1. #21881
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    "Technically" they did not break their word as they did not gave their word about that. It is more about cynism. We should have expected them to act like that (I did at least).
    Yeah, following the letter of the agreement, not the spirit. I usually feel that following the letter is best as then you can't claim opposing interpretations of the spirit, but this is of course pretty blegh.

    meanwhile, in the east

    I'm SURE nothing is going to happen with other invasions but this does sound familiar.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2022-07-26 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #21882
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I'm SURE nothing is going to happen with other invasions but this does sound familiar.
    That is more to show "might" toward China, so China do not get tempted to do a special border moving operation.

  3. #21883
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
    That is more to show "might" toward China, so China do not get tempted to do a special border moving operation.
    Russia shown plenty of this "might" during their inept Ukraine invasion. Entire world was watching. Regardless, not sure if China is even considering any move like that. What would they gain from it? Peaceful, willing Russia vassalization is ongoing anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Hey wtf I feel attacked
    Serves you right, playing OP specs.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2022-07-26 at 08:42 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  4. #21884
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Russia shown plenty of this "might" during their inept Ukraine invasion. Entire world was watching. Regardless, not sure if China is even considering any move like that. What would they gain from it? Peaceful, willing Russia vassalization is ongoing anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Serves you right, playing OP specs.
    To be fair...russia might look like a softer target right now than Taiwan, but realistically, with what does russia intend to have a big exercise? Reportedly 85% of the ground forces are in Ukraine, so are these the new conscripts? The "volunteer" battalions? Withdrawn units from Ukraine? What?

  5. #21885
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    To be fair...russia might look like a softer target right now than Taiwan, but realistically, with what does russia intend to have a big exercise? Reportedly 85% of the ground forces are in Ukraine, so are these the new conscripts? The "volunteer" battalions? Withdrawn units from Ukraine? What?
    Likely just trying to convince the rest of the world that they have the capacity to worry about more than just the failing Ukraine invasion. But as with any other Russian lie, no one will believe them.

  6. #21886
    The bridge at Kherson copped another battering last night - at least a dozen strikes hit it.

    Hasn't been destroyed, but Russian sources are now saying it is out of action for all traffic and the Russians are setting up pontoons and ferries to cross the river now.

    There are only two bridges across the Dneiper supplying all the Russians across it, this one and another 100 miles away at Nova Kharkova, which has also been damaged (but remains mostly useable).

  7. #21887
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Russia shown plenty of this "might" during their inept Ukraine invasion. Entire world was watching. Regardless, not sure if China is even considering any move like that. What would they gain from it? Peaceful, willing Russia vassalization is ongoing anyway.
    I think long term this is probably the scariest geopolitical consequence of this moronic invasion. Europe needed to break from Russian fossil fuels anyway and the only reason Russia dared to do this invasion is how Europe reacted in 2014 and the fact that no one (and not just Germany) made any effort to break their dependance on Russian fossil fuels; this had to happen and will just be expedited.

    No the biggest issue is that Russia is building an increasing dependence on China. While yes, the Belt and Road initiative would corrode resistance in Europe, especially southern Europe, to China, by far the biggest target was always Russia. In the game of peripheries China has long been blocked by strong US (and to a lesser extend European) connections in SE Asia, Korea and Japan and a close to adversarial relation with India. Russia was always the closest, most lucrative and weakest target. A weakened and belligerent Russia is also unnerving its allies in Central Asia who may well turn to China.

  8. #21888
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    The bridge at Kherson copped another battering last night - at least a dozen strikes hit it.

    Hasn't been destroyed, but Russian sources are now saying it is out of action for all traffic and the Russians are setting up pontoons and ferries to cross the river now.

    There are only two bridges across the Dneiper supplying all the Russians across it, this one and another 100 miles away at Nova Kharkova, which has also been damaged (but remains mostly useable).

    I dunno...that looks like it might actually be down, see that blackened area? The other crossing at Nova Kharkova is also a dam isn't it? that's gonna take a lot more to crack but if the Ukranians brought the bridge near Kherson down then the russian position will quickly become very problematic.

    I hadn't seen this yet:

    Doctors rushed to putin

    Unconfirmed reports of course but several outlets are reporting it. The medical crisis allegedly lasted 3 hours. In light of the recent events after putin's return from Iran it's not impossible.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2022-07-27 at 09:16 AM.

  9. #21889
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post

    Doctors rushed to putin

    Unconfirmed reports of course but several outlets are reporting it. The medical crisis allegedly lasted 3 hours. In light of the recent events after putin's return from Iran it's not impossible.
    'The Independent could not verify the claims made by the Telegram channel, which is purportedly run by a former Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) lieutenant general, using the pseudonym “Viktor Mikhailovich”.

    The channel also claimed that in the coming weeks Mr Putin “will be replaced by a double” and even that deep-fake technology could be used for upcoming events.'

    lol qanon stuff

  10. #21890
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    'The Independent could not verify the claims made by the Telegram channel, which is purportedly run by a former Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) lieutenant general, using the pseudonym “Viktor Mikhailovich”.

