1. #20101
    Hmf...On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine..and it's been 3 months ongoing from what was initially touted as a conflict that won't last much longer than 3 days.

  2. #20102
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Hmf...On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine..and it's been 3 months ongoing from what was initially touted as a conflict that won't last much longer than 3 days.
    Nearly 30k dead ruzzki orcs. Shillcker: "everything is going as planned".

  3. #20103
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgarw View Post
    I hope no.
    If the discussion keep civil there is no reason to ban someone, russian or not.
    Also is very important in my opinion to try in some ways to understand their point of view (even if we not agree) and explain our.
    That's the essence of our democracy and the main difference with a regime like Russia where you can't even be against the war and said it loud
    If I started to post how purging jewish people from the face of the planet in death camps was a good thing, would you try to see my side of the matter instead of reporting me here/to police? Mind you, that kind of talk is punishable by law in many european countries for example.

    Funnily enough, that kind of talk is harshly punished, but this modern version of a purge is A-OKAY here. There is no room for tolerance for straight up 1000 word essays for nearly each and every post to misdirect, divert and outright lie in defence of a genocide.

    And a flood of disinformation is certainly not civil. Ever.
    Last edited by Saradain; 2022-05-28 at 12:26 PM.

  4. #20104
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Your news outlets were already saying "Russia is running out of missiles" back in March; missiles still fly to this day.

    Donbass is getting routed as we speak. Kherson and Melitopol are switching to roubles.

    Western help to Ukraine is laughable and makes no difference.
    Economy on the verge of defaulting, tens of thousands dead, equipment losses the country hasn't faced since WW2, all of it against a neighbor that any other western country would've crushed in a week if they'd wanted to.

    Literally invaded on 3 fronts and got held back.

    Kherson and Melitopol occupations will fail for the simple reason that Russia blew its load. They'd been relying on the fear of invasion by them to stop Ukraine from crushing the insurgency in Donbas already, now they have nothing to threaten them with. Are they going to invade again or make more hollow nuclear threats? Ukraine will fight until the end for their territory.

  5. #20105
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    And a flood of disinformation is certainly not civil. Ever.
    This. Even if we ignore all the rest of the bs and forum rule breaking, what defense is there for clear Kremlin propaganda to run on this site?

  6. #20106
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    This. Even if we ignore all the rest of the bs and forum rule breaking, what defense is there for clear Kremlin propaganda to run on this site?
    If one stays in character 100% of the time there is nothing that the mods can do.

  7. #20107
    Quote Originally Posted by Morgarw View Post
    I hope no.
    If the discussion keep civil there is no reason to ban someone, russian or not.
    Also is very important in my opinion to try in some ways to understand their point of view (even if we not agree) and explain our.
    That's the essence of our democracy and the main difference with a regime like Russia where you can't even be against the war and said it loud
    We've heard all we needed to hear at this point. There is nothing to be gained from tolerating their presence, tbh. Civil discussion includes having something to discuss. Making points, having arguments. Whatever you think is going on with those Putinistas, it's not a two-way conversation. It's not a discussion. It's them waiting for you to take a break to breathe so they can throw in their propaganda. And when you think you're retorting or presenting a counter argument, all they do is think about when your next pause is so they can throw in some more bullshit at you.

    This, is decidedly not a civil discussion. It's not a discussion at all. It's spam.
    Users with <20 posts and ignored shitposters are automatically invisible. Find out how to do that here and help clean up MMO-OT!
    PSA: Being a volunteer is no excuse to make a shite job of it.

  8. #20108
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    If one stays in character 100% of the time there is nothing that the mods can do.
    An opposing perspective should always be welcome. If for no other reason that it gives others someone to yell at.

  9. #20109
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    It is impossible to reform great powers from outside without defeat that can impose conditions on them. And MAD makes such defeat impossible in turn.

    So, yeah, you got to wait for reformer and sprinkle a lot of favors for decades before things turn around; negative sanctions simply never work if target isn't extremely eager to return to your "civilized family".

    So the only outcome in Ukraine is going to be conditions imposed upon it. And given Ukrainian losses - unless you see how it can turn things around - those conditions will get worse with each passing day as war continues.
    No, of course the fate of Ukraine will be decided on the battlefield, I wasn't talking about Ukraine at all. I was talking about Russian people remaining in Russia and not fleeing. These people, normal in other aspects, are now in their majority supporting murder and genocide of a neighboring nation, and are blaming problems created by their leaders on the imaginary entity called "West". Russian Federation was never a great power, Soviet Union was. But most Russians don't even think about that, they're in a delirious imperialistic enrage, and their problems will worsen until they calm down. But how will they do that? I don't see a realistic way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Ahm, as a German, Nazism is quite alive here, I have to (sadly) say. I mean, it's leagues away from what it was in the 30es, but, as Bertolt Brecht put it;

    "Der Schoß ist fruchtbar noch, aus dem das kroch."
    (The loins this spawned from are still fertile.)

