Poll: Different gear for different role?

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  1. #1

    Should wow go back to a system of having healing, tank and dps gear?

    First and foremost: i don't want to have gearing like in classic where healers would solo hit like a wet noodle and tanks could tank a lot of mobs and not dying, but couldn't kill anything without taking up way to much time.

    But would it maybe be better, if we had gear back that require you to go with your role in the raid/mythic+? So in this case: Tanks getting defensive-rating, DPS needs hit (or something better) rating and Healer need Spirit to heal effectively. And that as a healer you should focus to heal in a raid but not to dps. And adding back choices to customize gear through enchants but also with gem slots like in tbc.

    I think that many people disliked it that new gear dropped but you couldn't use it on the spot, because you need to enchant, add gems, reforge it before you could swap it out, but is the alternative right now better when you can put gear on, and totally forget about it; because the ilvl is higher or it has more of the rating you need? (and with more enchants right now you already need to wait to put it on)

    And that blizzard should probably care less about borrowed power and go back to make gearing more complex: tinkering with your gear is far more interesting than having a new table where you can customize your borrowed power. (And not in a way where you get azerite bonuses on gear that is so complex that you need to look upon a website what powers are useful or not; because in the end it was the same "table" of borrowed power, just attached to your gear)

    And a bit off topic: add more armor slots! The quiver in 9.1 for example: why replace your cloak with it, this is a perfect example what should be an armor slot just for Hunters. At the beginning maybe a class specific slot just for it: Quivers for Hunters, Librams for paladins and so on; this would also make gearing a bit more complex and could add a way for blizzard to add borrowed power in a way it was since classic, through gear.

  2. #2
    Immortal Nnyco's Avatar
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    Nah, the game needs to be more offspec friendly, not less. Stats that are absolutely useless for the other specs are terrible.

    For example making every stat: haste(cooldown), crit(parry), versa(50% of it gives you dr) and mastery(tends to be defense for tanks, but still works vice versa since it gives you attackpower) have a defense trait as tank is a great system.

    Adding crap like defense rating that literally makes you not able to tank unless you had the rating for it is just a horrible design and its good bliz gone away from it.
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  3. #3
    Would love a class unique armor slot.

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    All kinds of ways to handle it.

  4. #4
    Defense and Hit were the least fun stats in the game, no one liked them. They sucked. People hated them. They were reviled. Livid that they existed. They were the bane of everyone - no one liked them. Ever. Not at all. Not even a little bit. It was universally one of the most despised aspects of the gearing system that wound players up to demanding these stats be done away with so that gear could be opened up and people could go for raw power on gear without having to worry about these arbitrary stat goals which, let's be real, were all automated with addons eventually anyway.

    People will not ever actively engage with so much crunching of numbers with gear - they'll just get an addon to tell them what pieces of gear they own are optimal to equip, and then whatever interaction you have with the gear gets thrown out the window.

    And hell, even if you forced addons to not mess with calculating stats on gear, people would just throw character info into sites. So okay, maybe you shut down those sites, then people with better math or more patience to do all the math manually suddenly get an edge in damage-wise. Guilds with those who calculate, what, are they expected to do it for the whole guild now? This kind of angle on Defense and Hit Caps is absurd. There's no good reality that comes around as a result of this. People WILL find a way to game the system and make it unfun for everyone, putting aside that Defense and Hit are insanely unfun just by themselves. But even for people who would normally find any kind of enjoyment in Def/Hit/Exp, others will ruin it for those people as well.

    But, to directly answer the question.
    With Personal Loot in the game, gear can be as specific as it needs to be, when it works (and lord I can't stress that enough).

    That said, for ease of comprehension and simplicity it's probably best there aren't too many different stats to learn.

    The essential secondary stats that are in the game cover nearly all essential ground that is needed as they are.

    Any other class specific interaction can be baked into passives that interact with established stats, so there's no real need to reintroduce other misc stats when a conversion stat passive can do the job.

    There's a reason the Defense and Hit/Exp and Res and Pen and Regen stats and all that went out the window -- they were inferior design, they were automated and not interacted with anyway, they weren't fun, they were a waste of dev/balance time, so they were axed.

  5. #5
    Except for trinkets that can provide some sort of mechanic, I don't really see any value in having different items with different stats for different roles.
    It's just more restrictive to try other specs of your class.

  6. #6
    Maybe another class-specific gear slot would be cool (quivers, librams, etc.), but DEFINITELY not entire gear sets.
    "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
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  7. #7
    Herald of the Titans Marxman's Avatar
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    I preferred loot with more specialized stats (Spirit, MP5, Dodge, Defense, Hit/Expertise, etc.). I think it made the gearing process significantly more interesting than the bland 4 stats for everyone we have now.

    I completely understand why someone would prefer this much simpler gearing system though. Not needing multiple gear sets is really nice for hybrids, and lets people play offspecs somewhat easily (though borrowed power usually being spec-specific blows that up, unfortunately).

    Quote Originally Posted by Razion View Post
    Defense and Hit were the least fun stats in the game, no one liked them. They sucked. People hated them.
    I like them, so I guess there goes your theory.
    Last edited by Marxman; 2021-05-01 at 11:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Marxman View Post
    I preferred loot with more specialized stats (Spirit, MP5, Dodge, Defense, Hit/Expertise, etc.). I think it made the gearing process significantly more interesting than the bland 4 stats for everyone we have now.

    I completely understand why someone would prefer this much simpler gearing system though. Not needing multiple gear sets is really nice for hybrids, and lets people play offspecs somewhat easily (though borrowed power usually being spec-specific blows that up, unfortunately).

