You can fuck the right off with this bullshit. The Capitol riots were an attempt to overthrow the official electiinnpricess of counting the votes, disrupting democracy, in an attempt to cause bodily harm to elected officials, property damage, just so an orange man that give zero fucks about them could steal the election.
BLM is a movement fed up of over 400 years of systemic racism and public executions of blacks with no accountability.
If you do not understand the difference you are a liar or brain dead.
BTW where is that both sides shitheel that insisted we neded to be fair to the GOP and needed them? Because they just said fuck you were not playing by the rules we agreed to for like the 1000th time. Fuck the GOP, fuck conservatives. As far as I'm concerned you guys are all just speed bumps getting in the way of progress, and have been since the Teddy left office. The last decent human being to be a Republican.