1. #29521
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    wait..... thats not even a video let alone of someone being tortured......
    Please reread my first post.

  2. #29522
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghotihook View Post
    Oh if it's not happening to you it's definitely not happening to anyone else.
    Quote Originally Posted by ghotihook View Post
    Please reread my first post.
    that was your first post??

  3. #29523
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    that was your first post??
    JFC if you can't even take the effort to read my first reply to you again and see how your statement is wrong I don't know what to do with you. I literally never said that the first image was the video.

  4. #29524
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghotihook View Post
    JFC if you can't even take the effort to read my first reply to you again and see how your statement is wrong I don't know what to do with you. I literally never said that the first image was the video.
    If thats the post you are talking about my reply still stands... prove me wrong........ You have yet to post a war porn video trending high with no warning.

  5. #29525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    If thats the post you are talking about my reply still stands... prove me wrong........ You have yet to post a war porn video trending high with no warning.
    Ok fine, since you're either too dumb or too lazy to look up my post.
    They already said it's on twitter. I literally typed "Ukraine" and that story was the first thing there. I scroll down 4 more posts and there is a video of someone getting kicked and burried alive. They are just saying its trending right now, so warning. I also NEVER use twitter and only tested what other people already said.
    I am NOT going to post that here, it is literally is against TOS.

  6. #29526
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghotihook View Post
    Ok fine, since you're either too dumb or too lazy to look up my post.

    I am NOT going to post that here, it is literally is against TOS.

    That was not your first reply..... is there some form of English where first reply really means second reply?

    There was already a video of a Russian officer being beat to death posted here. posting a link to another page is not against any rules.

  7. #29527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    That was not your first reply..... is there some form of English where first reply really means second reply?

    There was already a video of a Russian officer being beat to death posted here. posting a link to another page is not against any rules.
    That still does not address your lack of reading comprehension since I NEVER said the first one was a video as you claimed.

    Just cause someone isn't punished it's not against TOS? Good thing the real world works like that. Do you really feel this is the best MODed forum?

  8. #29528
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    I see we don't need Yuppie to make this thread go bananaz.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  9. #29529
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghotihook View Post
    That still does not address your lack of reading comprehension since I NEVER said the first one was a video as you claimed.

    Just cause someone isn't punished it's not against TOS? Good thing the real world works like that. Do you really feel this is the best MODed forum?
    Where did I make the claim the video was the first one? huh? You do know high =/= first right? 4th would count as high in the list.

    My claim is very simple. Your average person, even in this thread, is not gonna just come across this video without already either looking at war footage of Ukraine or searching for it currently. Therefore a general warning is not needed and sounded more like a "hey there is this video out there if you want to see it" to me.

    Does this mean no one will ever come across it randomly? No, but the chances of your average user finding this randomly with no warning on it is slim to none.

  10. #29530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Where did I make the claim the video was the first one? huh? You do know high =/= first right? 4th would count as high in the list.

    My claim is very simple. Your average person, even in this thread, is not gonna just come across this video without already either looking at war footage of Ukraine or searching for it currently. Therefore a general warning is not needed and sounded more like a "hey there is this video out there if you want to see it" to me.

    Does this mean no one will ever come across it randomly? No, but the chances of your average user finding this randomly with no warning on it is slim to none.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    wait..... thats not even a video let alone of someone being tortured......
    There you go, I quoted your own statement for you.

    Multiple people said they did including me. YOU'RE the odd one out that is jumping through hoops and still proven wrong. Is it perhaps that just maybe it's just you? It was a fair warning and there was literally no harm in it. For some reason though you felt you had to say they shouldn't do that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I see we don't need Yuppie to make this thread go bananaz.
    Crap sorry I ruined it

  11. #29531
    What a monumentally stupid hill to die on. Good luck with the mental recovery during your vacation, I guess.

  12. #29532
    Elemental Lord callipygoustp's Avatar
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    I don't follow twitter other than clicking on twitter links found here and other forums/news sites. I have casually, very casually, been looking for the said video : No go.


    I don't really care about it, but, just thought I would throw it out there.

  13. #29533
    And over on RT, the Skank has a new comedy routine - apparently the UK is spending so much on Ukraine that there are food shortages and restaurants are now serving squirrel.

