1. #27521
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    What happens in Russia if you decline the army invitation to enlist and just stay home ignoring it?
    You get arrested, and deployed anyway, since they are doing it to their prisoners.

  2. #27522
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    What happens in Russia if you decline the army invitation to enlist and just stay home ignoring it?
    Arrested and marched to a recruiting office.

    If you protest and not on the mobilization list, you get arrested and given your notice papers. If you're very (un)lucky you might get shoved into Wagner, where the pay is better but the chances of death are much higher.

  3. #27523
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    Arrested and marched to a recruiting office.

    If you protest and not on the mobilization list, you get arrested and given your notice papers. If you're very (un)lucky you might get shoved into Wagner, where the pay is better but the chances of death are much higher.
    They enlist randos to Wagner? Wasn't this group supposed to be at least a little bit more elite?
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-01-13 at 07:06 AM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  4. #27524
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They enlist randos to Wagner? Wasn't this group supposed to be more elite?
    Wanker SS gets paid per each piece of meat they send to the frontlines. What do you think the higher ups will go for, training fewer elite troops, or shipping every single person they get their hands on to the frontline?

  5. #27525
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They enlist randos to Wagner? Wasn't this group supposed to be at least a little bit more elite?
    Wanker SS is conscripting out of prisons in Russia for suicidal attacks near Bakhmut, but that doesn't necessarily equate to that they're committing the part of their forces that's at least in theory supposed to be more "well trained" in that same fashion.

    Their involvement in this war hasn't put a pause to what they're doing elsewhere, E.G being war criminals and general shitstains in Africa.

  6. #27526
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zealo View Post
    E.G being war criminals and general shitstains in Africa.
    This in particular makes African support for russia so galling, "They've not colonised us", bitch please, what do you think Wagner is doing?

  7. #27527
    Can these mobiks guys who are placed into trenches kill anything? what is their job and why are they calling them mobilized? On every video they seem to die en masse without doing anything

  8. #27528
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    Can these mobiks guys who are placed into trenches kill anything? what is their job and why are they calling them mobilized? On every video they seem to die en masse without doing anything
    They have pretty good kill ratio when looking at suicide statistics.

  9. #27529
    There are two parts to the Wanker SS. The first are the actual mercenaries, thought to number about 10,000. Mostly former military with some training. A lot are off playing Belgians in the Congo down in Africa, guarding the Prigs gold and diamond mines. Those in Ukraine are in the more specialist roles; armour, air, artillery.

    The rest are the forcibly conscripted prisoners. They had numbered up to 40,000 but most are now gone. This thread of russian sources talks of the Wankers needing 25-30,000 new bodies to replace losses, but the flow from prisons has dried up - word has got back its a death sentence and they arent signing up anymore. They hope to raise penal battalions of refusniks in their place.

  10. #27530
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    Can these mobiks guys who are placed into trenches kill anything? what is their job and why are they calling them mobilized? On every video they seem to die en masse without doing anything
    lots of the mobiks arent being used yet (or new conscripts 150kish being saved for a potential spring offensive). A few got thrown at the lines that needed shoring up and they have held.

    its mainly wagner guys and whatever is left of the DNR/LNR forces going into the grinder. And they are at least achieving parity in terms of killing ukranians (largely seems to be artillery doing the numbers)

  11. #27531
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    Can these mobiks guys who are placed into trenches kill anything? what is their job and why are they calling them mobilized? On every video they seem to die en masse without doing anything
    The wonder of guns, even completely untrained your a squeeze of the trigger and some luck away from killing a soldier with decades worth of training.

    Which is why modern military tactics exist and why progress is slow.
    They are not doing nothing, they are doing what they are supposed to do. Buy time.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  12. #27532
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    Can these mobiks guys who are placed into trenches kill anything? what is their job and why are they calling them mobilized? On every video they seem to die en masse without doing anything
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    The wonder of guns, even completely untrained your a squeeze of the trigger and some luck away from killing a soldier with decades worth of training.

    Which is why modern military tactics exist and why progress is slow.
    They are not doing nothing, they are doing what they are supposed to do. Buy time.
    This. While it's possible they'll all just be wiped off the map by vastly superior equipment and support, there's always a chance that guy with a gun can take out an enemy. That's why they use mass numbers, because eventually that chance adds up. It's unlikely to do much more than stall in this case, as Gorsameth here said, but they're desperate.

  13. #27533
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    This. While it's possible they'll all just be wiped off the map by vastly superior equipment and support, there's always a chance that guy with a gun can take out an enemy. That's why they use mass numbers, because eventually that chance adds up. It's unlikely to do much more than stall in this case, as Gorsameth here said, but they're desperate.
    I know Stalin said: "Quantity has a quality all of its own", but most analysts and experts are not really adhering to that anymore.

    Sure they'll do something but in a battlefield where St. HIMARS exists that quantity is relatively meaningless.

  14. #27534
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I know Stalin said: "Quantity has a quality all of its own", but most analysts and experts are not really adhering to that anymore.

    Sure they'll do something but in a battlefield where St. HIMARS exists that quantity is relatively meaningless.
    You are absolutely correct. As technology continues to advance, quantity that doesn't try keeping up with quality will eventually become pointless. The HIMARS aren't even the only example I'd use, another would be effective range of rifles and power of scopes. If your enemy can completely out-range you, then your numbers really don't matter.

  15. #27535
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    You are absolutely correct. As technology continues to advance, quantity that doesn't try keeping up with quality will eventually become pointless. The HIMARS aren't even the only example I'd use, another would be effective range of rifles and power of scopes. If your enemy can completely out-range you, then your numbers really don't matter.
    Unless Russans start to blow up satelites. No gps = no rockets that can target you.

    There is a good chance that russans will start using old katjusas and their ammo once they run out of high tech stuff and those can be realy hard to shot down due to mass. While short range, they can still cause a huge damage to structures and power grid.
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  16. #27536
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They enlist randos to Wagner? Wasn't this group supposed to be at least a little bit more elite?
    They have "elite" troops, but they're not wasting them in Ukraine. That's what CAR and other places are for. Keep your best in lower intensity conflict zones for then the push for power comes.

  17. #27537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunru View Post
    Unless Russans start to blow up satelites. No gps = no rockets that can target you.

    There is a good chance that russans will start using old katjusas and their ammo once they run out of high tech stuff and those can be realy hard to shot down due to mass. While short range, they can still cause a huge damage to structures and power grid.
    I'm pretty sure blowing up the satellites of another country would count as an act of war.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  18. #27538
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    I'm pretty sure blowing up the satellites of another country would count as an act of war.
    I dont think Putin cares any more .
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  19. #27539
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunru View Post
    I dont think Putin cares any more .
    I think he actually does. I don't think he is dumb enough to trigger a global conflict. Russian "might" was fully exposed in the past year. All he now has are threats that are being treated less an less seriously.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-01-13 at 11:08 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  20. #27540
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    I'm pretty sure blowing up the satellites of another country would count as an act of war.
    I'm also pretty sure that only China has, so far, shown the capability of actually hitting a satellite in orbit. I'm ALMOST certain russia cannot pull it off.

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