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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    OF course DC isn't looking for problems, they are even thinking on keeping Erza Miller as the Flash for future projects, steady and consistent thats all.
    Erza Miller about to start his Robert Downy Jr inspired comeback LETS GOOOOOO

    Also hilarious how badly the Rock is taking it that Black Adam bombed. Dude you're walking plot armor in an over saturated market already, no wonder no one gave a shit.

    Let me guess, the rock wins.

  2. #202
    The Unstoppable Force Evil Midnight Bomber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    That was an entire minute of my life I will not get back.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertoCarlos View Post
    Erza Miller about to start his Robert Downy Jr inspired comeback LETS GOOOOOO

    Also hilarious how badly the Rock is taking it that Black Adam bombed. Dude you're walking plot armor in an over saturated market already, no wonder no one gave a shit.

    Let me guess, the rock wins.
    The problem with The Rock is he can only play The Rock - just in different costumes.

    Which is fine, and fun every now and then. But it gets really old really quickly, and it makes it VERY hard to play a recurring role and develop a character - because he'll always just be The Rock.

    That's just not the kind of actor you want and need for a big, multi-year if not multi-decade cinematic universe project.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    The problem with The Rock is he can only play The Rock - just in different costumes.

    Which is fine, and fun every now and then. But it gets really old really quickly, and it makes it VERY hard to play a recurring role and develop a character - because he'll always just be The Rock.

    That's just not the kind of actor you want and need for a big, multi-year if not multi-decade cinematic universe project.
    Not to mention you need actual acting talent because superheros are ultimately high concept sci fi.

    So yeah you can roid up and look good in a suit, but when you trying to sell it that you literally have the universe in your hands its a tall ask.

    Thats why Ironman/Cap America/Heath Ledger The joker etc were so good because the actors were killing it with acting. Then marvel went overboard into the comedy angle and every movie is the same post guardians combined with the loss of a bunch of great actors, its not suprising they are seeing waning interest also.

  5. #205
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    The problem with The Rock is he can only play The Rock - just in different costumes.

    Which is fine, and fun every now and then. But it gets really old really quickly, and it makes it VERY hard to play a recurring role and develop a character - because he'll always just be The Rock.

    That's just not the kind of actor you want and need for a big, multi-year if not multi-decade cinematic universe project.
    Unless the hero is The Rock, so he can play it

    It worked for Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds, every movie i saw its him doing Ryan Reynolds

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Unless the hero is The Rock, so he can play it

    It worked for Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds, every movie i saw its him doing Ryan Reynolds
    It worked for deadpool. But did it work for Red notice? That time traveling movie where he meets himself as a kid I cant even remember the name of.

    Guys and girls like Ryan Reynolds so its not surprising hes in high demand.

  7. #207
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertoCarlos View Post
    It worked for deadpool. But did it work for Red notice? That time traveling movie where he meets himself as a kid I cant even remember the name of.

    Guys and girls like Ryan Reynolds so its not surprising hes in high demand.
    I honestly don't remember how much Ryan Reynolds i saw, LAst one was Hitman's Bodyguard, it was ok, but its kinda him doing him.

    The bigger difference also, is, i think Ryan is a better actor than DwAyNe

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    I honestly don't remember how much Ryan Reynolds i saw, LAst one was Hitman's Bodyguard, it was ok, but its kinda him doing him.

    The bigger difference also, is, i think Ryan is a better actor than DwAyNe
    Yeah Ryan is capable of dramatic moments. Hes not like Christian Bale / Denzel Washington level but hes decent when hes not doing his talking fast, with creative insults style of comedy

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertoCarlos View Post
    Thats why Ironman/Cap America/Heath Ledger The joker etc were so good because the actors were killing it with acting. Then marvel went overboard into the comedy angle and every movie is the same post guardians combined with the loss of a bunch of great actors, its not suprising they are seeing waning interest also.
    In part, but it's also facilitated by the characters. Iron-Man especially. That was just one of those things, where the perfect actor gets the perfect character, and it all comes together in a really beautiful way. Captain America (at least the MCU version) is still a bit of a dumb goodie two-shoes, and while the actor is a perfectly serviceable thespian there just isn't as much there to work with as there is with Iron-Man.

    Honestly that's been my biggest gripe with the MCU, especially lately - they're not doing enough with their characters. They're generally more interesting than the average comic book character (a lot of whom are just walking tropes almost by design given their frequent This-is-my-shitck-there-are-many-like-it-but-this-one's-mine conceptions) but they're not going far enough. People have sneered at playboy Tony and PTSD Tony but that was something to bring to life, all the way to Dad Tony in Endgame. A really accomplished arc. Ironically the one who probably comes closest to that is Thor, and that just kind of sputtered out when they decided to stick with his Loveable Goofball persona. Most of the other characters barely get development, and I mean REAL development not "I'm still Star-Lord but now my GF is gone" kind of story developments that barely change the character (though admittedly we've not seen a lot of that yet).

    Even Spider-Man doesn't really go anywhere. Maybe post NWH things will change, but it's been a pretty flat portrayal so far. The usual arc is the Dr. Strange model: start with a trope, have a traumatic experience of some kind that's depicted as transformative, then change into a new trope. That's how Hulk operates, that's what happened/is happening to Wanda, that's how almost all of the MCU operates. Maybe Iron-Man just has the benefit of time, and his arc is more apparent because he was where it all started, really. Could just be that.

    The DCEU, meanwhile, is ALL-IN on the tropes. They have a miserable lineup to begin with, given that their two biggest heroes by far are the absolute epitomes of tropey writing. In a way they never stood a chance, but then they went and mucked that up even further by having a nonsensical long-term strategy (or lack thereof) and a pervasively unappealing aesthetic. Sure we all know DC is about comics that are more dark and brooding, but does that mean EVERY film has to be the same washed-out, grimdark color palette and depressingly subdued aesthetic? I'm not surprised that Aquaman is a surprise standout - Momoa is actually likeable and brought some light into that sepia-tinted hellhole. For all of Cavill's fitting portrayal of Superman, that's just not enough if what you're stuck with is a depressing pit of visual misery. It's like they looked at Batman's broody melancholy and went "that right there, that's what we are, in everything, all the time, forever". Even where they attempted to break that mold (like e.g. Shazam! or WW1984) they couldn't quite shake those constraints, and they certainly didn't know how to fit it all into a larger, cohesive structure. They are all theme and atmosphere, and no substance or direction.

    That's not an environment where The Rock will do well. It's ironic that he'd be a much better fit for the MCU as an actor (though who knows as what character).

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