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  1. #1

    Cool What is your favorite class and why?

    This is not a pick my class thread, I just want to know what are your favorite classes and why!?

    Mine has always been Paladin and Warlock. The classes seem to resonate with me, as I have played them since vanilla wow. I've tried all the other classes and while they are all fun in their own right, something about a holy warrior and a demon wielding caster are just plain cool to me.

    I started out ret in vanilla like most paladins, switched to holy in the beginning of TBC, switched to protection near the end of TBC, and a mix of prot, ret and holy in WotLK and beyond. For the warlock, ive mainly stuck with destruction, but dabbled in affliction and demo over the years. I'm not really a FOTM kind of player so even though some of the warlock specs were better for dps than others in different expansions / patches, i still mostly stuck with destruction.

    Anyway, now you guys go!

  2. #2
    Druid because druid.

    jk... i just like every of teh 4 specs and druid is one of those classes who is nearly always quite good no matter the changes.
    Only annoying thing is that the moonkin does not stay they same for more than one expansion before being remade entirely.

    Also it was my first class.

    Second is DK. Fun class. ALso every pecs is fun. The Frost Breath spec has overstayed its welcome tbh.

    And lastly. DH. Stupid fun. Zipping around like an idiot and basically not being able to do anything wrong because this class is easier than a classic frostmage.

  3. #3
    Marauder, Archer and Pugilist.

  4. #4
    Mage because it's an iconic part of lore and Warcraft. It's been there since the early days of the franchise and the mages/Dalaran/Kirin Tor have always played key roles in the story of every Warcraft game and WoW expansion.
    In addition they have a wide array of tools and utilities as well as spec depth that sets apart the mediocre from the good and from the great. Traditionally has had the most devoted theory crafting community.

    Paladin is second to that, mostly for the same reasons, albeit the theory crafting circles are less scientific.
    Quote Originally Posted by munkeyinorbit View Post
    Blizzard do what the players want all the time.

  5. #5

    Has the best lore and best spell effects and best xmog possibilities

  6. #6
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Rogue due to a character formed around a few mechanics (Outlaw's use of guns) of the class in terms of roleplay and story, and I like to sneak around, be more tactical with my choices.

    Paladin, the longest favorite choice of mine, and still it. They have a great toolset for dealing with their business alone, or with a group. They are hybrids, so I have access to all roles of a group. And I do enjoy sword&shield gameplay. And they can be very fun.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  7. #7
    I generelly prefer the mage archetypes and magic/2h-melee hybrid classes like DK. Why? Dunno, it's a fantasy game. I can fire guns IRL (if I really wanted to, even here), same for swinging a sword. If I play fantasy I want to do cool shit.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  8. #8
    My favorite to play, strictly mechanically speaking, has typically been rogue over the years. I love being sneaky and controlling battles in any multiplayer game, so rogue is a pretty obvious choice, especially sub spec.

    Demon hunter is also quite fun in a more mindless, arcade game sort of way. I would actually say demon hunter is the most pure fun class to play, it just lacks so much in depth, not to mention skill play potential, that it has a hard time holding my interest for long, unlike rogue. I mained demon hunter when it was new, similar to death knight back in the day, but always end up returning to rogue when the new wears off. Especially when it comes to multiplayer, like battlegrounds and arena, or even ganking out in the world, I like rogue way more than anything else.

    Thematically rogue is pretty weak though, I tend to look more at the dark power classes for that. Death knight, demon hunter, warlock, shadow priest, and arguably sub rogue with its ambiguous shadow powers. I strongly prefer melee combat over casting though, and death knight is a bit too slow paced and clunky for me, so rogue or demon hunter wins, depending on my mood.

    If it must be narrowed to one though, I would go with rogue, since I have a much longer history with it, and feel more sense of identity with its playstyle. If one counts sub as having some sort of shadow magic, it easily wins all around for me. I just wish my daggers worked across all specs, and they all had more shadow visuals, not just sub.

  9. #9
    In theory, I like the Druid the best. Being able to shift into different forms is awesome. Being able to swap roles as needed to help out? Super cool. A class that has an actual identity complete with it's own area (a novelty pre-Legion) and kinship with others? Noice!

    It's just in practice, it's probably the class I've played the least. The mechanics just never really worked for me. For whatever reason, the playstyle is off in just about every role for what I find fun. Also, I find they really dropped the ball when it comes to customization and forms. Instead of having a ton if super cool options, it took forever for them to add any, and even now they remain shockingly limited.

    I love the class so much in theory, but the execution has always kept me away, which is kinda sad.

  10. #10

    Aesthetically and lore-wise, paladin.

