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  1. #21
    Greg Street is, always has been, and always will be a dumb cunt.

  2. #22
    I can only see this as good news tbh. The MMO competition is somewhat minimal with a few big players and a few niche MMOs. I can't speak about Valorant but LoL is successful for good reason and LoR is by far the best card game I've played. They are well capable of crafting a decent MMO. My only gripe would be that every new game, sans Valorant, is tied to the LoL universe whereas I hope they can start new IPs.
    The wise wolf who's pride is her wisdom isn't so sharp as drunk.

  3. #23
    looking forward to the cartoony graphics of a 2015 game in this future 2028 game. Might not be bad if they took ideas from Genshin
    *Insert every single ridiculous PC parts detail here that no one cares about*

  4. #24
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    He says it's an MMO.

    He didn't say it is an MMORPG.
    Stop being an idiot. You know what he is talking about because there's just one thing riot fans have been asking for.

  5. #25
    No reason for a WoW player to shit on this. If it sucks, you can still play WoW. If it's good - you have more options, and it gives Blizzard competition to make WoW better.

    Most MMOs that pop up like Pantheon and Crowfall seem to move at a snail's pace and have funding issues. Need more big dogs like Riot and Amazon in the market.

    Been 2 years since the first tease:
    Last edited by ro9ue; 2020-12-18 at 04:51 AM.

  6. #26
    Oh boy this is all we need is another mmo full of micro transactions >.>

  7. #27
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Good luck to them. They have an excellent set of artists, and some of their characters are quite inventive.

  8. #28
    Considering Ghostcrawler is working on it, I'm pretty excited to see the result.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  9. #29
    The Lightbringer DesoPL's Avatar
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    Another MMO what will end in forgotten depths of internets? No thanks i'm not intrested.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123456 View Post
    As soon as they started fucking with the old lore to make it more cohesive I think it was pretty obvious they were going to do an mmo.
    The last thing added in the lore is a champion skin that is an influencer and uses twitter. And another skin that does music interviews.

    Granted, I think it is killer marketing idea, but the lore? Cohesive? Ahahahaha.
    Last edited by Cazze; 2020-12-18 at 07:46 AM.

  11. #31

    if any exisiting ip can dethrone wow its LoL LOL

    buut this still steams a little yolo, does he mena a legit mmorpg like wow, or Project F that they still havnt realed, which is supposed to be the lore heavy and worl expanding game, thjat is top down like diablo, but maybe online, and thats what he means with MMO...

  12. #32
    Yea.. I don't see this going anywhere decent.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by TriHard View Post
    If anyone can challenge WoW and FF14 then surely it should be Riot Games out of all the companies. They have years of lore now and a shit ton of known characters.
    you mean unlike lord of the rings? and lord of the rings online have not really challenged wow...

  14. #34
    It might be good it might not who knows,but if they are doing a mmo base on LOL,it could be pretty cool worth checking out.

  15. #35
    I think they should try mmo lite or an offline rpg first... Like final fantasy 12 was clearly a prototype for an mmo lol.
    Violence Jack Respects Women!

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by CerealLord View Post
    I think the big issue with MMORPGs is that a lot of people will pick one and dedicate their time to. I'm sure even more may try another MMORPG since its part of the same genre, but will migrate back to their main game, whether its familiarity, community, etc.

    And speaking of community, LoL may actually be worse than WoW's.
    Aye... as much as I loved FF14 I went back to WoW since I've put so much effort into it already. Playing another MMO just isn't feasible for me.

    The day WoW shuts down will be a blessing, but that'll probably be 2050...

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolites View Post
    you mean unlike lord of the rings? and lord of the rings online have not really challenged wow...
    Lord of the rings has tons of appeal to nerds who like rpg tabletops but not games.

    Also hots had more going for it than league when they both launched but because of the blizzard pvp idea it died in my opinion. Or never reached its potential.
    Violence Jack Respects Women!

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Eviscero View Post
    Greg Street is, always has been, and always will be a dumb cunt.
    Now, why would you say that?
    Mother pus bucket!

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by tankbug View Post
    Now, why would you say that?
    He was the face of the game and therefore took the heat, just as how nowadays Ion is the face of the game and takes the heat.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Cazze View Post
    The last thing added in the lore is a champion skin that is an influencer and uses twitter. And another skin that does music interviews.

    Granted, I think it is killer marketing idea, but the lore? Cohesive? Ahahahaha.
    I don't think there is any actual lore to the champion skins just the champions themselves.

    Originally Nasus and his brother were space gods from another world or something like that and got ported to Runeterra. They then changed that and made him and the other Egyptian like champions part of some ritual in Shurima. I'd if thats still the same lore but they had started doing that with all the characters back when I still played.

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