1. #3341
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    He lost the election...which is a crime to Trump supporters....being a loser.
    My favorite moment was watching Jordan Klepper talking to to a couple trump supporters before the insurrection, was asking questions about voting fraud. they responded, "I believe anything." His next question, "do you think a president who never polled above 50%, lost the election, and is sore about it?" response, "absolutely not."

  2. #3342
    Pit Lord Magical Mudcrab's Avatar
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    Don't know if this has already been posted, but apparently the rioter who stole Pelosi's laptop was planning on selling it to someone in Russia who was going to sell the device to SVR. One key piece of evidence is a video recording which appears to include their voice, and it is currently believed that the rioter is actually the one who recorded the theft.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Washington Post
    A federal prosecutor argued earlier in the day at a court hearing that Williams should not be released from custody. With felony charges not yet filed and Williams’s mother in attendance, the judge set a detention hearing for Thursday morning in what he called a “fast-moving case of national import.”


    Williams was initially charged with trespassing as well as violent entry to and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. On Tuesday, authorities added new charges: aiding or abetting the theft of government property and obstructing, influencing or impeding an official proceeding.

    Key to the FBI’s investigation was a person who claimed to be Williams’s “former romantic partner,” identified only as W1 in court filings. W1 told the FBI that friends of Williams played a video of her stealing a hard drive or computer from Pelosi’s office, and that Williams “intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service,” court documents state.


    Law enforcement soon obtained video clips that W1 said were recorded and live-streamed by Williams, then captured by a friend, according to the amended affidavit filed Tuesday. One four-second video captures a female voice — which an agent believes to be Williams — saying “Dude, put on gloves,” before a black-gloved hand takes a computer from a table. A caption across the clip says, “they got the laptop.”

    “Given how loud Williams’ voice is, it seems likely that she was the one holding the cell phone camera,” the agent writes.
    - Woman charged with helping to steal laptop from Pelosi’s office during Capitol riot
    Sylvanas didn't even win the popular vote, she was elected by an indirect election of representatives. #NotMyWarchief

  3. #3343
    Quote Originally Posted by Magical Mudcrab View Post
    One key piece of evidence is a video recording which appears to include their voice, and it is currently believed that the rioter is actually the one who recorded the theft.
    I'm so glad these fucks are too stupid do do anything right but just stupid enough to make sure there's a bulletproof case against them because they provide law enforcement with all the first-hand evidence needed.

  4. #3344
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm so glad these fucks are too stupid do do anything right but just stupid enough to make sure there's a bulletproof case against them because they provide law enforcement with all the first-hand evidence needed.
    Yeah. It's really pathetic and just mind-blowing how these people feel proud(?) that they did that crime that they are charged with (and of course recorded it).

  5. #3345
    Friendly reminder, The purge of White Nationalists, Traitors, and other Trump Sycophants from trying to destroy the government from within begins in 14 hours.

  6. #3346
    Quote Originally Posted by OrcsRLame View Post
    Honestly at this point I don't think there is a solution. The 80 million people and 75 million people seem to hate each other by and large. I think the first step is understanding one another, but if the responses here are anything to judge by then that won't happen in our lifetimes. The country will continue to become more polarized while China and Russia continue to build up their venom.

    Wars typically end in one of two ways. The first is a victory through pure force of arms. I think this is what both the left and the right want, but force of arms isn't really applicable in a culture war, which is what I see this as. The other ways wars end is when both sides decide that they're sick of fighting, that the benefit from potentially winning is outweighed by the negatives of pressing forward.

    The 75 million people think the exact same thing as you. That you need to take a step back and recognize that your attitude is the problem. When both sides think the same thing, that they are morally justified and that the other side's attitude is the problem, well, it makes reconciliation hard.

    I would like history to look back on my tiny life though and see me as part of the solution instead of the problem.
    The majority is not living in a mass delusion created by the lies of a longtime, well known, well documented liar. It's not about judgmental attitudes, those have always been there and always will be. What got us here was coddling deluded people and I'm mostly looking at the centrists and moderate right-leaning people. They knew full well what Trump was and what he was doing, and they went along with it because it benefited them or out of some desire to appear balanced even when one side is the truth and the other is bullshit. They are the ones who can pull the party out of crazytown by being honest with their friends, family, and audience members who have gone off the deep end. Who knows if it will happen, I'm hopeful based on some of the cracks showing in the GOP.
    Last edited by Zaktar; 2021-01-20 at 02:29 AM.

  7. #3347
    Quote Originally Posted by OrcsRLame View Post
    Honestly at this point I don't think there is a solution. The 80 million people and 75 million people seem to hate each other by and large. I think the first step is understanding one another, but if the responses here are anything to judge by then that won't happen in our lifetimes. The country will continue to become more polarized while China and Russia continue to build up their venom.

