Russia is ready to arm its allies
I'm not sure I'd take it, not even if they paid me to and the question is also: WHICH weapons?
Russia is ready to arm its allies
I'm not sure I'd take it, not even if they paid me to and the question is also: WHICH weapons?
Last edited by Iphie; 2022-08-15 at 03:39 PM.
Reddit, so grains of salt on the source but...uh...I don't think the helmets the Russian soldiers are apparently being sent to war with will do very much. Given the damage sustained from an admittedly very large man punching it, I'm questionable that it would effective for anything. Doesn't seem like it would protect against any kind of puncturing, and I also don't think it'll be very effective against hard blunt-force hits, either.
Like, this guys helmet seems like it would be more useful in war than this piece of metal -
It's pointless trying to explain this stuff to some people. I'm still trying to explain to people who live in my politically red area why covid resulted in help wanted signs and poor service everywhere, but as soon as they hear someone say "people are too lazy to work these days" it's like the light inside their brain shuts off.
This one slipped by, but with the airfield strike the other day, Russia has hit 50 confirmed plane losses. 51 to date to be exact. Plus 51 helicopters and over 100 drones. And confirmed tank losses have hit 950. It will only be a short while until they have had 1000 confirmed tank losses. Actual numbers will be higher.
Despite the evidence of it littering the Ukrainian countryside, Putin says Russian arms are 'significantly superior' to that of its rivals, years ahead technologically. The cope levels are approaching that of end of WW2 Germany with their belief in new wunderwaffe that would change the course of the war. More proof? They have unveiled plans for a new spacestation to rival the ISS.
Last edited by Corvus; 2022-08-16 at 12:59 AM.
Got to admire the sense of humour from the Ukrainians - their Defence Intelligence has given an award to the Russian journalist who accidently revealed the location of the Wagnerite headquarters.
And they're now doing the, "And Russian women will bear more sons" bit too? Fuckin wild how quickly history seems to repeat itself in Russia.
This 3-day special operation keeps getting worse all the time.
Honestly I wouldn't even trust the Russia government to pay up, because that's at minimum what, 100 +12 month investment if you're speed running that shit like a madwoman? Lot of expenses in the interim on top of that and I don't think the $16K is gonna quite cover of that at all even with lower cost of living. Seems like a losing investment on all sides, it's a bad deal ladies. Unless you just wanna have 10 kids, then slay queen. But otherwise definitely a bad deal. I wouldn't even expect the Russian government to have liquidity that far out at the rate things are going.
How is Putin making boasts of arming other terrorist states right now if the news media always claims he's losing most of his equipment and forces in Ukraine?
russians really ought to quit smoking
"No serious casualties", uh-huh.
It was another impressive special smoking operation. Lots of cook offs.
And HIMARS has hit another base - this one apparently a SOF one.
Russia is also hosting its annual arms expo - Army 2022. They have a habit of trotting out wunderwaffe that never ends up being built. This one had a robodog carrying a rocketlauncher. The problem with it? Its actually a chinese robot that can be bought on Alibaba.
The robot dog reminded me of a soviet WW2 tactic that backfired big time.
The Soviets were teaching dogs to run under tanks so they'd run under German tanks and the explosives they carried would be set off. But for many reasons it was just a terrible idea.
One reason vein Soviet tanks used diesel, Germans Petrol, so dogs trained were used to diesel smell and ran to soviet tanks, not German