    The channel also claimed that in the coming weeks Mr Putin “will be replaced by a double” and even that deep-fake technology could be used for upcoming events.'

    lol qanon stuff
    And yet, the russian news did acknowledge some health issues last week with putin. While I don't really think the telegram channel is reliable as such, there might be a kernel of truth here. Put it like this, I would not be surprised if it was real, at the same time I think people should make up their own minds about this. Soo take it with a grain of salt if you must, I know I will entertain the possibility while not getting my hopes up.

    If it's true then one of these days we'll find out, won't we?

    As an aside, putin wouldn't be the first to use doubles, and deep fake is a thing so I'm not sure how that would diminish the credibility here.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2022-07-27 at 10:05 AM.

  11. #21891
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post

    I dunno...that looks like it might actually be down, see that blackened area? The other crossing at Nova Kharkova is also a dam isn't it? that's gonna take a lot more to crack but if the Ukranians brought the bridge near Kherson down then the russian position will quickly become very problematic.
    That image appears to be photoshopped. It just doesn't match the video that has come out showing the damage. Not that what has been done is minor. No one is driving over that anytime soon.
    Last edited by Corvus; 2022-07-27 at 12:21 PM.

  12. #21892
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    You jest, but from what I hear Shoigu does do shamanic rituals...rumours, obviously, but still.
    Whether or not true, Russians have certainly been joking about it.

    Here are some frames from a rather... interesting comic found at superputin.ru.

    I assume Putin, Yeltsin and Shoigu need no introduction. The bear is Medvedev (medved' = bear).

    The comic even has episodes of Putin in Azeroth! (Of course he's a troll.)

  13. #21893
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    That image appears to be photoshopped. It just doesn't match the video that has come out showing the damage. Not that what has been done is minor. No one is driving over that anytime soon.
    in your link they are indeed talking abut it, I'm not sure though. In any case that bridge won't stay up for long if it gets hit again. So the russians are now facing a dillema, run while they can or face being cut off.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2022-07-27 at 01:18 PM.

  14. #21894
    Russian economy stronk? Not everyone thinks so.

  15. #21895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Russian economy stronk? Not everyone thinks so.
    Yup. They can keep huffing and puffing, but this is what you get when you turn your country into a giant gas station towards one part of the world and then suddenly stop having your stuff bought. Putler had all the power and tools to modernize Russia during 20y, but alas, his KGB impregnated brain told him it's better to hold a fuel gun and threaten rest of the world with it. Now he, and Russia, are fucked.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2022-07-27 at 02:47 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  16. #21896
    saw Shoigu said 'soon there will be the Soviet Union again and we will again live in peace' lmao these fucking boomers man. get off the planet.

  17. #21897
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    saw Shoigu said 'soon there will be the Soviet Union again and we will again live in peace' lmao these fucking boomers man. get off the planet.
    Hey, if they want to make a Neo-Soviet Union WITHIN the borders of the russian federation and with Belarus I frankly don't give a shit. If they however want to spread beyond that then they shouldn't be allowed to do that, unless a country voluntarily applies, which is doubtful. I realize that's a pipe dream but if that were to happen I'd really not care.

  18. #21898
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Hey, if they want to make a Neo-Soviet Union WITHIN the borders of the russian federation and with Belarus I frankly don't give a shit. If they however want to spread beyond that then they shouldn't be allowed to do that, unless a country voluntarily applies, which is doubtful. I realize that's a pipe dream but if that were to happen I'd really not care.
    They could use Socialism In One Country as a slogan for it, just for old time's sake.

    Should make them all proper nostalgic.

  19. #21899
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    "Washington (CNN)After months of internal debate, the Biden administration has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker serving a 25-year US prison sentence, as part of a potential deal to secure the release of two Americans held by Russia, Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan, according to people briefed on the matter."


  20. #21900
    Quote Originally Posted by Kreuger View Post
    "Washington (CNN)After months of internal debate, the Biden administration has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker serving a 25-year US prison sentence, as part of a potential deal to secure the release of two Americans held by Russia, Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan, according to people briefed on the matter."

    interesting who hes in the can with :


    Hale was convicted of soliciting the murder of a federal judge in Chicago. In 2005, a court sentenced him to 40 years in prison. White was convicted of soliciting a hit online against a juror in Hale’s murder trial and was sentenced in 2013 to 42 months behind bars. He had time added to his sentence after being convicted of an attempt to extort money from his ex-wife and making threats against Florida officials.

    Cantwell’s association with Hale and White was previously mentioned in a Raw Story report, citing public court documents filed by the plaintiffs in the Charlottesville case. But it was through Smith and other public court documents that BuzzFeed News has learned more about his legal studies while incarcerated.

    Smith said he was housed with Cantwell, several other white supremacists, and a whole host of people whom he described as the “who’s who of people the US government didn’t like.” They included Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who sent explosives to Trump critics and prominent Democrats and received a 20-year prison sentence, and Viktor Bout, the notorious Russian arms dealer known as the “merchant of death” who’s serving a 25-year term for conspiring to sell weapons to terrorists internationally.

    Smith was a US Army soldier stationed at Fort Riley and associated with an international neo-Nazi group in September 2019 when he was arrested and charged with distributing instructions on how to make bombs and improvised napalm. Prosecutors also accused him of plotting attacks on journalists and politicians, but later dropped the charges. He later pleaded guilty to the explosives charges and spent two years in federal prison, much of that time at Marion. He was released on Oct. 13, 2021, and ordered to spend a month in a halfway house in South Carolina.

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