    Agree with the peaceful and prosperous part, though. Still, things like that hardly die. They just crawl back for a while.
    Yes it's nearly impossible to kill an ideology, but there's a huge difference between a few fringe madmen who dream of genociding "wrong" people while everyone else views them as morons, and a whole nation where the genocidal ideology is official and people who disagree have to keep quiet or they get into trouble. Germany went from the latter to the former, but Russia is stuck for now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobleshield View Post
    It's not 2004. People have lives, jobs, families etc

  10. #20110
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    An opposing perspective should always be welcome. If for no other reason that it gives others someone to yell at.
    Sure, but let me yell at them without getting put on a timeout.

  11. #20111

  12. #20112
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Lol, maybe. That, or the kids they use are not indoctrinated enough to run to their deaths in a pointless war.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  13. #20113
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    So i guess they want to get rid of their old population so they wont have to pay for them not working due to age :P
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  14. #20114
    Quote Originally Posted by Yunru View Post
    So i guess they want to get rid of their old population so they wont have to pay for them not working due to age :P
    Ehh this is Russia, if they didn't want to pay them they'd just not pay, anyone.
    Kremlin: no no your son was not KIA, we have him as AWOL
    Parent: he was on the Moskva,
    Kremlin: we have him recorded as walking away from battle....
    Parent: it was a ship at sea???
    Kremlin: you ever hear about our Siberia vacation plan?

  15. #20115
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dadwen View Post
    Ehh this is Russia, if they didn't want to pay them they'd just not pay, anyone.
    Kremlin: no no your son was not KIA, we have him as AWOL
    Parent: he was on the Moskva,
    Kremlin: we have him recorded as walking away from battle....
    Parent: it was a ship at sea???
    Kremlin: you ever hear about our Siberia vacation plan?
    I actually would say that it is not exactly the case. Soldiers' Mothers is not exactly a powerless thing there, even courts prefer not to push their luck there.

    What is true that it would take for these mothers quite a bit to push through lies and half-truths to get what they should, some give up, but there is no Siberia vacation plan there - it's not something authorities want to mess with, they can't pull out a "traitor" card there without a major wave of rage.

    Basically given enough pushing, eventually authorities case by case decide it's not worth the savings and issues. That is how some soldiers get out of Ukraine as well, their parents push enough until it becomes not tenable to hold them.

  16. #20116

  17. #20117
    Quote Originally Posted by korijenkins View Post
    Economy on the verge of defaulting,
    No. There is steady flow of foreign currency due to energy sales - in fact Russia is getting record-high profits despite lower volumes, and Russia can pay every debt it owes (and it doesn't owe that much in the first place).

    US going "we'll not let Russia pay it's debts even thought it is perfectly capable and willing to do it from current account so that it defaults" is laughable.

    tens of thousands dead,
    Generally it's "tens of thousands losses" - that is, dead and wounded. Some of the wounded return to fight later; some don't. Oppositional outlets counting confirmed funerals from publicly available information - and it isn't hidden, really - get less then three thousands "confirmed dead" Russians.

    Ukrainians do not declare and underplay their losses for a reason - their army would already surrender if they could see real picture.

    Given Russian air, armor, and artillery superiority (even if it isn't total in every situation) and long-range missile strikes on Ukrainian barracks higher Ukrainian losses are natural. Sure, some Ukrainians can ambush convoys... and then they can also get obliterated by TOS-2 thermobaric explosives in their trenches and bunkers. You cannot win war by ambushes alone.

    equipment losses the country hasn't faced since WW2,
    Yes, major wars like that are fairly rare.
    Idiots at helm that refuse to acknowledge reality and let their country suffer trillions in damage over "principle" (and expecting West to foot restoration bill) is relatively new thing too.

    all of it against a neighbor that any other western country would've crushed in a week if they'd wanted to.
    You're selling 40+ million second-largest European country short. West couldn't do it in a week even against much smaller Iraq.

    Kherson and Melitopol occupations will fail for the simple reason that Russia blew its load. They'd been relying on the fear of invasion by them to stop Ukraine from crushing the insurgency in Donbas already, now they have nothing to threaten them with. Are they going to invade again or make more hollow nuclear threats? Ukraine will fight until the end for their territory.
    Yes, Western willingness for Ukraine "to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian" is well-known.

    But if Russia is spent, where do you think Ukrainian strength was concentrated, most capable units and best defenses? In Donbass - being crushed from the start of this "special military operation".
    Ukrainian forces are so spent they have to send "territorial defense" units to front lines there without any training - units that flee or surrender en masse.

  18. #20118
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
    Smells like desperation.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  19. #20119
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Smells like desperation.
    Those gitz need to get the boyz all together in one space-like for em to get caught up propa in the WAAAGH!
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  20. #20120
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
    Well, I suppose the concepts of rape, theft and murder are quickly taught.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

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