World needs more Goblin Warriors
"In order for PvP to feel fresh, the meta has to change from time to time, and that also means classes have to change with new expansions." -- you don't need to be fresh for it to succeed. If something is competitive, sometimes the better answer is to leave it alone and -tweak- until done. The overwhelming majority of games do just fine not dramatically changing everything every few years.
Gear, in something competitive, shouldn't have significant weight. It should make you stand out, be distinct, but it shouldn't be the "you stand absolutely no chance against that because they can kill you within one or two globals, even if you trinket" versus "sure, I'll sit out the full stun, they can barely dent my armor". That's just obscene and not very entertaining.
You know what, I'd even be ok with the clined the game, ripped out the PvE parts, and just made PvP its own system. Think: Counter-Strike but WoW's arena/bg's.
This was an amazing interviewVery hard to dislike anything that was said here
It's also really unfair that high end PvP, Mythic+ and raiding is filled with elitist jerks who enforce this catch-22 scenario where you need to have high rating and achievements just to get into a damn group. It's this ivory tower that has created the game's toxic boost culture. It's the reason why craploads of boosting communities are literally profiteering from the game through forms of real world trading. It's the reason why Trade Chat is damn near unusable on any populated realm due to the sheer volume of boost spam present.Solo Queue
- Arena compositions is the main issue with having solo queues. It would be really unfair for players with the same rating to queue into a good comp vs a bad one.
- Solo queue is something that could be tried out in the brawl system first.
- They understand that some people just want to arena and skirmishes don't do it for some people.
- Letting players browse groups while listed is one of the solutions to find groups faster.
- They are not dismissing that it is a problem and are genuinely looking for solutions.
My greatest pet-peeve with the game is that none of the game's progression options allow you to go beyond a certain ilvl or progression threshold without requiring you to join a premade group. For dungeons it's ilvl 171, for raids (LFR) it's 187, and for both solo quest content & PvP it's 197.
There is nothing fun about spending 3 plus hours per play session being declined from every single group in Premade Groups finder, regardless of what content you do or what role you play. And when you join one, the players in question are either absolute dog pumping dismal levels of DPS or they're the kind who will boot you from the group the moment you don't nail a mechanic the first time.
Solo queue needs to happen for WoW to survive as a PvP an overall game experience, because I know for damn sure that I would have unsubbed months ago if it weren't for Classic/TBC. You'd think Holinka would have learned his lesson by now...
And before you tell me it's ironic that I play Classic/TBC when it lacks even more in solo queues, at least everything else about old-school WoW holds up. Levelling up doesn't suck as a gameplay experience, there is actual gear progression, the story isn't building you up as Azeroth's only hope with cliché plot after plot. I can't pinpoint the exact moment that content outside of raids & dungeons started to suck, but I think it was at least from Cataclysm.
Last edited by Clbull; 2021-06-05 at 08:00 PM.
Quite sure for a raid environment you can actually play any spec and be more or less in a 25% range. Back in the day, certain specs performed up to 300% better than other specs. Balance is better than it has ever been. :/ This is actually very easy to check. Warcraftlogs got data from Highmaul onwards.
I'm not a rank1 gladiator and I'm not able to rate PVP balance - but that had always been a mess.
1) Load the amount of weight I would deadlift onto the bench
2) Unrack
3) Crank out 15 reps
4) Be ashamed of constantly skipping leg day
"In order for PvP to feel fresh the Meta has to change from time to time"
Imagine looking at naturally evergreen content and treating it like your cyclical PvE content. Fucking idiots.
Holinka is a dumb fucking joke.
"The team is aware of it and working really hard to find a fix"
lmao, working REALLLLLY hard like they're elementary school kids trying their darndest!!!
Or even better: add Island Expeditions to the Rated BG queue and make them 10v10.
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Instanced content is the only fun part of WoW, and the moment someone competently creates a standalone game that revolves solely around that element (think the Impossible Bosses custom WC3/DOTA2 map), World of Warcraft will be dead.
