will obvious add a lot more.

  17. #237
    Quote Originally Posted by RoutinelyWorgen View Post
    Uh huh,
    Would you be so nice as to provide an example of a Dota 2 lore video with high views then?
    So far everything you've said hasn't been based on fact and never bothered to put forth any substance to support your claims. I mean what does DotA 2 have anything to do with the League universe or Riot's efforts to develop an MMORPG? Dude, get help.

    ...As for the discussion at hand, how would this game impact WoW? Let's say that WoW continues on the trajectory it is right now and Riot's MMORPG has modern features such as housing, action combat and a fair monetization model. Due to the nature of technical limitations, WoW won't be able to compete with this title on equal footing. So my expectation would be that WoW becomes to Riot's MMO what Everquest became to WoW following its release.

    Will it kill WoW? No. The game's turning 20 years old in 3 years from now, players who've stuck with it since Classic, TBC or Wrath aren't just going to let go that easily. That is to say WoW would retain a playerbase albeit one that's been significantly reduced, as the game remains as Blizzard's flagship title it wouldn't be a good look for it to be overshadowed by a competitor. They'd likely come under pressure to develop a sequel in response, at that point I wouldn't be surprised to see WoW go the way of HotS.
    Yes, apart from ppl with tons of spare time, mmorpgs require sooo much dedication that ppl who played one for a long time won’t easily switch to another and start from scratch again.

    It’s not like switching from Fortnite to CoD or viceversa.

  18. #238
    The idea that hot girls won't sell in western markets is hilarious lmao.

  19. #239
    Quote Originally Posted by lagiacrux View Post
    i linked the dota playlist because you wanted videos with "high" viewcount. i presented one.

    and no, i dont think F2P games are fairly monetized. not a single one of them. if they were, they wouldnt be able to exist. you can argue that riot games has fair monetization FOR A F2P GAME, but i couldnt comment on that.

    regarding the "hate-boner" for riot, i can guarantee that i dont have nothing more than a general dislike of the company. and to be fair, the company makes it pretty hard to like them ...

    just to name a few reason from the top of my head.

    regarding the statement that only 2 years matter for genre standards i disagree. i condede the point about ghostcrawler though, he will be a huge asset. the whole valorant vs csgo debate is practically nonstarter. valorant doesnt report playerstats, so we have no way to compare. on twitch numbers (which dont mean a lot) they seem pretty even, but i know csgo had crazy good playerstats in the last 12 months with topping 1mill concurrent quite regularly.

    just my 2 cents, you might wanna take a less aggressive tone if you want to debate.
    Ooooooh right, this mmorpg will require chinese trojan to be installed in order to play, looool, forgot about that.

    Yea, instant skip, no longer interested in this mmorpg.
    My nickname is "LDEV", not "idev". (both font clarification and ez bait)

    yall im smh @ ur simplified english

  20. #240
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelduril View Post
    Are they? Like does anyone who plays League actually care about the Lore? It's horribly generic and has been retconned more than WoW's.
    Fun fact, I like League of Legends' lore more than the game, by a lot. As in, I'd rather not play LoL as it is now.
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