1. #5141
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    He won't. And if he gets subpoena'd I fully expect him to pull a Roger Stone and plead the Fifth to every question.

    I wonder what kind of treasure trove of extremist information his text messages would reveal if they got access to it, even if they couldn't do squat with any of the non-Jan 6 content.
    I was just reading an article from a former US Attorney, saying that the January 6th committee has enough to charge Trump with Seditious Conspiracy, and I hope they fucking do. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...-b1986468.html

  2. #5142
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    I was just reading an article from a former US Attorney, saying that the January 6th committee has enough to charge Trump with Seditious Conspiracy, and I hope they fucking do. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...-b1986468.html
    F to doubt

    If I mashed that key any harder I fear I'd break my finger.

  3. #5143
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    F to doubt

    If I mashed that key any harder I fear I'd break my finger.
    Considering they have first hand testimony from people in the room when he was watching it in the Whitehouse, I don't know. There is a reason they are going after Ivanka and Sean Hannity.

  4. #5144
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Considering they have first hand testimony from people in the room when he was watching it in the Whitehouse, I don't know. There is a reason they are going after Ivanka and Sean Hannity.
    Maybe I'm just jaded at this point, but after 5 years of analysts and former officials predicting a litany of bombshells that never actually went off I'm kinda tired. I get it, it makes for good TV and will mean you're more likely to get invited back on for another segment and all, but it's pretty fucking meaningless given the past 5 years.

    - - - Updated - - -


    USA Today did a big analysis of all the individuals charged with crimes on Jan. 6 so far, as well as folks the FBI are looking for. Like, this is just a huge public list here with who the individuals are, what state they are from, age, when they were arrested, and what the charges are. All very public information.

    Interestingly, it looks like 48 states are home to folks charged with crimes. Interestingly, North Dakota (not Noem's state) and Vermont (yes Sanders state) appear to be the only two states without one of their residents suspected or charged with criminal behavior on the day.

  5. #5145
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    I was just reading an article from a former US Attorney, saying that the January 6th committee has enough to charge Trump with Seditious Conspiracy, and I hope they fucking do. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...-b1986468.html
    Man, go check my posts from 2 days short of a year ago, and I was saying, Seditious Conspiracy, cause this shit is obvious. I'm really not sure who's more incompetent, Trump, or the people in our justice system.

  6. #5146
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Considering they have first hand testimony from people in the room when he was watching it in the Whitehouse, I don't know. There is a reason they are going after Ivanka and Sean Hannity.
    blah blah blah blah blah

    The US justice system is a joke. Nothing will happen.

  7. #5147
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    blah blah blah blah blah

    The US justice system is a joke. Nothing will happen.
    Pretty much this there are zero consequences for rich powerful people.

  8. #5148

    Former Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, you remember, the Press Secretary that held 0 regular briefings during her 8 months in the position, seems to be willing to talk to somebody at least.

    The Jan. 6 committee.

    I don't have much optimism she'll have too much of value to share given that she generally seemed like useless dead weight, but who knows. Maybe she was CC'd on some spicey emails that can further the investigation that she never bothered opening while not doing her job.

    And more on the insurrectionists - https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2022...rs-white-older

    Right-wing extremist violence is usually strongly linked to skinhead gangs or militia groups. But as of Dec. 2021, he says 87% of Capitol rioters he’s analyzed were not members of violent groups like the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys.
    This is generally kinda scary. Because it's indicative of how widespread and pervasive the extremism is within conservatism. These folks are radicalized to violent, insurrectionist behavior without even needing to join extremist groups.

    More than half of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists were white-collar workers such as business owners, architects, doctors and lawyers.
    So not exactly your "salt of the earth" people. Not "Real Americans(TM)". Again, concerning because these are ostensibly folks with more education that should be more resistant/resilient to extremist propaganda and conspiracy theories.

    Out of the hundreds of people arrested for breaking into the Capitol, he says only 7% were unemployed at the time — nearly the national unemployment average.
    Another interesting tidbit.

    Normally, 40% of right-wing extremists have prior military service, whereas Jan. 6 Capitol rioters sat at about 15%, he says.
    I think this one is more of a mixed bag. Good news is that the folks are less likely to know what they're doing when engaging in violence since they're just fuckin randos. Bad news is, as above, it's showing how far the extremism is spreading within US conservatism.

    Pape also looked into the rioters' criminal backgrounds and found “30% of those who broke into the Capitol on Jan. 6 have a criminal history of some kind, often basically being arrested for drug misdemeanors,” he says. “But that compares to 64% of right-wing extremists.”
    I'm inclined to view this as a bigger negative because again, it's showing how far the extremism has spread and how new extremists are being radicalized.

    Typically, right-wing extremists are young — normally under the age of 34. On Jan. 6, rioters were mostly in their 40s and 50s.
    We've known this for a while. Seems like Gen-X is representing hard in these numbers. It's not just a bunch of boomers in their mobility scooters or a bunch of edgelord 20somethings, it's middle aged folks.