Even for the PvP enthusiasts, a standalone MOBA with action bar combat and multiple classes just like WoW would blow this game out of the water and leave Blizzard literally bankrupt.
What a joke.
"Arena compositions is the main issue with having solo queues. It would be really unfair for players with the same rating to queue into a good comp vs a bad one."
Maybe design the fucking arena or the matchmaking selection to not have "bad" comps?
But then arena by definition revolves around better comp vs lesser comp unless mirror match anyway where a team starts with the upper hand solely by comp regardless of solo or pre-made. Players fault for meeting a counter team in pre-made right?
Goes to show that the guy in charge of pvp doesn't even understand how arena works.
Last edited by kranur; 2021-06-05 at 10:09 PM.
Balance in raids is still often quite good. However, m+ is a different beast and balance there, at high levels, is terrible and likewise in organised PvP. Random BGs are never going to be balanced (the best that can be done there is to make sure every spec can do something fun and useful and call it a day), and so shouldn't be considered when balancing specs.
The problem is that balance in raids has been achieved by making just about every spec have the same basic rotation - build and spend, with a burst CD every two minutes or so, and maybe some 'mini-burst' every 30-60s. Even the DoT specs work this way and the only difference is that some percentage of their damage is delayed and spread out. The result is relatively easy to balance (at least on a Patchwerk boss), but boring and bland. It also means that random BGs and other unorganised PvP loses that 'fun' aspect, because nobody has anything stand-out any more. For example, back in the day (and now in 'Classic' and 'Classic TBC') Prot and Ret Paladins generally sucked in PvP, but every so often a good 'reckbomb' would go off, or a Ret would get a really good stun+Command Crit and it would make it all seem worthwhile. We don't have that sort of thing any more.
This also means players lose their 'connection' to classes they used to love playing, because they change and their role changes.
For example, I really dislike Paladin healing, but (aside from the complete lack of AoE healing) I rather liked it in LK and earlier, and the only healer I really like now is the Shaman, which has arguably changed the least over the years.
Another example: Once upon a time Ret Pallies had one of the highest sustained movement rates whilst in combat, and were hard to root or snare (by the standards of the day), making up somewhat for their lack of a charge or stealth. They also had one of the best stuns in the game (at a time when most classes had no on-demand stun at all). These days they have a bad sprint and mediocre root/snare removal, and their stun isn't very good - it's not AoE (and thus of low value in PvE) and it's magic so all healers can dispel it (and thus of low value in PvP). This their role in PvP has changed from providing utility and off-healing with decent up-time on targets to simply providing burst damage (which due to Wings becoming stronger over the years and the provision of mini-CDs is very strong).
It's always seemed to me that arenas, event that's in game as organised arena fights, should have specific sets and when you zone into the arena, that's what you are wearing. Higher ratings would open different appearances and you'd get to use those, and other cosmetic things you won, outside the arenas as well. The templates were a good idea, though leaving some gear scaling in was a mistake IMO (especially as at the time the best source of high ilevel gear was PvE, so PvPers had to do stuff they weren't interested in in order to stay competitive in the content they did want to play), and further exploration of that idea would be good.Gear, in something competitive, shouldn't have significant weight. It should make you stand out, be distinct, but it shouldn't be the "you stand absolutely no chance against that because they can kill you within one or two globals, even if you trinket" versus "sure, I'll sit out the full stun, they can barely dent my armor". That's just obscene and not very entertaining.
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I thought it was still decent in MoP, aside from the endless dailies to start. However, later implementations of the elements of MoP that worked well ('common' rares, lots of hidden loot boxes, genuinely hidden treasures, etc.) have all become progressively worse (a theme with systems in WoW since about that point) with each expansion. Actually, I'll make an exception for the loot boxes in WoD - they made levelling interesting and gave a viable alternative to re-doing guests on alts that you'd already done X times before.
1) Load the amount of weight I would deadlift onto the bench
2) Unrack
3) Crank out 15 reps
4) Be ashamed of constantly skipping leg day