Under Raided [A] Lightbringer Fri/Sat Raid 9PM-12AM EST LFG Progression 9.1 New Guild
Guild & Server: Under Raided - Lightbringer[A]
Type of Guild: Raid/M+/Mount/Xmog/Social
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: TheBrokenMike#2793
Requirements: Friendly, Drama Free, Respectful, Social and Patient
Needs: Currently we are a New Guild with a good amount of members who have come back to WOW or are looking for a fresh start. We are willing to help those who want to learn how to play the game, and learn how to Raid. With 9.1 coming we are actively looking for people who can help lead and become part of a strong foundation guild. We are open to all players, however Tanks and Healers are much needed at this point.
About Us: We are a chill, social and active guild made up mostly of returnees, newbies and veterans. We run raids Friday/Saturday nights 9PM-12PM EST and M+ (multiple groups running a variety of key levels) throughout the week. Our focus is on progressing as a Guild and enjoying one another's company where we can be ourselves and enjoy the game drama free.