1. #1

    [H][Any Server] Returning Resto Druid with CE Exp LF Semi-HC Raiding Guild

    Armory: WORLDOFWARCRAFT DOT COM/en-us/character/us/blackrock/mireknyun/

    My CE Garrosh Hellscream Kill (back when Heroic was hardest difficulty): YOUTUBE/watch?v=repYXbBmffI


    I'm a returning user who last played 6 years ago in Mists of Pandaria. I'm looking for a mythic progression guild that raids 2 days a week, at least 1 day on the weekend, in the evening PST (the later the better). Willing to transfer servers.

    My current ilvl is 175 (Main: Resto, Offspec: Balance). I realize that I'm not ready to join any serious raiding group just yet, but I'd say that I'm gearing up fairly fast considering that I started about a week ago. In the meantime, I'll be trying to join pug raids for normal Nathria gear.

    What you can expect from me:

    - The basics of any serious-minded raider (knowing the fights, gear properly enchanted/jeweled, flasks/potions, high spec PC/internet/mic, etc.)
    - Coming up with guides specific to our raid composition.
    - Analyzing World of Logs.

    What I expect from you:

    - Not a hard requirement, but ideally I'd want at least one other person on the team with CE experience.
    - Civility and responsibility.


    - I have a full-time job and will most likely be a raidlogger. If there is ample room to improve my gear, I will grind until I meet any gear requirements. However, once I hit a certain ilvl and there's little room for improvement other than gear from the raid, I will most likely be online for raids, dailies, and not much else.

    Thanks for reading! Please add me on Discord (mireknyun#2989) if you're interested.

  2. #2
    <A Night Off>Stormrage US
    Type of Guild: Raiding/Social/PvP/Mythic+

    Recruitment Contacts DISCORD: SpanaticSyndrom#6785 Aearo#9581
    Needs: Anyone who needs a fantastic home!

    Parses on Trash: CE Focused: Currently 4/10M
    Raid days - Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30pm-11:30 pm EST

    Tropic Thunder: CE Focused: Currently 4/10M
    Raid days - Wed/Thurs 8:00pm-11:00pm EST

    Lowfall Neighbors: NEW CE Focused Team
    Raid days - Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:00pm - 12:00am EST

    DTML: FRESH Heroic AOTC Focused (WEEKEND)
    Raid days - Fri/Sat 10:30pm - 12:30am

    Chill Team 6: Heroic AOTC Focused (WEEKEND)
    Raid days - Sat/Sun 2:00pm - 5:00pm EST

    RBG Teams Recruiting!!!!
    Team A - Tues/Thurs 6:30pm EST start time
    Team B - Fri/Sat 8:30pm EST start time
    Team C - Fri/Sat 8:30pm EST start time
    Team D - TBD

    About Us: A Night Off is an Online Gaming Community with a large focus on World of Warcraft. We are a large, active Alliance Mythic raiding guild on the server US-Stormrage. If you are looking for a guild with on average 50+ online during the day, and 100 members on in the evenings this is the place for you! MULTIPLE raid teams ranging from casual Heroic to CE pushing! Multiple RBG teams! Constant Mythic+ running and tons of guild activities!

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