1. #28101
    yeah it's "debatable" alright, but with how you worded it, it's not like the Russians for the most part are sympathetic either.

    The citizens of Iran are to be admired in contrast. Like they're getting slaughtered, raped, and tortured by the hundreds daily by their sick government, but they're still fighting. That's who people compare the Russian citizens to with their apathy.

  2. #28102
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    yeah it's "debatable" alright, but with how you worded it, it's not like the Russians for the most part are sympathetic either.

    Russian's are just surrealy apathetic.

  3. #28103
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I refuse to believe that this is the state of russian rescue "technology".

    It's an old video, unfortunately. Would be pretty funny if this was today's new invention.

  4. #28104
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post

    Russian's are just surrealy apathetic.
    I MYSELF can find it understandable though. Most people don't want to be tortured and killed, which is what these authoritarian regimes are all about with dissent.

    That explains their apathy, but it completely betrays the Russian ideals of strength and taking shit from no one.

  5. #28105
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    I MYSELF can find it understandable though. Most people don't want to be tortured and killed, which is what these authoritarian regimes are all about with dissent.

    That explains their apathy, but it completely betrays the Russian ideals of strength and taking shit from no one.
    I don't understand why you keep hyping Russia up as this super amazing country that doesn't take crap from anyone. Did you want to move there? Are you too poor to afford it so you have to live there vicariously through the news?

  6. #28106
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calfredd View Post
    I don't understand why you keep hyping Russia up as this super amazing country that doesn't take crap from anyone. Did you want to move there? Are you too poor to afford it so you have to live there vicariously through the news?
    nah.... he saw movies....... and played games where russia was the "stronkest"

  7. #28107
    Quote Originally Posted by Calfredd View Post
    I don't understand why you keep hyping Russia up as this super amazing country
    never did. I prop up Russia as fearsome or something to be feared

    Quote Originally Posted by Calfredd View Post
    that doesn't take crap from anyone
    When I said "ideals," well I mean that is Russia at its core and few will really object to it especially now. They take shit from no one (i.e I beat you up for looking at me wrong) and, more relevantly, think they can take whatever they want if they are stronger.

    Remember they rolled up to Ukraine thinking it would be easy pickings because of their supposed vastly superior strength to the "little guys."

    Update on the "little guys" talk: Russia has threatened to destroy Moldova, warning them of the same price Zelenksy has paid.

    Two influential Russian lawmakers warned on January 24 that Moldova considering Nato membership “may lead to its destruction”, after another Russian senator said the day before that President Maia Sandu risks repeating the 'suicidal policy' of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

    The statements were prompted by Moldovan President Maia Sandu telling Politico that her country may seek membership of “a larger defence alliance” in order to consolidate its security. Moscow’s vehement objection to Ukraine joining Nato was one of the reasons for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year. Like Ukraine, Moscow considers Moldova to be part of its sphere of influence.

    Sandu and other members of the pro-EU authorities have emphasised recently that Moldova’s military neutrality, enshrined in its constitution, shouldn’t impede the development of defence capacities.

    Moldova lies on Ukraine’s western border, and part of the country is occupied by Russia-backed separatists, making it highly vulnerable to spillovers from the war in the neighbouring country. Several Russian missiles have crossed or crashed onto its territory since the start of the war.

    'Usually, we react to actions. Moldova has upset us lately with a series of its decisions,' Svetlana Zhurova, a member of President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party and first vice-president of the State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee, told Vedomosti.
    I remember when this issue was raised several months ago, you guys expressed complete disbelief Russia could do anything to Moldova though.
    Last edited by YUPPIE; 2023-01-26 at 07:43 PM.

  8. #28108
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Well, why didn't anyone say that this is all that was needed?!


    Follow-up question: Why hasn't Trump just...made the call, then?

  9. #28109
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    never did. I prop up Russia as fearsome or something to be feared.
    And I think the last several months have demonstrated how thoroughly false this is.

  10. #28110
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    I remember when this issue was raised several months ago, you guys expressed complete disbelief Russia could do anything to Moldova though.
    Look up Moldova on the Map, and look up russia, there's this country between them... Ukraine. As long as Ukraine stands, Moldova stands. Can russia do something? Sure, they could bomb, send missiles etc. problem is that those wil have to go over Ukraine and somehow I do not think Ukraine is gonna say "yeah, sure, no problem we'll let this missiles go unmolested through our airspace to Moldova."