    So what she is actually saying is that russia is spending so much that they are having shortages.

  14. #29534
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    And over on RT, the Skank has a new comedy routine - apparently the UK is spending so much on Ukraine that there are food shortages and restaurants are now serving squirrel.

    So what she is actually saying is that russia is spending so much that they are having shortages.
    Coming soon: Soylent Red!
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  15. #29535
    A USAF General has confirmed that Ukraine now has JDAMs, which is a cheap and plentiful kit that converts dumb bombs into precision glide bombs that can hit targets at up to 45 miles away.

    There had been some speculation previous they might have it after some recent strikes on russian positions that were a little too big for artillery or HIMARs. The HIMARs rockets which have been causing so many problems for russia have a 200lb warhead. The JDAM kits can be fitted to 500lb, 1000lb or 2000lb bombs, which is a serious upgrade over artillery shells or HIMARS.

  16. #29536
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    And over on RT, the Skank has a new comedy routine - apparently the UK is spending so much on Ukraine that there are food shortages and restaurants are now serving squirrel.

    So what she is actually saying is that russia is spending so much that they are having shortages.
    At least they're getting a half-truth with this with shortages of certain veg

  17. #29537
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    What a monumentally stupid hill to die on. Good luck with the mental recovery during your vacation, I guess.
    They’ve gone super hostile and it’s fucking wild.

  18. #29538
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    European and US intelligence officials have obtained tentative intelligence to suggest a pro-Ukrainian saboteur group may have been behind the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines last year

    In a rare moment of agreement both Ukraine and the kremlin deny this.

    "Kremlin dismisses tentative intelligence from European and US agencies as a bid by the perpetrators to divert attention".
    Obviously for different reasons...

  19. #29539
    Even if the Ukrainians are responsible for blowing up Nord Stream, they frankly did all of us and especially Germany a collective favor by putting another nail in the coffin on the dependence on Russian gas. A year and a half ago the notion that Europe could unhook itself from Russian energy would have been considered a far fetched ridiculous notion, and people would have said even attempting it would ruin Europe.

    Well...Here we are.

  20. #29540
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Even if the Ukrainians are responsible for blowing up Nord Stream, they frankly did all of us and especially Germany a collective favor by putting another nail in the coffin on the dependence on Russian gas. A year and a half ago the notion that Europe could unhook itself from Russian energy would have been considered a far fetched ridiculous notion, and people would have said even attempting it would ruin Europe.
    A very questionable way to frame it, to say the least.

    First off, it's entirely speculative to say that the Ukrainian Government was involved, however if it was, then i just ask myself whether they actually thought this through, because:
    Nordstream 2 is closed on a technicality and only partially damaged, it could still deliver some gas if Germany really wanted it.

    Furthermore, this would massively damage their reputation within Germany.
    Keep in mind, this whole reluctance of Germany towards aiding Ukraine isn't just purely economically from the top to get cheap gas, but also has support in Germany, especially the former GDR states.
    There, supporting Ukraine is rather unpopular, such a move would massively boost the narrative that Germany should not get further involved.
    And to further throw something onto the pile, there's going to be state elections exactly in those areas this / next year, where the parties that are rather Russia friendly would likely turn out to become the strongest faction within the state parliament.
    At which point they would gain further power to delay / reduce aid for Ukraine.

    Germany may not give as much as other nations in relative terms, but in absolute terms, they're giving Ukraine still quite a lot (barring the US obviously).

    And that's just within Germany, this would be also fodder for any US Representative seeking to reduce / end aid for Ukraine if they commit sabotage on states that are even on friendly terms with them.

    I think the underlying theme of this war is, as it is often, that the ends do not justify the means.
    Implying that it's somehow acceptable for Ukraine to sabotage infrastructure of nations to force a continued support for them is dangling very close to terrorism.

    The only way for this to remotely make sense from an official ukrainian position would be if they had information that Germany was about to sell them out and thus wanted to shut the whole thing down, which is entirely speculative.
    But the damage it would do to Ukraine's reputation is tremendous, which is obviously fucking dangerous for a country that is completely reliant on foreign aid to continue this war.
    Last edited by Kralljin; 2023-03-08 at 04:45 PM.

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