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  1. #21
    So the lawsuit investigation started around the same time the "old guard" started dipping from the company. I'm not saying I believe anything yet but it's hard not to make that connection.

  2. #22
    They are all just trying to get in front of it. they are all Liars even Fran who is new to the company. she has no idea what went on yet she tries to talk as if she did. The video at blizzcon of being asked to make female characters less sexualized and how they brutally responded to her was all you need to see that they are full of shit.

  3. #23
    He's just trying to cover his ass before people call out the fact that Dreamhaven is likely full of people who took part in this behavior and even if he somehow didn't know about this shit he still failed as CEO to not know about what was going on in his own company.

  4. #24
    If he knew, is he that stupid to think this wouldnt come out at some point. Things like this will come out one way or another.

  5. #25
    Bloodsail Admiral Femininity's Avatar
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    Sounds like he's sprinting to distance his new studio from the controversy. All these big boys have plenty to say when the shit hits the fan.

    Also hate the use of his/her/their truth. It is nothing but spin.
    When you're at the trial of your rapist, and forced to hear -his- truth (per the defense attorney: "Today my client will share his truth...") instead of -the- truth, you realize that ownership of differing versions of events don't constitute individualized truths - one is simply a lie.
    Remember: Words are not violence.
    Make your own groups!!!

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by ablib View Post
    Not sure how Cher Scarlett's response means Morhaime is a liar. She didn't state who reprimanded her for cc'ing the CEO. It's also highly unlikely he read the email.

    So....what her take on it looks like, is she emails the CEO on a matter, and some low level scrub manager, slaps her wrist for "ZOMG, you just sent that to the CEO?!?!?"

    That's what it reads like anyways. She's free to clarify the record.
    Ya, I mean that's what I was thinking. He literally could very easily just not of seen it. It was a fucking CC...

    Sounds like it was her supervisor, not Mike...

    Not sure how her responding that on his tweet equates to undeniable proof he's lying, but I'm also not surprised people on her think it is.

  7. #27
    Ahhh the old "/afk" trick. Get logged out in 30 minutes of afk, not 28 years, I don't buy it.

  8. #28
    I thought the old guard left because of Activision taking over Blizzard. Now we find out why they really left. Sickening that they won't face meaningful repercussions for allowing this rot to fester and ruin Blizzard.

  9. #29
    Bloodsail Admiral Femininity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomBrokovski View Post
    I thought the old guard left because of Activision taking over Blizzard. Now we find out why they really left. Sickening that they won't face meaningful repercussions for allowing this rot to fester and ruin Blizzard.
    To be fair, the problem is universal in the tech industry, gaming in particular. Tons of socially inept manchildren from stem to stern who can't even hold a casual conversation with or about women without disgracing themselves.
    Remember: Words are not violence.
    Make your own groups!!!

  10. #30
    it takes a real coward to make this kind of statement about his former workplace.

    Its literally the easiest thing in the world for him to aknowledge these accusations because it makes him look good and it only has a negative impact on Blizzard.

    What an absolute douche move.

    I'l never support Dreamhaven
    Last edited by ClassicPeon; 2021-07-24 at 07:21 AM.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    One of the people who was abused has already outted him as a liar. She contacted him to try and deal with some of the abuse she was going through and got in trouble for it.
    So Blizzard has always been this way? From the very beginning? And all their games were made by harassers and rapists? I feel disgusted and betrayed. Not only I can't play wow anymore, I can't even play their old games now.

  12. #32
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo03 View Post
    Ya, I mean that's what I was thinking. He literally could very easily just not of seen it. It was a fucking CC...

    Sounds like it was her supervisor, not Mike...

    Not sure how her responding that on his tweet equates to undeniable proof he's lying, but I'm also not surprised people on her think it is.
    Sounds like you kinda have a bias in mikes favour so your trying to bend over backwards to defend him.

