1. #28581
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    That, or he just is smarter than your average tin pot dictator in that he doesn't rig elections into ridiculousness. I don't actually think that, but if a dictator would rig the elections to win by 52% you'd leave just enough plausibility to have people think it's legit. As for Serbia, they've recently been less happy with russia and they're even going so far as to say that Crimea and the Donbas are legal parts of Ukraine, which isn't exactly supporting russia.
    From what I've heard from my brother-in-law (Hungarian born, family still there) Orban's internal propaganda machine is very very potent and there are quite a lot of people who straight up believe everything he says. I would not expect him to be going anywhere any time soon, and even if he does, it would likely be for someone with broadly similar policies and opinions. He has simply been too successful pushing "You need me to protect you from the evils of the world"

  2. #28582
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynarii View Post
    From what I've heard from my brother-in-law (Hungarian born, family still there) Orban's internal propaganda machine is very very potent and there are quite a lot of people who straight up believe everything he says. I would not expect him to be going anywhere any time soon, and even if he does, it would likely be for someone with broadly similar policies and opinions. He has simply been too successful pushing "You need me to protect you from the evils of the world"
    I have no doubt there's a sizable segment who feels that way. Hungary has always been known as the most xenophobic of all the old eastern bloc states. (well, in my home country anyway)

  3. #28583
    It's not news Russia is committing an ethnic and cultural genocide of Ukraine, but yeah:

    Russians caught burning any Ukrainian books they find, citing it as Nazi literature that must all be destroyed

    Ironically, commentators have stated these actions directly parallel the Nazi's own actions

  4. #28584
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It's not news Russia is committing an ethnic and cultural genocide of Ukraine, but yeah:

    Russians caught burning any Ukrainian books they find, citing it as Nazi literature that must all be destroyed

    Ironically, commentators have stated these actions directly parallel the Nazi's own actions
    russian soldiers acting like Nazis? Say it ain't so!!

  5. #28585
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It's not news Russia is committing an ethnic and cultural genocide of Ukraine, but yeah:

    Russians caught burning any Ukrainian books they find, citing it as Nazi literature that must all be destroyed

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Ironically, commentators have stated these actions directly parallel the Nazi's own actions
    Whaaaaaaaat? No way.

  6. #28586
    Pro-russian shills are out in force today spruiking the most bogus set of ludicrous numbers you have ever seen - I'm surprised it hasn't been spruiked here yet by certain posters. In typical russian fashion, their stooges are saying it comes from multiple different places, yet always with the same numbers, just to muddy the waters. It comes from a Turkish newspaper citing an unofficial mossad twitter or a hastily deleted tweet by the EU commissioner or leaked notes from a Biden-Zelesnsky talk.

    And also in typical russian fashion it is so over the top in its claims that only the most gullible would fall for it. Which is why Musk did at first, only to make a semi sorry not sorry apology when called out on it.

    If you believe this leak, then russia has only used 1/6th of their army and destroyed over half Ukraine's army and only suffered 1/7th the casualties and 1/10th the deaths in the process. And destroyed 10 times the number of planes they have lost, despite verified russian losses being twice as high as claimed. Oh, and if you added up every single planes in the Ukrainian air force, including trainers and transports, it still doesn't reach the number of claimed losses.

    And to top if off, it claims that more than 5000 mercenaries and nearly 3000 NATO troops have died in Ukraine. Thats almost as many as Coalition forces suffered in 20 years in Afghanistan. Given all media in russia is state controlled, they just don't understand how the media works in the west. If even one serving NATO soldier was killed in Ukraine, the free press would be all over it in multiple countries. But 3000? There is no chance in hell you could cover up that many dead in the West, unlike in russia.

  7. #28587
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    And also in typical russian fashion it is so over the top in its claims that only the most gullible would fall for it. Which is why Musk did at first, only to make a semi sorry not sorry apology when called out on it.

    Im a Turkish journalist & never heard this supposedly Turkish local paper which has no source in it, and says, acc to MOSSAD...
    w no attribution, no link.. it only says "according to claim.."
    Even my aunt would be more careful.
    Rofl, Turkish journalist has no chill and I love him. But real, it's wild to me that so many people, especially so many "Very Smart(TM)" people keep falling for the hilariously low effort, transparent misinformation attempts.

