Well, guess morale is reaching breaking point then
Well, guess morale is reaching breaking point then
There is a reason that the Chechens are reportedly being used as good old fashioned soviet-style blocking units.
And more on the traffic jam - a russian colonist crying as they flee. Interestingly, part of the problem seems to be that the authorities are searching the cars. Got to wonder what that is for, unless it is a good old fashioned shake down.
That's the rumour, yes. The Chechens have been deployed on the east side of the Dnieper near Kherson to stop Russian troops on the west side from retreating.
That's telling though, I'm guessing they need just a little push to turn on the Chechens, which would be bad news for Kadyrov. If/when Kherson is liberated Ukraine might be looking at a lot of POWs, and a lot of dead Chechens, not necessarily by Ukrainian hands.
So called DNR is now just going through homes looking for men to impress as artillery fodder. Grabbing anyone they find off the street is no longer enough. I hope Cynep is safe.![]()
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It's speculated the attack on the airbase wasn't a missile strike, but Ukrainian SOF, so they may be looking for them.
The discourse days later is still no one can confidently tell how the Ukrainians pulled it off.
Uh...I feel like we were joking about Russia replicating their WWII strategies of throwing bodies at their enemy until they run out of bullets. It wasn't supposed to be a prediction.
Grains of salt, but man if this is true Russia really is going all-in to the point where they're setting themselves up for future disaster. In addition to the current disaster.
This isn't helping russia's demographics for sure. Those will implode in the coming years.
Sweden extradites a man to Turkey
I mean, that only really worked in WW2 because Germany was fighting a two-front war and had unwisely chosen to pursue Russia into the Russian heartland during a crushing winter.
Ukraine isn't fighting anyone else... much to the contrary they're receiving active support from nations all too eager to give them weapons to blow up the Russians with. And they have no intent on pursuing Russia back across the border.
But speaking of WW2 strategies, I don't imagine that Russia will fare particularly well if/when they find themselves facing those same winters that saved them from Germany. If they're having difficulties supplying their troops now, I can only imagine the rude situation they'll find themselves in when they need those supplies... to keep from freezing to death.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Russia is desperate for bodies, hence the pressgangs going after anyone who can stand on two legs. Though you have to wonder why those doing the pressganging aren't off fighting themselves. And it is why Russia throwing the undermanned, barely trained 'volunteer' units straight into the front line.
Meanwhile, Turkey and Khazahstan have just signed a military intelligence sharing protocol, and Russia isn't happy. (But when are they?) As a member of CSTO, Khazakhstan has intelligence that would be sensitive to the Russian and they fear it could be sent to Turkey, who would share it with the rest of NATO.
There is more going on than that - it is a continuation of Khazakhstan's efforts to break free from Russia, while it is weak. And it seems to be part of Turkey's efforts to forge some kind of pan-Turkic grouping. They already have close ties to Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, so adding Khazakstan to that would further that aim.
Turkey has been building (very successfully) a pan Turkic group for a while now cosying up to the central asian republics plus Azerbaijan. This has actually been one of the smart things the country has been doing and one of the reasons central asia is slipping out of Russia's influence over the past few years. (It's going slow but I think it's more the whole slow boil a frog thing and being done deliberately that way)
Generally I'm more surprised the PRC hasn't been pushing harder into the region, basically as a boss move to Putin telling him that it's China's hemesphere now not Russia's, I know Xi wants cordial relations but at the same time China does want its own sphere of influence too and there are many resources to be exploited in the area.
China has been investing a lot in the central asian region as it is crucial for their belt and road system. Russia badly weakening itself is likely to speed up loosing its influence, though how its pans out between China and Turkey might be interesting.
Better post this one before our resident geopolitical NOOOOOOOKES expert makes a return.
Kremlin propagandist Solovyev has reacted badly to the idea of the EU denying visas to Russians saying it is a direct entry into the war, that it is a threat to the existence of Russia and may lead to a preventative nuclear strike.
Last edited by Corvus; 2022-08-12 at 05:01 AM.