well, something people are overlooking though: the fact these *exists* this cabal of psychofucks that demand an "all-out war." Doesn't that say to you people that it's not going to be a good thing or relief if Putin dies? Like people are just ITCHING now for him to finally bite it, but this just screams that once he does, Russia is going to divide into little warlord states and cause chaos everywhere in much worse ways.
There was even a Pentagon headline recently that told the world to "brace for the collapse of Russia."
Because that's what dictators HAVE to do. To appear strong lest they lose their position. What, did you expect Putin to cry a bit, ask for forgiveness and just withdraw from Ukraine? Besides, he's probably STILL fed sweetened lies by his generals since they prefer to not fall off a window.
These "cabals" exist in every single country. Groups of people who want anarchy/war/destruction of people/minorities/goverment.
Russia in it's united "glory" can't beat Ukraine, but you think divided russian states can? Some provinces probably have far less weapons than others, they'd probably try to restore Russia to absorb the lesser russian states. They will not have the strenght, time or capability to harass other nations in that case. And an empire without cohesion and a chain of command, is just like that - warring tribes with no threat to outside world.
These warring tribes also would require the launch codes and understanding that if they use the said nukes, they will be wiped out. Do you even think the said small warlords would even KNOW where these weapons are stored? And that they can find them, restore them for usage?
A new neo-states of former Russia definitely have other problems than threatening with nukes when they are tiny and fragile with no clear future.
1) pretty sure people unanimously agree Russians are fucking insane so rationality wouldn't be considered. I mean,small warlords no less, are not known for being sane or ethical.
2) unless you suggest Putin is the one holds these secrets in his mind as the singular authority, I am sure these warlords would be made up of people involved in Russia's deepest internal state of affairs; i.e, people that would be very much in the know and actually hold these codes.
I'm not advocating for nukes. I'm just saying people shouldn't be so excited about Putin dying off with all this in mind. Russia as an anarchy state would not be easily containable like people assume, especially when considers Putin does not have any succession plans in mind, since his own death is something he does not consider reality.
Last edited by YUPPIE; 2022-09-17 at 04:34 PM.
The best solution would be Putin gets to retire and the Russian government pretends that this was all him but I doubt that's possible Russia seem to have cross the rubicon. The US will never remove the sanctions since their goal isn't really peace and the seizure of their assets means they would never go back to the way it was.
Yeah. I've met people on the "if Ukraine had just surrendered almost nobody would have died and we'd have peace again" train. And I'm like wtf dude if ruSSia would have gotten away with Ukraine a couple years later they would invade the next country. Ukraine fights for all of Europe and I'm sad that not enough people see that.