    I like them, so I guess there goes your theory.
    I mean, just because you disagree, do you solely represent the opinions of the majority of all players? XD

    Hit rating was a pretty stupid stat, and yeah, I just used an add-on to automate my hit rating balance and determine BiS from a raid. Screw manually calculating those numbers, don't miss hit rating or expertise.

  9. #9
    I don't see what would be gained that couldn't be done by a nerf to jealer damage calculations.
    Making gear more cumbersome is not gonna help anyone.

    Though yes to reforging cause it's difficult to make some specs work with the wrong stats and "aiming" for a specific piece a gear in pve atm is just playing a game of roulette.
    Honestly, i'd be happy with reroll tokens coming back.

  10. #10
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velerios View Post
    First and foremost: i don't want to have gearing like in classic where healers would solo hit like a wet noodle and tanks could tank a lot of mobs and not dying, but couldn't kill anything without taking up way to much time.
    In principle, yes, but with two caveats:

    1) Tanks, and especially healers shouldn't feel crippled when doing outdoors content, or stuff like Torghast.

    2) Remove the artificial barriers for swapping specs in an efficient fashion (spec locked artifacts, extremely expensive "retraining" of Azerite gear, spec-specific leggos in SL). Getting offspec gear should be enough of a barrier.
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  11. #11
    Probably. The current haste/crit/master/vers for all is boring AF to me. Vers in general just needs to go or have it exclusive to PvP gear. I had a similar problem with D3s gearing system, super boring "Power" stats.
    The wise wolf who's pride is her wisdom isn't so sharp as drunk.

  12. #12
    IF anything I'd prefer system that was used for Relics in Legion. Getting 0.3% haste classwide upgrade doesnt sound all that exciting for me tbh, but a 5%more damage/additional tick on given dot the other hand sounds at least decent, even if at the end its the same overall character power increase.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonoxx View Post
    I mean, just because you disagree, do you solely represent the opinions of the majority of all players? XD
    Why do you assume you do?

  14. #14
    As someone currently maining a tribrid class,

    N O.

    Not without 40 slot bags, at least. Gotta have room for all my junk. What do you think I'm going to do, vendor this noggenfogger elixir?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  15. #15
    Immortal Ealyssa's Avatar
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    Yeah even less tanks and healers willing to play those role.

    What a retarded idea...
    Quote Originally Posted by primalmatter View Post
    nazi is not the abbreviation of national socialism....
    When googling 4 letters is asking too much fact-checking.

  16. #16
    No, increasing barrier of entry for different roles than your main is horrible and only contributes to the overabundance of DPS players compared to the other roles. On the contrary, I'd like to see secondary stats removed altogether, since I don't expect blizzard to even attempt to balance them to the point where it's actually a choice. Nobody "customizes" their gear, everyone just picks what's best for their current spec, usually using a guide or an addon (like everyone did with reforging). This just makes you need 2 sets of gear if you want to play another spec if it doesn't happen to have similar stat priority. Thankfully, right now almost every spec loves haste (and in pvp, versatility then haste), so right now, legendaries are the only blocker (and perhaps weapon or trinkets, depending on spec).
    If all stats meaningfully affected gameplay, the way haste does for most specs and crit does for e.g. fire mages, and were at least roughly equal in terms of performance I'd be all for customization. But that's never going to happen, so I don't see the need to have stats. It's not customization if 90+% of the player base makes the same "choice" and the rest just mostly don't care. Just take a look at PvP leaderboard for reference, where for basically every spec, the median amount of the two less preferable stats (usually crit and mastery) among the entire leaderbord is typically around 50-100 (i.e. the active trinket with crit for the classes that prefer it and the one piece of gear that doesn't have the best secondary stat). (I don't have the stats for PvE, since I don't know a comparable site, and PvE has more randomness when it comes to items, but you can clearly see what players are aiming for)
    Conduits/relics are a better way than secondary stats, because they (or at least some of them) actually look like something with a potential to change the way you're playing, or how your character feels. Although the current system for obtaining conduits is horrible, and there are too few choices. But at least there's potential.

  17. #17

    Bring back dodge, parry, defence, armor penetration etc.

    The current mainstat/stam + crit, haste, mastery, vers is fucking boring and dull. Current hack game designers have no creativity

    Bring back more items that are purely offense-orientated like armor with no stam, multiple sockets etc. No one cares about half the shit in the game anymore because it has no value. Great, I killed a mythic boss and the upgrade gives me 6 more main stat and 5 more secondary stats. What a fucking boring system, no wonder no one plays this shit anymore

  18. #18
    The four stats we have don't HAVE to be boring, Blizz just doesn't seem inclined to add things to the base class to jazz them up. What if classes had on-crit passives again, like Flurry for Enhancement/Fury? Or if blizz actually bothered either using Mastery like a knob to balance relative DPS like it was designed to do or just gave specs interesting Mastery stats? Some specs do, but far from all of them.

  19. #19
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
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    I don't think it's a good idea to go back to how things used to be, I'm not a healer or a tank but I remember how much they complained about not being able to do stuff and/or having to respec all the time.

    And on the topic of stats being boring; they are! And it's always the damn same. I'd love if I was able to stack mastery or crit and have my class still feel good and be viable but no it's always haste and it's just boring. Vers is just a stupid stat that should've stayed on PVP gear only.

    Getting gear in general the last few expansions has felt boring as heck because of how dull the stats are and unmemorable the items have been because of it.

    Also I want enchants that are actually FUN, not some boring ass enchant that puts a debuff on my target to take 6% more damage from me or whatever... who even came up with that shit. Let me enchant my weapon with lightning, frost or fire and proc shit from that or something it really doesnt have to be more complicated than that.
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  20. #20
    Nah wow shouldn't go back to that system. As most have said here, the old stats like Hit and Defense were very boring and awful just like this idea. What a horrible idea.

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