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I think people underestimate utility's role. If raw performance were the only factor than no one except the top melee DPS, top ranged dPS, top healer spec and top tank spec would be taken. It varies season to season and expansion by expansion, but there are frequently classes that are brought solely because of some secondary benefit despite there being better specs for raw output.
The idea that a support class must reach some mythical, unattainable perfect balance to not be a disaster is founded on the mistaken belief that there enough of a stable balance in the default trinity that the addition of a support class would throw everything out of whack. Specs and classes are already brought or not brought based on community perceived values of their performance and utility. A support class would be exactly the same.
You don't need to make it so 2 DPS and a buff class always outperforms 3 DPS, the buff class just has to have a single thing that makes it sometimes worth taking over the 3 DPS. Because that is all any class or spec currently in the game but not the absolute top output does.
For example having a CD that very briefly turns all nearby overhealing into shielding, or being able to use an aura ability that gives everyone nearby very strong leech for a few moments would make that buff class very attractive for certain progression fights with high unavoidable raid damage phases. Being able to "havoc" an Ally's spells to duplicate onto a second (or say, pulse that damage in a small targeted AoE) would make them very attractive on priority add phase fights, or in M+ if by allowing you to bring a ST heavyweight spec and convert some of that raw output into AoE. Strong mana regen and healing support wouldn't get them brought to MDI, but it would absolutely make them desirable to mid-tier raid groups looking to up DPS a bit but finding that a lower number of healers just isn't cutting it.
The misconception here is that the biggest problem facing class balancing is "X class is better so I'm not taking you", when the majority of the time, the reason a thing gets benched is because that class has a spec that performs better. The competition is internal for 99% of the game, and despite how much people like to exaggerate the balance problem in terms of benching, the fact is that the worst performing classes are pretty much never the least played. People play whatever they want. Even if your support class were genuinely awful in performance and brought no value at all, if it was fun and interesting people would still play it. Look at shamans, they spent multiple expansions being undertuned, but monks and rogues were often still played less despite often being very high tuned.