  11. #28111
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Look up Moldova on the Map, and look up russia, there's this country between them... Ukraine. As long as Ukraine stands, Moldova stands. Can russia do something? Sure, they could bomb, send missiles etc. problem is that those wil have to go over Ukraine and somehow I do not think Ukraine is gonna say "yeah, sure, no problem we'll let this missiles go unmolested through our airspace to Moldova."
    Well, that suggests they're confident they're going to win the Ukraine war, at least.

  12. #28112
    lool russians https://twitter.com/bigSAC10/status/1618343407075864576

    maybe get in the armour right next to you that will protect you from dying like this instead of lying around outside of it

  13. #28113
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Russia won't do shit to Moldova outside of purely economic pressure so long as this war is ongoing, because it would give Ukraine an excuse to go in and clean up that whole transnistria mess more forcefully for Moldova, removing a thorn in their own side at the same time.

  14. #28114
    Quote Originally Posted by zealo View Post
    Russia won't do shit to Moldova outside of purely economic pressure so long as this war is ongoing, because it would give Ukraine an excuse to go in and clean up that whole transnistria mess more forcefully for Moldova, removing a thorn in their own side at the same time.
    If they can't do shit to people, why do they keep threatening them with rhetoric like that? Stuff like "same fate as Ukraine."

    It makes Russia seem pussy as fuck, and also, it only angers people than scaring them for the most part. Like you guys mentioned Trump and we could look at him for an example of someone terrified of Russia and Putin.

  15. #28115
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    no, it's not simple.

    Because apart from the last line, those conditions of reparation you laid out will take probably 50 years minimum for starters alone.
    Entirely comparable to the time Germany spent occupied and divided.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Look up Moldova on the Map, and look up russia, there's this country between them... Ukraine. As long as Ukraine stands, Moldova stands. Can russia do something? Sure, they could bomb, send missiles etc. problem is that those wil have to go over Ukraine and somehow I do not think Ukraine is gonna say "yeah, sure, no problem we'll let this missiles go unmolested through our airspace to Moldova."
    Russia already has troops in a breakaway corner of Moldova. Maybe not enough to overrun the rest, but enough to fuck around and make trouble.

  16. #28116
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    If they can't do shit to people, why do they keep threatening them with rhetoric like that? Stuff like "same fate as Ukraine."

    It makes Russia seem pussy as fuck, and also, it only angers people than scaring them for the most part. Like you guys mentioned Trump and we could look at him for an example of someone terrified of Russia and Putin.
    Have you heard of the term propaganda before?

    Or are you just concerned trolling trying to get people freaked out because your Sadako avatar didn't work? (As a girl who once had discomfort seeing onryō in my favourite horror stories it had the complete opposite effect on me.).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Russia already has troops in a breakaway corner of Moldova. Maybe not enough to overrun the rest, but enough to fuck around and make trouble.
    Isn't it just 1,500 - 2,500?

  17. #28117
    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    Isn't it just 1,500 - 2,500?
    About as many for all we know but still enough for disruption.

  18. #28118
    Thank you for clarifying that Moldova is not entirely safe.

    Anyways, when Russia threatens a superpower like the US then it is pretty stupid as fuck, I concede. But when they threaten a minor region, state, or power, it is very valid after what they've done in Ukraine for one example. Skepticism is still high though; I have mentioned Kazakhstan numerous times in regard to their newfound belligerence towards Russia, but no one takes that angle seriously.

    And yes, Russians have threatened Kazak
    Last edited by YUPPIE; 2023-01-26 at 09:18 PM.

  19. #28119
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    And china has signed a NATO style defensive pact with the central asian nations.

  20. #28120
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Entirely comparable to the time Germany spent occupied and divided.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Russia already has troops in a breakaway corner of Moldova. Maybe not enough to overrun the rest, but enough to fuck around and make trouble.
    Yeah, I know, but I bet they're happy being quiet and sitting pretty right now.

    My point is Russia won't be invading properly without being able to go through Ukraine.

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