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  1. #1

    Valor and Conquest idea - PVE and PVP system as a mirror

    I just had this idea.

    Blizz is reintroducing Valor. Why not just give a vendor that would let people buy the specific item from the dungeons that they are aiming at and later upgrade it with Valor should they choose to.

    On top of that we get the brackets for upgrading the items with 226 being the highest for all dungeons done +15 (it's 220 now but I think it should be on par with PVP.

    Also, we should just copy that system to PVP, get rid of Conquest and just have everything purchasable and upgradable with Honor. We will still have brackets with rating but one can just buy and upgrade everything with one currency that people would get for any type of PVP content.

    Lastly, make Valor and Honor exchangeable with like 1 to 0.5 rate. That way, people who main PVE would maybe play PVP sometimes for fun and not get nothing out of it because at the end of the day they could just convert that Honor to Valor and vice versa. People who play mainly PVP and do like a raid once a week with their guild would be able to spend that valor for PVP items.

    So, in short. Cut down on currencies, introduce brackets and let people have their fun.

    Imo SL has way too many unnecessary currencies. We should also merge Soul Ash and Stygia into one and give people a choice whether they want to farm their cap in Torghast or in the Maw. There would still be a weekly cap but people can now do this or that. Some people have their BiS legendaries at rank 4 already so they could just farm the Stygia/Soul Ash for the gem sockets or whatever else they want.

    What do you guys think? Comments below.

  2. #2
    The point of conquest having a separate currency is to cap it weekly.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    The point of conquest having a separate currency is to cap it weekly.
    But why would you need a cap when you have rating brackets on top of that? Just let people enjoy the game.

    Besides, you could then cap Honor like Valor is to be capped. I don't see a problem with that? It's ok to be done with the game once you cap on stuff imo.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by banadona View Post
    But why would you need a cap when you have rating brackets on top of that? Just let people enjoy the game.

    Besides, you could then cap Honor like Valor is to be capped. I don't see a problem with that? It's ok to be done with the game once you cap on stuff imo.
    Because otherwise you could be in full mythic level gear in the first week? If there was no cap Trill would have been full 226 with 233 weapons in the first reset you would also force players who didn't want to pvp to pvp which is already somewhat happening and they are trying to remedy. Your proposal would make that issue worse.

    Same reason they have already said valor will have a weekly cap.

  5. #5
    Herald of the Titans czarek's Avatar
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    No no. Honor for both pvp and pve never. Valor is great idea especially with ilvl upgrade to 220 for m15. Second idea is to lvlup ur bis item or fill last slots with better ilvl. Actually they gonna mirror it quite smilirat to pvp. But ur idea with merge them with same currency is bad. PVP and PVE should stand still on opposite sites. Iam m+ player and i dont wanna to farm PVP for weekly currency cap for PVE item :P

  6. #6
    I think having valour points able to buy bonus rolls (and maybe a more expensive once-a-week-limit guaranteed drop of an item) would work better than buying the specific items. RNG isn't an inherently bad system, it feels more rewarding to win an upgrade than to buy it (even if the currency it's bought with is earned the same way the item would have been. yes our psychology is weird, that's not news), it's only low odds and/or bad luck that make problems

  7. #7
    Looks like you get valor to upgrade m+ gear now. -_-

  8. #8
    Bloodsail Admiral froschhure's Avatar
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    This system is for players that play a lot of alts. I personally dislike those recent changes and no addresses to the real problem: loot being capped and hold back. On top m+ is dead now. Good I'm still unsubbed

  9. #9
    Can't upgrade a piece if it just won't drop

  10. #10
    Putting all pve gear on a vendor would make bosses / dungeons feel meaningless. Much of the RP and adventure elements would get lost.

    The upgrade system on the other hand conserves item/boss identity and makes every item regardless of its ilvl relevant. It also removes a big rng portion, which is getting that specific item from that dungeon of that particular ilvl.
    Last edited by Skavee; 2021-02-10 at 11:54 AM.

