1. #29141
    In places like russia, sports and the government are so deeply entwined and used for prestige it is hard to seperate them. Even if allowed as 'neutrals', russia will still use it for propaganda purposes. Plus a lot of the athletes are part of military clubs as well.

  2. #29142
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    That's really kinda the case everywhere, isn't it? I mean the US does it, the Netherlands, the britts, pretty much everyone.

  3. #29143
    And if those countries were committing genocide, I'd be in favour of banning them too.

    In a very Big Brother display, billboards and countdowns have gone up around Moscow telling the serfs to watch pootie's upcoming speech. Not that it'll be live, as pootie will have pre-recorded this one as well. I doubt he is planning anything stupid as if he was there would be signs and Western Intelligence would have picked up on it already.

    Hard to guess what he will say - could be more mobilisation, could be a claim of 'victory.' Guess we will find out very soon.

  4. #29144
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voidism View Post
    There have been so many "mask off" moments the past year. Some Libertarians (!?) proving themselves to be in cahoots with russia now.

    putin really had and have his finger in so many butts on all sides.

    I am not claiming every person who is against helping Ukraine is necessarily a russian ally or stooge, but some specific powerful people (yes, compared to regular people - they have "megaphones") are as we can see in that rally. It really is surprising to me how many higher ups in America openly flaunts this. Mindboggling.
    I mean on the most simple level Russia knows about destabilizing personalities. The right-wing of American politics by and large weakens the US internally and externally when they are in power (obviously evident with someone like trump) which is why Russia supports them.

    But this isn’t an issue where they can sort of just be contrarian roadblocks about things in a way that will somewhat incidentally help Russia down the road when people have stopped caring. They have to rather patently put their support behind Russia to keep the money flowing into their pockets, and the prospect of supporting Russia over Ukraine is not popular with the American people.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  5. #29145
    Pandaren Monk
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    Expressen, in cooperation with several European media, can today reveal Russia's secret plans to take over neighboring Belarus.

    A leaked document from the Kremlin describes how the country will be subjected to Russia step by step.

    Russian law is to be introduced – expanded military presence with a common command system, the political system is to be taken over by pro-Russian forces, the Belarusian language and culture are to be repressed, and Russian passports are to be distributed to create a "stockpile" of Russian citizens.

    The Directorate for Cross-Border Cooperation is a newly formed part of Russian President Vladimir Putin's power structure. It is largely composed of personnel from the intelligence and security services. In the spring of 2021, the department was tasked with developing Russia's new strategy for neighboring Belarus.

    The document "Strategic goals of the Russian Federation in the Belarusian direction" describes in dry bureaucrat language how Russia will step by step by 2030 take over the neighboring country with nine million inhabitants and which borders the EU and NATO countries Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

    The document covers the whole of society, large and small. From common borders, currency and military to more Belarusian children being sent to patriotic centers in Russia.

    The goal is to cut off Western influence, create a common resistance to NATO and push away the Belarusian identity, replacing it with a Russian one.
    Expressen has taken note of the leaked document in an international collaboration with investigative journalists in Europe and the United States.

    The document is divided into three time horizons until 2022, 2025 and 2030 when the process should be completed.

    A source at a Western intelligence agency, who is familiar with the document, says the timetable for implementation has changed due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    " The war has slowed down the implementation of the plan as stated in the strategy document, but it has far from stopped it. The long-term goal of taking total control of Belarus has not changed, the source said.

    Similar plans are also to be drawn up for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, as well as Moldova and Ukraine. According to source data, the strategy plan was presented to Vladimir Putin's close associate Dmitri Kozak, who is the deputy head of the presidential administration.

    Hottest fan fiction by desperate orcish empire. Belarus sure sounds plausible even if they are going to have a bloodied revolution at hand. But the people and the army likely are not gonna accept the said outcome. Who knows? The others? Good fucking luck poking NATO countries
    Last edited by Saradain; 2023-02-21 at 08:57 AM.