    The Silver Hand has a pretty powerful story. An order of Light worshipping knight errants who protected the land. Then one of the members of their order turned to evil and brought about an apocalypse, wiping out most of the order and defiling their holy places. Worse, he has raised many as unholy warriors. The few who remain gallop across a ruined land, standing tall as the paragons of a lost age. Most institutional knowledge of the Light has been lost, but they carry it on in their hearts. They shall persevere. They shall stand. And they will rebuild a new glorious age.

    My only problem with Paladins is that I dislike the Holy Power mechanic that was added in Cata.

    Death Knights and Demon Hunters are also visually iconic, but I'm not really into their story.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Echocho View Post
    Marauder, Archer and Pugilist.
    Coming from WoW, I was sorta disappointed by the lack of distinctive aesthetics and story for FFXIV's jobs. I feel like the only really visually iconic FFXIV job that has some flavorful lore is Dragoon, with their lances, sleak spikey armor made from the blood of dragons, their anime super jump abilities, the lore about how there are only 10 of them, and how their leader is chosen by the gouged out eyeball of their kingdom's archnemesis.

    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2021-10-11 at 11:19 PM.

  11. #11
    Death knight, unholy spec to be specific, but frost is pretty fun to play as well.

  12. #12
    I have always favored Mage. Free food and drink, teleports, glass cannon, aoe (at least it used to be)

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Echocho View Post
    Marauder, Archer and Pugilist.
    Comes in with classes that don't exist in WoW. Brilliant.

  14. #14
    My favorite class has always been hunter ever since I made my first one back in vanilla. I was reading the little guide book that came with the game while it downloaded and loved the idea of taming beasts to travel and fight along side you. Then being like an archer using a bow and arrow sealed the deal further. I like feeling like an archer, but (I know, unpopular opinion) I've really enjoyed playing survival this expansion. It's different being up close and personal with your enemy while your pet is fighting next to you.

  15. #15
    Druid for me, even in vanilla it was fun being able to shapeshift even though you were kinda forced to heal, but honestly I started to love healing and it felt like the class just got better and better every expansion.

  16. #16
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Probably Priest, because the light/shadow duality they've always been built around has a lot of flavour, I love the 'evil priest' archetype. IMO the Legion rework of Shadow was an absolute disaster lore-wise.
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    Probably Priest, because the light/shadow duality they've always been built around has a lot of flavour, I love the 'evil priest' archetype. IMO the Legion rework of Shadow was an absolute disaster lore-wise.
    Ooooo, good point. I actually loved Shadow at one point. Was it the MoP era where you could get the Glyph that gave you ravens circling around you? That was seriously great stuff.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalocy Jim View Post
    This is not a pick my class thread, I just want to know what are your favorite classes and why!?
    For the longest time it was Paladin. I started mid-BC with a Paladin, and she's still my main. I played as Prot and Holy in BC with a little Ret on the side (Ret was my favourite, but not a lot of use for it then, especially Alliance-side), all three specs in Wrath (Ret as main spec), Ret and Prot in Cata and onwards (and a little Holy when needed and in arenas, but I've never really liked Holy post-Wrath). However, from the big ability trim in WoD onwards Paladins just haven't felt the same to me. Ret was good in Legion, fun in some ways, but the way mobility was treated spoiled it (and the 'solution' in SL of giving out conduits that make the pony stay a little longer don't really fix the problem, just paper it over a little). There's just something missing these days. I still like Pallies, my Pally is still me main, but the spark has gone.

    My current favourite class is Shaman. My Shaman is the second character I got to max level (in Wrath), and I played as Elemental and Resto then and ever since. Resto Shammie is my favourite healer, and I love the feel of Elemental's spells. I very much miss mobile Lightning Bolt casting and Gust of Wind, but it's still a great class. Well, aside from its historical tendency to be under-tuned, and its recent tendency to be awful to level because of doing no damage and lacking half its toolkit (thanks 'borrowed power'!).

    I don't actively dislike any class, but there are certainly some specs that I don't care for, that don't jell with me, or that I just don't like. I don't grok Frost Mage at all, for example, the modern Balanace doesn't work for me, and I actively dislike Holy Paladin.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by jellmoo View Post
    Ooooo, good point. I actually loved Shadow at one point. Was it the MoP era where you could get the Glyph that gave you ravens circling around you? That was seriously great stuff.
    I hate the way even cosmetic glyphs are so limited these days, compared to what they were.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalocy Jim View Post
    Comes in with classes that don't exist in WoW. Brilliant.
    Well you didn't specify that it had to be WoW

  20. #20
    Favorite: Hunter. I started WoW as a hunter and playing one is so comfortable to me. Easiest class and we get a lot of heat, but I'll never stop playing one.

    Least favorite: Mage. Too squishy. I'm a huge noob, and it can get really frustrating for me!

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