    There’s no chance he wasn’t involved the idea that he could be the president for so many years with all of this going on right under his nose and not have atleast let it happen is ridicules.
    Last edited by Lorgar Aurelian; 2021-07-24 at 07:22 AM.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  13. #33
    Pit Lord Magical Mudcrab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    One of the people who was abused has already outted him as a liar. She contacted him to try and deal with some of the abuse she was going through and got in trouble for it.
    Given so little information it's very hard to draw the same conclusion that you are. Why do we know J Allen Brack knew about the harassment and did nothing about it? We know because of specific examples of protection of employees like Alex Afrasiabi, and more details provided in the court case. In this instance, when looking at Mike Morhaime, we see something that's explainable by a member of management taking over the issue and assuring upper management that it would be resolved, which would lead to a result of female employees being intimidated into silence for trying to escalate a problem. That Morhaime was kept in the dark about these issues at Blizzard not being addressed also appears to be what Cher Scarlett, the person who you referenced, also believes, given she has since talked to Morhaime and stated as such.
    Sylvanas didn't even win the popular vote, she was elected by an indirect election of representatives. #NotMyWarchief

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by World Peace View Post
    To be fair, the problem is universal in the tech industry, gaming in particular. Tons of socially inept manchildren from stem to stern who can't even hold a casual conversation with or about women without disgracing themselves.
    Is it universal because it happens everywhere in the globe or is it universal because predominantly america has had these issues and now america has a toxic feminist movement doing the exact same thing as the toxic masculine movement used to do?

  15. #35
    Another BS statement. In the end these statements and people's belief in them relies on if you like the person. I'm sure lots of classic players and blizzard haters will accept his letter.

    This is clearly him washing his hands preemptively and hopefully getting more support for his new company in the process.
    Last edited by Kumorii; 2021-07-24 at 07:27 AM.
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  16. #36
    Pit Lord Magical Mudcrab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Sounds like you kinda have a bias in mikes favour so your trying to bend over backwards to defend him.

    There’s no chance he wasn’t involved the idea that he could be the president for so many years with all of this going on right under his nose and not have atleast let it happen is ridicules.
    I would look to the victim has to say.
    Sylvanas didn't even win the popular vote, she was elected by an indirect election of representatives. #NotMyWarchief

  17. #37
    I have seen this literal type of situation from my workplace before. They cc some executive on something, some rank and file notices this goes to the boss of that person telling them to use appropriate channels. Morhaime probably has his box setup to sort mail depending on topic. Those with particular ones where he needs to respond too come from 1 box. While others which are unrecognized get filtered through to his secretaries and others who handle and answer them. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in these type of situations like what she said only because I have seen similar stuff happen where I work. It isn't uncommon in a corporate setting. I mean do you really think Bezos answers all the emails he is sent without having them screened seriously? Anyways I thought the response from him was fine. He is going to get raked over the coals and more information might shake out from the woodwork but saying you cc'd something isn't enough for me to go yeah he knew about her situation.

  18. #38
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magical Mudcrab View Post
    Sounds like gaslighting 101. She feels he enabled it so then he contacts her and pretends he was in the dark and she buys it.

    Given that another victim said there hair was falling out because of being gaslight by higher ups I’m not gonna put much stock into “oh I talked to them and they mustn’t have known because they were so nice”.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    So Blizzard has always been this way? From the very beginning? And all their games were made by harassers and rapists? I feel disgusted and betrayed. Not only I can't play wow anymore, I can't even play their old games now.
    Biggest part have been innocent and victims, there have been some really big idiots but those have been a really tiny part of the amount of people working on the games, so not really fair to say that the games have been created by harassers and rapists.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Sounds like gaslighting 101. She feels he enabled it so then he contacts her and pretends he was in the dark and she buys it.

    Given that another victim said there hair was falling out because of being gaslight by higher ups I’m not gonna put much stock into “oh I talked to them and they mustn’t have known because they were so nice”.
    Sounds more like you've already determined what you want the truth to be and decided to ignore everything that conflicts with it.

    Seems more like you're the one with the bias big guy.

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