    And from the guy who made this analysis based off of public records of those charged with crimes -

    “This is uncomfortable for a variety of reasons. It means a lot of our usual counter-violent extremist solutions just don't apply,” Pape says. “Usually, we think we'll get them a job. Well, we've already got over half business owners, CEOs and folks from white-collar occupations — that's not going to work.

    Demobilizing tactics often involve helping young right-wing extremists develop better relationships and eventually get married and have kids. But he says many Jan. 6 rioters already are married and care for families.

    It’s crucial for community advocates, politicians, faith leaders and law enforcement to understand “we have a different type of problem on our hands going forward,” he notes.

  9. #5149
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    blah blah blah blah blah

    The US justice system is a joke. Nothing will happen.
    I was about to say, the pantomime where half of DC and a good chunk of the media is pretending that something meaningful will come out of this would be amusing if it weren't for the fact that we're watching what's left of our democracy fall apart.

    This entire thing is "Trump impeachement redux".

    A couple of buffoons will go to jail, like how that idiot lawyer of Trump did. The rest will carry on like nothing happened.

    Trump is not going to jail. Navarro is not going to jail and so on.

    Come midterms the GOP will take the House, neuter Biden (tho his balls are already in Manchin's pocket) and will set things up for turning the US into stupid Gilead in 2024.


  10. #5150
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Garland is going off right now. He’s moved from Jan 6 to voting rights and is ripping the GOP and its SCOTUS for attacking voting rights of citizens.
    Oh good, because from what I've read his comments on Jan. 6 are pretty boring. "We're working, trust us."

    I mean, I know they're working. It's just disappointing to see how lackluster the results in terms of misdemeanor slaps on the wrist we've seen so far are.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Now, he's not a remotely credible source and he could very well be making this shit up to further his victim complex.

    But apparently Lindell's phone records have been subpoena'd.

  11. #5151
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    He addressed that. They’re giving slaps to people who didn’t get violent or damage property. They’ve charged over 300 with felonies. More to come.

    Edit: They start small and work to the bigger stuff. That we’re seeing pleas to conspiracy already says a lot about where it’s going.
    The problem with this kind of defense is that the USA has a looong fucking history of letting the architects of such things walk free and clear, without significant penalty. See the Epstein and Maxwell cases, where the real issue has never been the middle-men, it's always been the rich and powerful pedophiles they were supplying. Hitting Epstein's network and taking it down just means those same offenders move to/create another supplier, and continue abusing; while it's important to prosecute Maxwell, if it doesn't actually result in charges against the grand architects and client base, then we're faffing about and doing fuck-all to prevent future victimizations.

    See also, digging way back, the US Civil War. Where those responsible mostly just got a firm finger wag for being such rapscallions and causing the horrific deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans in the pursuit of sedition; they weren't even charged with crimes, let alone punished in any meaningful sense. Which led to a hell of a lot of continued support and festering resentments that led to the Jim Crow era and the continued legacy of deep-seated white supremacy throughout the USA, today.

    People are getting angry that the architects of January 6 aren't being charged because it calls to mind all the prior instances where architects of such things weren't charged, because they were rich and the prosecutors were deeply fucking corrupt. And "we can't prosecute because they have strong political connections and we have to be really careful" is exactly what "corruption" means.

    Maybe I'll get proven wrong. But this isn't exactly the first time we've seen this dance, and that means most of us know how it usually ends; with a few low-level scapegoats taking the blame and the ones with power and money thumbing their noses at the concept of facing consequences for their actions.

  12. #5152
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    He invoked Watergate. The only reason Nixon escaped charges is he got pardoned by Ford. I doubt Biden will do the same.
    I should hope we've learned our lesson since Nixon.

  13. #5153
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    He invoked Watergate. The only reason Nixon escaped charges is he got pardoned by Ford. I doubt Biden will do the same.
    "The only reason Nixon escaped charges is because the USA is systemically incapable of letting the rich and powerful face actual consequences for criminal conduct".

    Ford should never have issued that pardon. That pardon was part of the systemic problem. Same for the pardons for Confederates. Same reason Bush and friends were never charged with the literal fucking torture campaign they initiated, despite it being an international war crime (not saying Bush individually should have been guilty, but someone in that administration was).

    And that's without getting into the hugely lenient sentencing and country-club "prisons" the wealthy get to enjoy, when they do get an actual conviction.

  14. #5154
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Same for the pardons for Confederates.
    I continue to be pretty comfortable saying that the Reconstruction should have been the Occupation, and that the failure of the US to appropriately deal with the loser Confederates underpins a vast majority of the cultural problems with US conservatism.

    They still haven't gotten over that they lost the Civil War.

  15. #5155
    Hannity wants his cake and he wants to eat it too, with two scoops of ice cream.


    Per his lawyer, Jay Sekulo, he is a "journalist" who deserves additional First Amendment protections against the Jan. 6 Committee.

    Rewind the tape a bit -


    I’m not a journalist, I’m a talk show host,” he went on.

