So we should just sit back while Russia rolls over eastern Europe?
In the end, the West should just drop Russia as a partner, sanctions are a part of that.
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lol unreal, you on this same page had posts going "we should have"
Still waiting for why this year has almost passed, the 100.000+ killed Russian soldiers sources.
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No they did not. You're fucking obsessed with nukes.
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Till August 10th, the advantage of coal is how much easier it is to transport and store.
You're loosing your prime gas customer faster and you'll loose out on the coal exports by 10th of August.
I'm sure you realise what faster means, no one is expcting fossil fuels to be a thing of the past this decade or next, Russian imports will however be.
Yeah they did. I have a citation on hand but the fact they haven’t despite multiple sky attacks from Ukraine already going into their oil depots and weapon facilities makes it seem like it’s just bluffing.
Russia explicitly said any attack on their soil would be violating their sovereignty and that they would have no choice. Zelenksy is trying to maintain plausible deniability of any internal attacks and keep it a defensive war because of nuclear retaliation.
No they did not. Even if they said something about it, it wasn't about nukes.
It was about nukes. My citation source is Dmitry Medvedev, a person important in Russian politics.
And what’s more, we need to stop denying the existence and threat of Russia’s nuclear arsenal because we and they all know that is what is holding everything together. You don’t have to be descriptive and just state that without nukes, this terrible genocide war would already be over. Ukraine would be at their doorstep. But the presence of nukes means they can never mount an offensive, which greatly hinders their chances of coming out on top.
And the presence of nukes means we can’t shoot them down for violating our air space among other petty but grave grievances; they can enforce a food blockade, and get away with all kinds of other evil shit like ethnic genocide. If they didn’t have nukes, do you think we would just be laying out ineffectual sanctions and call them mean words? No, we would decimate them from where they live. Don’t forget Ukraine isn’t the only nation Russia has wronged, they’ve assassinated and destabilized countless regions including America.
Just please acknowledge how much Russia being a nuclear power enables an otherwise worthless empire of depravity.
Last edited by YUPPIE; 2022-06-22 at 09:15 AM.
The drone in the video doesn't match Ukraine's main drones. If it was Ukraine though, Russian defences are inept to allow a large, slow drone that far into Russia in the middle of the day during a war to hit vital infrastructure.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Reality is that Yuppie probably is too young, to realise that it’s a waste of time to worry about shit you cant influence or control.
Last edited by Makabreska; 2022-06-22 at 10:20 AM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
What? That makes no sense and is once again another attempt at obfuscation.
People are willing to endure hardships because they do not have a choice thanks to Russia's actions and they see that whatever hardship they face it is nothing compared to misery and suffering your country has wrought upon Ukraine.
Aw, poor, poor Russia they just can't catch a break, can they? Can't a country go and commit genocide and war crimes on an industrial scale without people getting all uppity?!?
Are you for real? No-one is doing the same as Russia. The fact that you are again cheerleading the actions of your country and boasting that you are willing to enjoy hardships in order for them to continue to slaughter, rape and/or kidnap innocent Ukrainians is absolutely vile.
So I read that a Turkish ship is sailing from Mariupol after discussions between Turkey and Russia about cereals. I am wondering if it is full or not, full of cereals ? But to whom will the sales of those cereals will benefit ? Ukraine or Russia ? If the latter, can we say that Turkey is helping Russia pillage Ukraine ?