  6. #29146
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post


    Hottest fan fiction by desperate orcish empire. Belarus sure sounds plausible even if they are going to have a bloodied revolution at hand. But the people and the army likely are not gonna accept the said outcome. Who knows? The others? Good fucking luck poking NATO countries
    To be fair, the first part, the expanded military cooperation has already happened.

    But yeah, the NATO countries are not going to happen. It's amazing how disconnected they are and how delusional they are about this stuff.

  7. #29147
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post


    Hottest fan fiction by desperate orcish empire. Belarus sure sounds plausible even if they are going to have a bloodied revolution at hand. But the people and the army likely are not gonna accept the said outcome. Who knows? The others? Good fucking luck poking NATO countries
    I wonder if this was made when Trump was president and the idea of him at least attempting to pull the US out of NATO seemed realistic if he won a second term.

  8. #29148
    Usual drivel from pootie in his speech so far, trying to blame the west and make out russia is the victim.

  9. #29149
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Usual drivel from pootie in his speech so far, trying to blame the west and make out russia is the victim.
    Dictator speech 101, the outsider is the enemy and I'm your friend.

  10. #29150
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Usual drivel from pootie in his speech so far, trying to blame the west and make out russia is the victim.
    dont forget the nazis, satan and the gays

    'The west is proposing the idea of a gender-neutral God. Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do'

    this made me laugh tho, how big u reckon gods balls are?

  11. #29151
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    dont forget the nazis, satan and the gays
    That's exactly what. Said evil West is using all the means against Russia, including from terrorists, to nazis and even devil itself!

    Putin's filler arc in his tragic story nearing the end every passing day.

  12. #29152
    But remember guys: ruZZia is not attacking the Ukrainian people.
    If you were to listen to this drivel seriously you'd think the war is happening in the US or Germany.

    Can't someone just shoot him at this point? Done and done.

  13. #29153
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    But remember guys: ruZZia is not attacking the Ukrainian people.
    If you were to listen to this drivel seriously you'd think the war is happening in the US or Germany.
    I wouldn't be surprised if some of the speech is calling to right wing groups in the west to cause more trouble. Essentially get those that have been against social progress to hit back more.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Seems like he's on the "I totally care about our troops for reals." with fake proposals.

  14. #29154
    Pandaren Monk
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    Finnish translation states little Putin said that "in the West, pedophilia is declared as a normal thing" because the West recognizes same sex marriage. While in the next sentence Putin says "It is good. They are adults. They have the right to live their life. We have always been very tolerant of that in Russia".


    Did he say...that Russia is tolerant of pedophiles? Or did he even have any faintest idea of the things he spoke of?

    Or is the finnish translation somehow scuffed...?

  15. #29155
    It's like listening to a less coherent Alex Jones.

  16. #29156
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    Or did he even have any faintest idea of the things he spoke of?
    No he doesn't. His airing of grievances have always been an incoherent word salad.

  17. #29157
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    Finnish translation states little Putin said that "in the West, pedophilia is declared as a normal thing" because the West recognizes same sex marriage. While in the next sentence Putin says "It is good. They are adults. They have the right to live their life. We have always been very tolerant of that in Russia".


    Did he say...that Russia is tolerant of pedophiles? Or did he even have any faintest idea of the things he spoke of?

    Or is the finnish translation somehow scuffed...?
    It was similar in English but it seemed he meant more consenting adults in private. Of corse looking at Russian laws we know he doesn't mean it.

  18. #29158
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    BCan't someone just shoot him at this point? Done and done.
    While cathartic, that wouldn't change anything. Some of his KGB cronies would take the hat and keep the shitshow going.

  19. #29159
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    While cathartic, that wouldn't change anything. Some of his KGB cronies would take the hat and keep the shitshow going.
    Maybe, but it's worth a shot. Doing nothing certainly changes nothing.

  20. #29160
    Boasting about lower unemployment when 1-2million have fled and 100,000s more have been drafted/kia/wia/pow in Ukraine is a bit silly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Now praising private business, how are the tankies going to defend that part.

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