  16. #5156
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Presidential pardons are still a thing, so no. However, the point is that with Watergate they went after everybody. Nixon only escaped charges because he resigned on the condition that Ford would pardon him. That won’t be happening here. It may take some time, but I expect charges for a lot of big names down the line. Garland has a long history of zero leaks in big cases with 100% conviction without being overturned on appeal. I am trusting he’ll do the right thing.
    Even if you are right at the speed he is going President Trump will just make it all go away in 2024. Frankly we have no history of holding people like Trump accountable for anything. The guy has never faced real consequences in his life and his criminality isn't a secret.

    Also we didn't learn anything from Nixon the same thing happened with Reagan with the Iran contra scandal. The people in power thought it was "too soon" after Nixon to impeach a president.

  17. #5157

    "I think it's going to end up being just a politicized Charlie Foxtrot today," he said. "I don't expect anything good to come out of anything that Pelosi and the gang are doing. I don't expect anything from the corporate press to be enlightening. I think it's going to be nauseating, quite frankly, and I'm not going to do it."
    Ron DeSantis on today's speech. I'm wondering if his nausea is from his likely case of covid given that he was gasping for air recently.

  18. #5158
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Oh yeah. It's January 6th again. Any... tourists spotted yet?
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  19. #5159

    A 22-year-old woman who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was drunk and driving in the wrong direction on Wednesday night when she killed a young mom and seriously injured another driver, authorities said.

    Emily Hernandez was driving west in the eastbound lanes in Franklin County, Missouri, just after 7 p.m. when she crashed into another car that spun into the median strip and struck cable barriers, police said. Both vehicles “swerved to avoid each other,” according to a crash report posted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, but that didn’t spare 32-year-old Victoria Wilson, a passenger in a 2019 Buick Enclave, who perished.
    Man, I'm really glad all these insurrectionists are being treated seriously and aren't killing more people. This is fuckin awful.

    - - - Updated - - -


    And even Karl fucking Rove is tired of the Republican party apologizing for domestic terrorism. It's weird agreeing with the likes of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove when they used to be viewed as the "extreme" of the Republican party. Now they're positively pedestrian centrists in the Republican party.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Reminder that the "BACK THE BLUE" crowd are a bunch of unprincipled liars -

    The Republican Party holds itself as the champions of law enforcement. They campaign on slogans of “Back the Blue.” They hold rallies flying the “Thin Blue Line” flag. They purport to celebrate the cops who shield the nation from violence and anarchy.

    But when it came time to show up in the halls of Congress for a remembrance of the sacrifices Capitol and Metropolitan Police made defending our democracy from violence last Jan. 6, Republicans lawmakers didn’t bother to show up. Only one sitting Republican officeholder showed up, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney. She was accompanied by her father Dick, the former vice president.
    Republicans hate cops when they're not harassing people of color and Democrats, apparently.

    - - - Updated - - -


    In which Senator Lindsey Grahm goes on a long tweetstorm about Jan. 6. I'll give the TLDR -

    BUT I DOESN'T MATTER WHO ACTUALLY ATTACKED THE CAPITOL BUILDING, 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!! (forgetting who was in charge during both attacks)
    But I've consistently said that those that engaged in violence should be prosecuted, so ignore the dog whistles.
    And what my party did in Oregon was bad too
    Hold those responsible accountable, but I'm not gonna name names because I like my job. AND THERE WERE BOMBS! WHAT IF ONE OF THEM WENT OFF WHEN TRUMP WAS AROUND!?
    Capitol police are so great and amazing I couldn't be bothered to show up for a moment of silence for those offices killed and injured in the attack

    And I think that covers it. He seems big mad.

    - - - Updated - - -



    This is about the Michigan plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer and either -

    A) Strand her on a boat in the middle of the lake
    B) Take over the Capitol building and burn it down
    C) Take over the Capitol building and execute people

    Remember how conservatives fell in love with these terrorists when it came out that one of them was an FBI informant? And how they called it a "false flag"?

    Federal prosecutors say a key FBI informant in the alleged plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan was a “double agent” who was “working against the interests of the governmentby trying to destroy evidence and prevent arrests.

    The confidential informant, Stephen Robeson, played a central role in the investigation that led to the arrest of 14 men for allegedly participating in a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in October 2020. At the direction of his FBI handlers, Robeson reached out to potential targets, organized meetings, and paid travel expenses for people to attend such events.


    In a court filing Thursday, prosecutors said that Robeson violated the terms of his agreement with the FBI, including by possessing firearms despite having felony convictions, offering the use of “charity funds to purchase weapons for attacks,” and offering a drone to “aid in acts of domestic terrorism.”
    Welp, I know Republicans haven't met a conservative domestic terrorist they don't like yet, but like...man.

  20. #5160
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Republicans hate cops when they're not harassing people of color and Democrats, apparently.
    Remind me the names of the capitol police officers who died defending the Capitol on January 6th again?

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