1. #5301

    Apparently Alex Jones met with the Jan. 6 Committee.

    Jones said that, by his lawyer's count, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment "almost 100 times," and that he was told to do "on advice of counsel."
    - - - Updated - - -

    Ya'll remember Newt Gingrich threatening prison time for Democrats if Republicans take back the House next year? You know, calling the Jan. 6 committee a "lynch mob"?

    We now know probably why - https://www.businessinsider.com/newt...ee-jail-2022-1

    They want to speak to a former close ally of his who went on to work in the Trump administration.

  2. #5302
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Apparently Alex Jones met with the Jan. 6 Committee.
    Jones said that, by his lawyer's count, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment "almost 100 times," and that he was told to do "on advice of counsel."
    That's typically the phrase people use when they plead the fifth - using "on the advice of counsel". Not surprising at all - the Jan 6 Committee is already running out of time, and they don't have any teeth regardless. When the GQP takes over in 2023 it will all disappear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Ya'll remember Newt Gingrich threatening prison time for Democrats if Republicans take back the House next year? You know, calling the Jan. 6 committee a "lynch mob"?

    We now know probably why - https://www.businessinsider.com/newt...ee-jail-2022-1

    They want to speak to a former close ally of his who went on to work in the Trump administration.
    It's going to get VERY ugly and dangerous when the GQP takes the House back in 2023. Whatever little legislation was going to pass will stop.

    We'll see enormous political faux-retribution from the GQP House Committees going after fringe conspiracy theories, tearing the country apart, and then burning it down.
    Last edited by cubby; 2022-01-26 at 12:51 AM.

  3. #5303
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Apparently Alex Jones met with the Jan. 6 Committee.

    That's typically the phrase people use when they plead the fifth - using "on the advice of counsel". Not surprising at all - the Jan 6 Committee is already running out of time, and they don't have any teeth regardless. When the GQP takes over in 2023 it will all disappear.

    It's going to get VERY ugly and dangerous when the GQP takes the House back in 2023. Whatever little legislation was going to pass will stop.

    We'll see enormous political faux-retribution from the GQP House Committees going after fringe conspiracy theories, tearing the country apart, and then burning it down.
    I figure the most they will get done is 500 committee investigations calling random people (Pelosi, AOC, etc.) to ask questions that have nothing to do with anything and claim they did something. I'm hoping the Committee sends over what they have to the DOJ as the GOP cannot shut down it then.

  4. #5304

    Hey Google: Is it legal to use campaign funds to travel to an insurrection?

    First, on Jan. 4, the day that Kern posted a photo of himself flying to Washington, his campaign paid him $980.96 for an expense described as “Travel - Lodging.”

    The next day, Kern’s campaign paid him $478 for an “airline ticket.”

    And on Jan. 11, Kern’s campaign paid Hyatt Hotels $436.74 for an expense that Kern described as “Travel - Lodging.” The Hyatt Hotels address is listed on the disclosure form as “MANHATTON, NEW YORK, AZ 11111,” which does not exist.
    That doesn't seem like an actual address for a hotel anywhere.

    Because it seems like it is given that he tried to hide the payments -

    The first two expenses are unusual because, in many other instances where Kern’s campaign paid for the services or products of a particular business, it paid the business directly. In this case, Kern paid and then had the campaign reimburse him. By paying on his own, Kern can avoid revealing which airline he used or which hotel he stayed at.

  5. #5305
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    14th Amendment challenge to lawmakers who participated and/or encouraged might disqualify from running for office.
    A group of lawyers is working to disqualify from the ballot a right-wing House Republican (Rep. Madison Cawthorn) who cheered on the Jan. 6 rioters unless he can prove he is not an “insurrectionist,” disqualified by the Constitution from holding office, in a case with implications for other officeholders and potentially former President Donald Trump.
    That section [of the 14th Amendment] declares that “no person shall” hold “any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath” to “support the Constitution,” had then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
    Should be an interesting court hearing.

  6. #5306
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Oh please, yes.