    Wars typically end in one of two ways. The first is a victory through pure force of arms. I think this is what both the left and the right want, but force of arms isn't really applicable in a culture war, which is what I see this as. The other ways wars end is when both sides decide that they're sick of fighting, that the benefit from potentially winning is outweighed by the negatives of pressing forward.

    The 75 million people think the exact same thing as you. That you need to take a step back and recognize that your attitude is the problem. When both sides think the same thing, that they are morally justified and that the other side's attitude is the problem, well, it makes reconciliation hard.

    I would like history to look back on my tiny life though and see me as part of the solution instead of the problem.
    Were you crying about getting along and all this shit in 2016 when all your fellow Trump supporters were saying, 'Fuck your feelings!"?

    Of course you weren't;t. Your side wants minorities to suffer, the rich to get richer, destroy our form of government and wear tactical gear while 400,000 fucking people die.

  8. #3348
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrcsRLame View Post
    Honestly at this point I don't think there is a solution. The 80 million people and 75 million people seem to hate each other by and large. I think the first step is understanding one another, but if the responses here are anything to judge by then that won't happen in our lifetimes. The country will continue to become more polarized while China and Russia continue to build up their venom.

    Wars typically end in one of two ways. The first is a victory through pure force of arms. I think this is what both the left and the right want, but force of arms isn't really applicable in a culture war, which is what I see this as. The other ways wars end is when both sides decide that they're sick of fighting, that the benefit from potentially winning is outweighed by the negatives of pressing forward.

    The 75 million people think the exact same thing as you. That you need to take a step back and recognize that your attitude is the problem. When both sides think the same thing, that they are morally justified and that the other side's attitude is the problem, well, it makes reconciliation hard.

    I would like history to look back on my tiny life though and see me as part of the solution instead of the problem.
    This is such disingenuous bullshit. The left doesn't think the right's "attitude" is the problem. The problem is the policies your party represents.

    You have no ideology other than playing victimhood.

    You claim to want to help the common man, but you vote for a billionaire who represent the financial interests of the wealthy.

    You claim that you love freedom, but you vote for an authoritarian whos want to restrict the liberties of marginalized groups.

    You claim that you aren't racist, but you vote for a white nationalist pushing an anti-immigration platform that sends the national guard against civil rights protesters.

    You claim to support law and order, but you vote for a criminal who takes advantage of his office to commit fraud and then pardons conspirators and war criminals.

    You claim to uphold the truth, but you vote for a man who lies constantly.

    You claim to be for the freedom of speech, but you vote for a man who does everything in his power to silence opposition and discredit the press.

    You claim to believe in Christian values, but you vote for a pompous, petty, gluttonous, greedy, serial adulterer who doesn't attend church.

    I could go on and on. Trump is a shitstain of a human being, and yet the Right elevates and idolizes him like the second coming of Christ. It's fucking disgusting.

    And you think that you deserve respect from those of us who are concerned with progressive causes? You don't like our attitude? I don't like your hypocrisy, your ignorance, your indifference. You're morally abhorrent, or you are willing to support those who are morally abhorrent.

  9. #3349
    Quote Originally Posted by Josuke View Post
    The people that stormed Capitol werent the smart ones jsyk. Continuing to underestimate the intelligence of the right isnt a great way to tackle this serious and lingering issue. They're not all unintelligent, many of them are smart and are happily pulling strings from their phones or laptops. All that has happened is that this has reinforced the existence of a deep state to these people it's only stoking the flames.

    The people who go to prison for the storming of capitol hill will be used as matrys, none of this is a victory for the left or anyone really.

    The far right is going to learn from this too.
    Some of them are clever, not smart. I think there is a difference. What you would consider a smart conservative is actually just a really good con artist.

  10. #3350
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josuke View Post
    The people that stormed Capitol werent the smart ones jsyk. Continuing to underestimate the intelligence of the right isnt a great way to tackle this serious and lingering issue. They're not all unintelligent, many of them are smart and are happily pulling strings from their phones or laptops. All that has happened is that this has reinforced the existence of a deep state to these people it's only stoking the flames.

    The people who go to prison for the storming of capitol hill will be used as matrys, none of this is a victory for the left or anyone really.

    The far right is going to learn from this too.
    The "smart" ones in this equation are doing this because they're fleecing money from their duped moronic followers. Which is why going after the people at the top of this misinformation chain... and their money... is the key to this. Like how quickly tabloid news rags dropped their "the election was stolen by Dominion" narrative when Dominion threatened to sue them into oblivion. They didn't offer a counterfactual, they didn't stand by their claims, they just went "lol yeah we just made it all up, soz brah." Hopefully Dominion continues with their lawsuit and puts a few of these rags out of business.

    With any luck Trump, the king of these con men, is going to be legally burned the hardest tomorrow at 12:01 PM when the protections of presidency are no longer afforded to him and New York State and a host of other financial and fiduciary bodies comes knocking about his past financial shady dealings, letting alone any federal inquisitions down the road regarding collusion and corruption.

