That "story" was a video. You can see the bombs in the river, the explosions in the fields. Farming equipment hit by shells and bullets. Halls with the equipment being bombed and half destroyed. This was in Mykolajiw
I wonder what you are trying to say though. You still didn't adress what you think about Russia bombnig the theatre that killed up to 600 civilians btw. Are you trying to say they shoot their own equipment for fun or something? Are you still trying to paint a picture that russia isn't blocking grain and ports? Even though they themselves load and ship it out of Ukraine?
Why don't you just disappear from here? Everyone hates you anyway - what's your purpose?
What do you even mean when you say that Farms seem to be working fine in occupied areas around Kherson?
It took me 5 seconds to google that this isn't the case. And we aren't talking about a loss of 10-20% efficiency here. They are killing their own cows to get something to eat for their employees because they get absolutely no support in occupied Kherson. They don't get anything to feed the cattle with either. And the russian army seizes diesel, so they can't even properly use their equipment.