    Compare to what they even did during the 2016 US election, these efforts seem positively embarrassing from Russian agents.

  8. #28588
    do you people feel any sympathy or pity when russians living abroad complain people are being racist and abusive to them?

  9. #28589
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    do you people feel any sympathy or pity when russians living abroad complain people are being racist and abusive to them?
    To an extent, yes, they didn't ask for their government to be a twit. But if they support their government: stuff 'em.

  10. #28590
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    they didn't ask for their government to be a twit.
    definition: "a silly or foolish person."

    I would not use something rather lighthearted to describe Putin, who is a mass murderer complicit in the deaths and misery of over a billion people in his lifetime.

    That aside, for an update on the war front, business is still good between Russia and India

    Despite the Russian Federation being heavily sanctioned by many countries that also affect others who try to buy arms from the pariah, some still retain close ties with Moscow. This includes India which remains one of the main clients of the Russian military industry.

    This is horrible because it's the business of arms manufacturing. India is seemingly helping Russia's war machine.

  11. #28591
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    definition: "a silly or foolish person."

    I would not use something rather lighthearted to describe Putin, who is a mass murderer complicit in the deaths and misery of over a billion people in his lifetime.
    Way to focus on the wrong thing... again.

  12. #28592
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    A billion people?

  13. #28593
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    definition: "a silly or foolish person."

    I would not use something rather lighthearted to describe Putin, who is a mass murderer complicit in the deaths and misery of over a billion people in his lifetime.

    That aside, for an update on the war front, business is still good between Russia and India

    Despite the Russian Federation being heavily sanctioned by many countries that also affect others who try to buy arms from the pariah, some still retain close ties with Moscow. This includes India which remains one of the main clients of the Russian military industry.

    This is horrible because it's the business of arms manufacturing. India is seemingly helping Russia's war machine.
    So Putin has killed 7 times the population of Russia?
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  14. #28594
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Finland leaving Sweden behind is "speculative".

    Is it just me that feels that's exactly what's gonna happen?

  15. #28595
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Well that is a interesting video:

    If you buy that game you support russa in war pretty much as the publishers who made this support the russan goverment.
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  16. #28596
    some of you humans here doubting the claim about Putin's body count should read about his upbringing, life, and career. He has been involved in and instigating wars and conflict almost all his life. Never has history associated such death and ruination with a man other than Hitler himself.

    So on the latest in war crimes: Russian forces gun down a trio of civilians, including a little boy.
    Last edited by YUPPIE; 2023-02-07 at 11:04 AM.

  17. #28597
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    some of you humans here doubting the claim about Putin's body count should read about his upbringing, life, and career. He has been involved in and instigating wars and conflict almost all his life. Never has history associated such death and ruination with a man other than Hitler himself.

    So on the latest in war crimes: Russian forces gun down a trio of civilians, including a little boy.
    Dude...1 BILLION is a LOT of people, we would have noticed that gap. You don't kill 1/7 th of all humans unnoticed.

    Also, Mao, just saying.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2023-02-07 at 11:14 AM.

  18. #28598
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Dude...1 BILLION is a LOT of people, we would have noticed that gap. You don't kill 1/7 th of all humans unnoticed.
    "complicit in the deaths and misery"

    that means not just killing people, but ruining the lives of the living as well.

    And it's not a contest, but I've seen people claim Henry Kissinger is more evil and far-reaching than Putin

  19. #28599
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynarii View Post
    From what I've heard from my brother-in-law (Hungarian born, family still there) Orban's internal propaganda machine is very very potent and there are quite a lot of people who straight up believe everything he says.
    Mostly because they are insulated from opposing viewpoints. Orbán either owns or has cowed into silence all the TV's, all the radios, all the print media. You can find real news on the internet, but 1) most of his base is undereducated 2) facts are being drowned out by noise. Orbán's propaganda machine is loud and well-financed but peddle very obvious lies. Of course, at this point, they do not even need to try hard.

  20. #28600
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Finland leaving Sweden behind is "speculative".

    Is it just me that feels that's exactly what's gonna happen?
    Both countries joining is purely symbolic. They already have a mutual defence pact with Europe and if Europe joins Finland or Sweden in a war with Russia the US is going to be right behind.

    For all intents and purposes they are already under NATO protection.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

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