    As to the followers themselves, I don't care what con men these morons have lead themselves to believe in, and I don't care that they're incensed by pursuing justice against them or the con men they follow. The just will not fear the unjust; not now, not ever. The only thing these people understand is legal and financial action; logic and reason clearly failed them long ago. And so long as they're going to break the law, they're going to be punished for it. I have no compunction in seeing these people, should they break the law, being tossed in jail for up to and including treason if applicable. Certainly not enough to think they need to be "coddled" so that they don't spin their conspiracies even harder to paint themselves as even more the victim. They're already doing that anyway. They've been doing it for decades.

    A lack of consequences is why these yahoos thought they could act the way they did in the capitol building, brag about it afterwards, and then act surprised when the FBI came knocking on their doors to haul them away. The terrorist mob that assaulted the capitol needs to be held fully accountable for their actions with such condemnation that the next time a middle-class Kyle or Karen sitting in their suburban home without a real financial or institutional care in the world has their rootin'-tootin' Qanon conman candidate lose an election and wants to decide whether to use some of their disposable income and time on a plane ticket and week-long trip, they have no misunderstanding of what committing an act of terrorism in protest will cost them.
    Last edited by Kaleredar; 2021-01-20 at 05:51 AM.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  11. #3351
    Quote Originally Posted by Diaphin View Post
    Some of them are clever, not smart. I think there is a difference. What you would consider a smart conservative is actually just a really good con artist.
    So kinda like bernie?

    They never intend to actually do anything but rack in money then vanish?

  12. #3352
    Quote Originally Posted by Krakan View Post
    So kinda like bernie?

    They never intend to actually do anything but rack in money then vanish?
    I get the confusion, but that’s actually what’s supposed to happen when a politician loses an election. They leave the stage to the winner.

    I do hope you’re not suggesting Bernie Sanders is idle now.

  13. #3353
    Quote Originally Posted by Krakan View Post
    So kinda like bernie?

    They never intend to actually do anything but rack in money then vanish?
    Damn, this hot take is acting all like Bernie busted onto the political scene in 2016.

    Do you think he just like, started his gig or something?

  14. #3354
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Damn, this hot take is acting all like Bernie busted onto the political scene in 2016.

    Do you think he just like, started his gig or something?
    I don't think he ever ran to win in either of his runnings if I am honest. I genuinely believe he simply pocketed the donation money.

  15. #3355
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krakan View Post
    I don't think he ever ran to win in either of his runnings if I am honest. I genuinely believe he simply pocketed the donation money.
    If Bernie intended to enrich himself via his office, being a decades-long independent candidate from Vermont financed by small donors probably isn’t a great way of doing it.

    Unlike Trump and his goons, not every politician is so rankly in politics just to make a quick buck off gullible oafs by surreptitiously skimming donations.

    People really need to stop projecting trumps actions onto other people to try and normalize them. Maybe what trump is doing is just terrible all on its own.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  16. #3356
    Quote Originally Posted by Krakan View Post
    I don't think he ever ran to win in either of his runnings if I am honest. I genuinely believe he simply pocketed the donation money.
    No, I think you're lying.

  17. #3357
    Quote Originally Posted by Veggie50 View Post
    I do hope you’re not suggesting Bernie Sanders is idle now.
    Nah, one of their talking points with Sanders is a lot like what they tried with Biden: "Decades in politics and nothing to show for it!" Which, as per usual, requires them to ignore reality.
    Last edited by s_bushido; 2021-01-20 at 08:41 AM.

  18. #3358
    Quote Originally Posted by Krakan View Post
    I don't think he ever ran to win in either of his runnings if I am honest. I genuinely believe he simply pocketed the donation money.
    And you would be wrong. But then again, THIS IS PAR FOR THE FUCKING COURSE FOR YOU.

  19. #3359
    Quote Originally Posted by Krakan View Post
    I don't think he ever ran to win in either of his runnings if I am honest. I genuinely believe he simply pocketed the donation money.
    Bernie is an old school hippie. Pure and simple. He threw his hat in the ring to get his voice at there in the chance people would vote for him. Comical part is, out of all of the politicians on the left and the right, he is one of the very few that is generally honest about his intentions and tries to make them reality.

    He may fail at making them reality but he attempts at it and it is for the betterment of everyone around him, sometimes at the expense of himself. Thing is he is one of the poorer members of Congress. If he was looking to enrich himself, he failed worse then Donald Trump at building his wall.

    There is some stuff that he proposes that won't work(like every politician) but that is part of the process.

    But enough of the derail.

  20. #3360
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    Were you crying about getting along and all this shit in 2016 when all your fellow Trump supporters were saying, 'Fuck your feelings!"?

    Of course you weren't;t. Your side wants minorities to suffer, the rich to get richer, destroy our form of government and wear tactical gear while 400,000 fucking people die.
    I actually have been greatly concerned about the political polarization in this country since even before 2016 but you can think what you want about me.

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