People who feel harmed from emotes from a random internet stranger should think about theid mind. Geez....
removing the chat altogether should cover a large amount
How would it blossom out into sexual harrasment exactly? There are always these vague "it's a slippery slope" kinds of arguments that make no sense to me. Asmon is quite a character who's encouraging a "back to the school playground"-type mentality in a videogame, but never have I gotten any reason to believe that he'd disrespect women in such manners that have been going on at Blizzard.
I never use the /spit, I rage when I get /spit on when I am killed in pvp but JESUS the "omg I'm soooo offended"-people need to get the fuck off our planet. What's next? Remove /lol as someone might cry in their shower after being lol'd at?![]()
while were add it, just remove /slap /frown and any of negative emote in the game because we cant have mean people in a world where your fee fees might get hurt by an emote![]()
You obviously didn't read how they fixed it. They didn't remove the emotes. Just the ability to use them against players. Tha tis all they have to do. And who are you to dictate what are bad decisions? The /spit incident is a consequence of a minority of childish bullies trying to dictate what can and cannot be in game. Those players need to grow up.
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Those anti-shop people are not "the vast majority of players" .they are a vocal minority. The actual vast majority do not care one way or the other. Stop trying to act li9ke the majority agree with you,
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Agagin, the /spit emote is not removed from the game. All that was removed is the ability to do it to other players. You are free to /spit om any npc you want to your heart's content.
Where this fails is it doesn't address intent. People are doing that because they are harrassing people who bought the shop mount. That should not be tolerated in any way.
This is nothing more than making excuses for players harrassing other player and blaming the victim. This behavior is part of the problem.The "toxic" behavior in the game typically seems to revolve around elitism and the "have vs the have nots". Has nothing to do with emotes or /<whatevr>. People may also need to recognize when they are not able to separate themselves from their character in game and learn when to step away and take a breather.
Sever strtawman irrelevant to the point at hand. IN this case, players are harrasing others for something they did outside the game, not within game play.Seems to me if they want to reduce toxic behavior they would need to remove players ability (in game and on other sites) from viewing other players in any way. Can't look at gear. Remove gear score. Can't look at talents. Block any and all outside sites and sources from accessing game data. Etc. Gamers would also need to revert to a mindset where a 2 hour dungeon run (exaggerated example) is not such a big deal and not expect everyone who plays the game to spend weeks studying before playing.
To address people harrassing others because the bought a shop mount, this is the right idea. All they have to do is remove the ability to target other players when using ANY remote.Devil is always in the details and I'm likely not hitting the nail right on the head here. I just think they have the wrong idea about how to mitigate the issue at hand.
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I have a better idea. how about you grow up and not harrass other players? That is obvious why you are mad. The fact that you need to be a jerk to other players to have fun is very disturbing.
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They have a lot of thought of what players want. What you are really saying is that they don't have enough thought about what YOU want. But you are not the only one playing the game and not everyone agrees with you on how the game should be. Taht is what ther devs have to deal with. Millions of players with a million different opinions,. Yours is not the only one.
Everyone here commenting the fact, "Why don't yah just remove chat all together" careful what you wish/insert sarcasm/joke for here. Bungie did it, as we can NOT use local/general chat at all in any space (PC Version) due to children unable to restrain themselves and I use the word 'children' loosely here. What the comments here suggest shows exactly why more than likely chat will be severely restricted along with emotes. You made your bed, now sleep in it...*shrugs* More you take a stand and fight the good fight, shows exactly why it has to be done unfortunately.
This is ridiculous. In-game we can kill one another, t-bag one another after killing but we can't spit? So this will help "fix" Blizzards internal issues, how? This is nothing more than an impulsive move to try and calm people/groups down. Pandering! When is enough enough? What else gets removed? You can take out every fucking bit/byte in the game but that's not going to fix Blizzards internal problems. Don't try to distract from the real problem by ruining the player experience even more, it's bad enough as is. It's simple, terminate anyone who was involved in these perverse activities. YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE! Terminate anyone in a position of management who knew and did nothing to stop this. YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE! Hire people who actually care about people. Hire people who actually care about the game.
Sadly LGBT is growing more and more with each passing day in games and RL. Removing /spit command from the game is just the beginning.
If you remove the /spit because people might get offended, for sure next ones are /sexy (because on the other end of the pc might be a female playing which might find it offensive), /rude , /pick and many others.
-Some NPCs are wearing less clothes than they should (Succubus,shivvaras) so they might get a new outfit so people dont get turned on because hey its a new era
-remove some costumes ingame like bikinis or better yet if you remove all your character's equipment your character will be dressed in pajamas
-Removing pvp because it is bad to kill a character in game,other guy getting the killing blow might become emotionally unstable
-the quests during brewfest that require you to mount the ram will be removed from the game because its cruelty to animals to whip them constantly.
I can think of so many shenanigans LGBT will pull that at the end of the day we will play a pixel that you need to move to another pixel and thats the game.
You're right in that the root cause needs to be addressed.
But your argument is effectively "why are we putting out fires, when there's an arsonist to catch?" - when there's nothing saying we can't DO BOTH. And in that arsonist example, no one in their right mind would NOT put out fires just because the arsonist is still on the loose. You're implying there's a dichotomy of one vs. the other, when that just isn't the case. One does not preclude the other, in any way.
That's one very specific example, which to many people might not even happen at all, and if it does will happen in very isolated, very sporadic incidents - while the other may happen repeatedly, insistently, over long times. Also, characters dying - even in frustrating circumstances - is much more "part of the game" than other people being abuse towards you. And just to be clear: if someone WAS repeatedly and insistently killing your character as you're trying to complete an escort quests, you'd probably have a good case to have them actioned against for harassment. Even in War Mode/on PvP servers you don't have license to consistently grief people through kills.
Last edited by Biomega; 2021-07-31 at 05:42 PM.
i whole heartedly agree on that which is why i don't play it and is irrelevant to the topic at hand but we digress, that does not change the fact that wow is a toxic game in addition the devs have alot more pressing matters to deal with don't get me wrong tho they should have addressed this issue a long time ago, seems they are trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone here sadly the stone isn't having as much of a impact as the devs would like it to have
Last edited by thunderdragon2; 2021-07-31 at 05:46 PM.