  7. #5307
    Can we include Josh Hawley too, please?
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  8. #5308
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    Quote Originally Posted by omerome View Post
    Can we include Josh Hawley too, please?
    It will be interesting to see how this plays out. And it's a very specific subset of people - those already elected who committed insurrection.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Oh please, yes.
    Right? It would be amazing if this played out against the GQP Reps.

  9. #5309

    Look at this fuckin loser who thinks he's either Vietcong or Saddam Hussain.

    He's neither, that's Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes attempting to use a tunnel he dug in his back yard to escape the feds.


    "Folks if you ever feel tempted to rent a backhoe and dig escape tunnels in the backyard of your rental house, keep in mind it may come back to haunt you if you later attempt to overthrow the US government," Adams wrote.
    That's his ex-wife, who took the photo's and provided the court.
    Last edited by Edge-; 2022-01-28 at 02:11 AM.

  10. #5310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    You forget the oath members of the military take.
    No, I didn't.

  11. #5311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Then they don’t have to be elected to be part of that specific group. Any current or former military who participated is also disqualified. You said just already elected, and sworn in, officials.
    Ah, yes - I see what you mean. Interesting that piece of it. I hope the lawmakers are including that in the court challenge.

  12. #5312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    It’s some lawyers, not lawmakers, but it doesn’t apply in this case. Cawthorne never took a military oath as far as I can tell. Closest he came was applying to the Naval Academy and never being accepted.
    Typos suck - my bad. What I mean is I hope the lawyers make the court filings broad enough to include both military and current law makers.

  13. #5313
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Closest he came was applying to the Naval Academy and never being accepted.
    Oh, you mean that thing he lied about saying that he didn't get in due to his car crash despite being rejected before it happened?

    Man, these cosplay military folks are real weird.

  14. #5314
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Look at this fuckin loser who thinks he's either Vietcong or Saddam Hussain.

    He's neither, that's Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes attempting to use a tunnel he dug in his back yard to escape the feds.


    That's his ex-wife, who took the photo's and provided the court.
    Ex-wife, eh? Would never have expected a RW militia member to be divorced. Shocker.

  15. #5315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Ex-wife, eh? Would never have expected a RW militia member to be divorced. Shocker.
    She divorced him and lived? That's the real shocker.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  16. #5316
    Yo, why is Trump promising the "FBI/antifa" folks for the "false flag" attack on the Capitol?

    Is he saying they actually were his supporters and not a bunch of radical leftists? Or is Trump not a radical leftist?

  17. #5317
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Yo, why is Trump promising the "FBI/antifa" folks for the "false flag" attack on the Capitol?

    Is he saying they actually were his supporters and not a bunch of radical leftists? Or is Trump not a radical leftist?
    Better yet, Trump admitted, quite plainly, that he tried to get Pence to overthrow the government that day.

  18. #5318
    The Lightbringer
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    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Yo, why is Trump promising the "FBI/antifa" folks for the "false flag" attack on the Capitol?

    Is he saying they actually were his supporters and not a bunch of radical leftists? Or is Trump not a radical leftist?
    The logic I've been able to decodes is that all the agitators were plants but all the people being arrested were tricked into doing a shitty coup and were arrested.

    So pretty much it simultaneously absolves them of any blame, but still puts them as the victims of something they were caught doing. Y'know, the Conservative way.

  19. #5319
    Trump - "I'll pay your legal bills"
    Trump - "please donate to pay my legal bills"

    That's what comes to mind with this pardon crap. People who voted for him are so stupid.

  20. #5320

    Y'all remember Trump's "filing system" of tearing up papers and throwing them away?

    The Archives, in response to questions from CNN, said that "some of the Trump presidential records received by the National Archives and Records Administration included paper records that had been torn up by former President Trump."
    Yeah, seems like he kept to it the whole time. This isn't some attempt to claim he tore these papers up to hide anything, just a reminder of how an old, stupid, senile man is incapable of acting as this nations top manager given that his aides are literally having to fish out scraps from his waste bin so they can archive materials legally required to be archived.

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