  11. #11
    Brewmaster Alkizon's Avatar
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    - snip -
    In fact, everything was easier. In other words there was(+/+/+):
    rank 1 currency, unlimited in amount of receipted, just in having each those (it gives basic set and upgrades to it in both PvP and PvE),
    rank 2 with cap (for PvP it was limited by week interval; for PvE I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that there were several different items required to buy tier pieces in addition to base raid currency, and for usual 2 rank currency it was possible to buy only alternative off-set pieces (at first it didn't has rank 2, just more badge "costly" stuff (shouldn't have characteristics' "belonging" to content/type of activity), and limited by number of "heroic bosses" dropping it once a week, yes - yes, we are talking one more time about that M+ is turd for such mechanics, however, as well as for many other stuff)). Amount and receiving speed of 2nd rank currency in PvP depended on rating and content, PvE had natural limitation in form of raids and their CD, so also content + Additional daily/weekly quests to win/beat, which, however, didn't give you opportunity to go beyond cap.

    It seems that exchange existed, but with such an exorbitant ratio that in current season/tier wasn't used by anyone, only after its de-actualization and price change/reduction (imo this is very good and correct, PvP/PvE currency must be different same as items, if you want full-fledged desired currency, take part in specific content, therefore, I won't welcome exchange of especially rank 2). I remember that I spent rank 1 on items that transfer corresponding currency to my other characters, less active ones (aka passive twinking), and after that - to buy items that could simply be sold to vender for gold.

    Each new tier/season savings were resetting and(or) degrade.

    - correct me, people, if i'm wrong somewhere here

    This is with regard to currency, and now upgrades - I'm very skeptical about them within framework of general itemization model (because this affects stretching of season/tier ilvl range (=inflation), same was my attitude for t/wf's one part of problem and M+ per se), but, for example, MoP option was more or less suited to me. Take for example hypothetical general function of upgrades where each source of items has certain content ceiling, above which person taking part in one can't jump. Thus, you'll not be able to get items of rank inappropriate to your progress. Somehow get closer as possible - yes, but to reach - no. I'm not sure how pertinently it's for current thread, but I'd like to emphasize separately that simply don't take most kind of "scaling/Legendaries" as adequate system.

    So... take and compare adequate stuff that was with what you're trying to offer today, hmm?..

    ps. Don't play too much with upgrades, you can overshoot the mark with it.
    Last edited by Alkizon; 2022-10-04 at 05:35 AM.
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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    The point of conquest having a separate currency is to cap it weekly.
    Also, more wheels for the hamster to spin through.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrod View Post
    Agree. This is the exact problem we have with the vault, except with more RNG. Replace the vault with vp upgrades and the game is much bettter.
    I'm not proposing taking loot out of the bosses. Just give a second option to obtain it. You can still loot it from a chest at the end of M+ but if you are just unlucky as F you can farm Valor and buy the item after a few weeks. Nobody loses in this except Blizzard because people can gear a bit more predictably.

  14. #14
    They should get rid of this new feature based on pve achievement.

    Lets bring back the same system than weakening essence / titan residuum from BFA.

    You farm valor points. You use them to buy stuff.

    The more harder the content the more valor point is earned

    The more ilvl an item have, the more valor point it cost to buy / upgrade.

    It's simple, it was great and cool, and felt rewarding.

  15. #15
    I think it's funny how everyone seems to have forgotten how loathed the valor system was,there's a reason why it was changed every expansion until they finally dropped it

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by banadona View Post
    On top of that we get the brackets for upgrading the items with 226 being the highest for all dungeons done +15 (it's 220 now but I think it should be on par with PVP./
    There are 140,000 people in NA who have done all +15's in time. There are only a few thousand players over 2100 in pvp. I think something like all +17's or +18's for 226 gear and all +20's for a 233 wep would be a good reward. Not to mention that people doing +14's and up have access to 226 gear already through the vault.

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